Chapter 19

Fishy's Love

Chaerin sat on the sofa, looking down and played with her own fingers. While the man that brought her back is busily running in and out, totally leaving her to herself.

‘Omma….I am back…. She is here…’ He shouted at the lady who is busy tiding up the kitchen.

‘Oh~ Welcome back, Donghwa… Who??’ Mrs.Lee looked up, smiled and nodded at Chaerin. She washed her hand, walking out toward Chaerin.

Oh… ajummeoni…’ Chaerin greeted, attempting to stand up. Mrs.Lee shook her head, gesturing her to sit down. Chaerin bowed to her slightly and smiled at her.

‘Chaerin ah….’ Mrs.Lee called out to her name, holding her hand. ‘Its u right?’ Mrs.Lee asked.

‘Yes… ajumeoni…Chaerin inmida…’ Chaerin is quite surprised, how would Donghwa oppa and Mrs.Lee know her?

‘Chaerin, why are u here?’

‘I… I… just ….wish to take a walk here…’

‘Because Hae told u how beautiful Mokpo is?’ Mrs.Lee chuckled.

‘…………’Not knowing how to answer, Chaerin smiled at Mrs.Lee.

‘Chaerin….. u decided to stop running away?’

‘I… don’t get you, ajeumeoni…’Chaerin looked at her, not sure what is she referring to.

‘From my Hae…’ Mrs.Lee said.

‘I still don’t get…u…’ Chaerin said, looking down.

‘Hae been cooping in his room since the day he come back from Seoul….’

‘So?’ Chaerin frowned, looking at Mrs.Lee.

‘He doesn’t love Hanuel…’

‘Ajumeonni….’ Chaerin looked at Mrs.Lee, shocked.

‘He is my son…..’

‘I am sorry but I don’t know why are u telling me this…’ Chaerin said, biting her lip.

‘U know it, girl….He told me everything….’


‘I am sorry, I am but just a selfish mother…..Nothing matter more than my son’s happiness…’

‘But I cant do that…..’ Chaerin looked at Mrs.Lee, tears b in her eyes…




Chaerin tapped at the door softly, waiting patiently outside for the owner of the room to respond.

‘I don’t want dinner, omma….’He shouted from inside.

‘Lee Donghae…..Didn’t u say u wanted to show me around Mokpo??’ Chaerin asked, the room fall into silent….Chaerin wait patiently for his reply. However nothing come from him.

‘Are u going to throw me alone at Mokpo?’ Chaerin asked again. Moment later, Chaerin heard a series of foot tapping on the floor and sound of things being knocked down. Chaerin cringe her nose at the sound of Donghae cursing something that blocked his way, chuckling softly after that. The door is being swung open furiously by the owner, who looked breathless from all the cursing and running.

‘Chaerin??’ Donghae looked at her, unable to believe she is here at Mokpo, in his house.

‘Lee Donghae… why aren’t u eating your dinner?’ Chaerin asked.

‘I….’ Donghae looked at her, grabbing at her hand.

‘I am real….’ Chaerin chuckled, squeezing his hand.

‘Chaerin…..’ Donghae enveloped her into a hug, closing his eyes. He started to sob upon the feeling of the warmness that comes from her body.

‘Don’t be a baby….’ Chaerin chuckled, between tears….

‘Chaerin… why are u here? Are u here to look for me? How long will u stay? Yes, of course, I will show u around Mokpo…..’ Donghae unhugged her, giving her his sunshine smile between his tears, blabbering at her non -top.

‘U look ugly when u cry…And how am I to answer so many questions at 1 go?’ Chaerin chuckled, wiping away his tears.

‘Im Chaerin!!! So will u stay? Yes or no?’

‘Yes, on one condition…’ Chaerin bargain.

‘Im Chaerin, its not the right time for joke….’ Donghae said, rolling his eyes.

‘I am serious…. If u don’t agree to it, I will go away immediately, NOW…’ Chaerin said, serious.




‘Hey….come on up…’ Donghae stooped down, gesturing Chaerin to get on his back.

‘No….I rather walks up myself…’ Chaerin ignored Donghae and overtakes him, walking toward Yudal San.

‘If u don’t get up I will carry u bridal style…’ Donghae smirked, crossing his arms.

‘Childish Fish…’ Ignoring him still, Chaerin climbed up the steep road, smiling…

‘I mean it….’ Donghae pulled her to him, looking at her… suddenly doesn’t feel like carrying her anymore… He prefers to kiss her now… He caresses Chaerin’s blushing cheek softly and tilted his head, kissing gently on her soft lip. Chaerin clung on to him and responded to his kiss shyly…Donghae pecked on her forehead after broking off from their lip-lock and took her hand in his, walking up the slope.

‘Chaerin, do u want to visit the Yudal Beach later? It’s the best beach I ever seen’ Donghae asked, proud of his hometown’s beach.

‘To you, maybe…’ Chaerin teased.

‘Don’t judge before u seen it. U might fall in love with it~’

‘I seen it… that’s the place where Donghwa oppa found me..’

‘Donghwa oppa??? YAH~ how come u never call me oppa??? Wae? Wae??’ Donghae shouted at Chaerin who is chuckling at his childishness.

‘Cos u doesn’t behave like an oppa..’ Chaerin stuck out her tongue at him and continued walking, ignoring him.

‘U better call me oppa now… PPALLI!!!’ Donghae hugged Chaerin from behind, tickling her.

‘Stop it… Childish fish. For your information, I am not ticklish….’ Chaerin laughed, turning around to face him, poking his waist. Donghae nudged and twisted, trying to avoid Chaerin’s attack.

‘So….. u are ticklish?’ Chaerin asked, smirking at him…

‘Im Chaerin…. Keep away from me, keep away….’ Donghae pointed his fingers at her, keep on backing, trying to keep a distant from her.

‘Here I come Lee Donghae…’ Chaerin laughed and run to him fast. Without wasting any more time, Donghae turned his body and run for his life~




Chaerin and Donghae lied on the white sand, looking at the stars that are shining brightly right now…  (click to listen)

*Shining Star!! like a little diamond, makes me love

내겐꿈결같은달콤한미소로바라보며속삭여줘항상함께할거라 (Naegen kkoomgyeolgateun dalkomhan misoro nal barabomyeo soksagyeojweo Hangsang hamkke halgeora till the end of Time….’Donghae started to hum to Chaerin, who is enjoying it thoroughly..

‘Nice song…. Very meaningful…’

Heechul hyung is going to propose with this song…’ Donghae elated, turning to smile at Chaerin.

‘Erm… he still haven’t propose yet?’

‘Not in front of the ELF, and hyung su nim haven’t accept his previous proposals yet…’

‘So romantic of him to do so…’

‘Sshhh…. It’s a secret…’

‘I know….’

‘Chaerin….. I….’ Donghae turned and looked at Chaerin… Holding out for her hand.

‘Lee Donghae, please do not say meaningless words…’ Chaerin said, closing her eyes. Donghae leaned over and peck on her lip, brushing away the hairs on her face.

 ‘Make good use of the time we have right?’ Donghae asked.


‘So I am going to kiss u a lot…’ Donghae smirked at her.

‘Lee…..’ Donghae quieten her down by his passionate kiss.

‘U devil….’ Chaerin said after Donghae broke off from their lip lock. She rests her head on his shoulder, poking Donghae chest with her finger.

‘Do I? ever seen such a handsome devil?’ Donghae asked, taking her hand in his and placed on his chest, kissing her forehead...

‘Haha! Thick skinned guy…’ Chaerin chuckled, snuggling closer to him….

Chaerin squeeze at Donghae’s hand, looking at his handsome face. He turned and smiled to her, holding up her hand and gave it a peck.

‘It’s strange how u can be attracted to someone…’ Donghae said, looking at her.

‘Yes…’ Chaerin smiled, thought of how he used to hate her.

‘What is so charming about u?’ Donghae asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

‘And what is so special about u?’ Chaerin chuckled.

‘Hey~ I am the famous Super Junior Lee Donghae. Didn’t u realize I am the heart throb of many young girls out there?’

‘Oh really? I don’t know…’ Chaerin snickered, pulling away her hand from him.

‘Yeah… many girls are dying to be with me, like what u are doing now… So u better appreciate it…’

‘I do…. I really do, Hae…. I wish times will just stop here forever…’ Chaerin sat up, looking at Donghae.

‘Do u know…. I had a good mind to stay here forever, not going back at all…If only u are willing to do so with me…’ Donghae sat up too, pulling her into a hug.

‘I wish I can too…. But a lots of things goes against human wish isn’t it?’ Chaerin leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.


‘This is life, Hae… accept it…’




‘Chaerin ah… Please come and visit me again all right?’ Mrs.Lee looked at her with teary eyes, holding her hand.

‘Ajumeoni….’ Chaerin step forward and hugged her, with tears trickling down her cheek. She wanted so much to say yes, but she can’t promise… cos she don’t think she can do it…

‘Chaerin ah….’ Mrs.Lee sobbed, hugging Chaerin close to her, she doesn’t feel like letting go of her at all.

‘I am sorry, ajumeoni… I have to go…’ Chaerin move away from Mrs.Lee, wiping away the tears from the kind lady’s face.

‘Omma….Hyung, we gotta go….’ Donghae hugged at his mother and hyung before he took Chaerin’s hand in his.

‘Take care, child…’ Mrs.Lee waved at them… heaving out a heavy sigh after that.

Donghae and Chaerin walked in to Mokpo train station, waiting for the train back to Seoul. Donghae decided to take train instead so he can have more time with her…

‘Come on…’Donghae let go of Chaerin’s hand, gesturing her to sit down.

‘Thanks…’ Chaerin sat down, looking at Donghae who is sitting down too. He smiles as he took her hand in his again. She leaned her head to his shoulder, closing her eyes. Donghae kissed her hairs and closed his eyes too. Although they don’t talk, but the silent is not awkward at all between the two of them… Its calming, and they both feel warm deep down inside. Is this the so called comfort silent between couple?

The three hours train ride from Mokpo to Seoul seem to be too short for Chaerin and Donghae… reluctantly, they walked out from the train, keeping silent still… Donghae send Chaerin back to her apartment, holding to her hand tight. The nearer the apartment is the sadder he is, same goes to Chaerin. He holds on to her hand tightly, unwilling to let it go, even though they are standing in front of her main door right now.

‘I am home…’ Chaerin looked at Donghae, will sorrowful eyes.

‘Chaerin… I love u….’ Donghae pulled her into a hug, sobbing.

‘Hae…. I love u too…. I am sorry….’ Chaerin wrapped her arms around Donghae and started to sob as if her heart would break.

‘Why? Why does it have to be this way?’ Donghae said between his tears, tightening his grip.

‘Because this is how it should be, my love….’ Chaerin drifted away from Donghae, looking at him in the eyes.

‘Maybe…We…’ Donghae said, looking at her.

‘If there’s next life, maybe yes…’ Chaerin looked at Donghae, squeezing out a faint smile.

‘Chaerin…..’ Donghae hold on to her hand, attempting to pull her into a hug again.

‘Goodbye, my love….’ Chaerin placed her hand on his chest and leaned forward, kissing his lip. They both tasted each other’s tears as their lip touched. Chaerin break off from their lip lock and dashed in to her apartment, leaving Donghae standing alone outside, tears keep flowing from his eyes…

Hanuel couldn’t stop her tears upon witnessing his fiancé and her best friend kissing in front of her. She never ever expects the two most trusted person in her life will betrayed her like this. Much that she wanted to push away the thought that they have some sort of rendezvous behind her back, she couldn’t do that anymore now… She is heartbroken, how is she going to face the 2 of them in future?  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10