Chapter 25

Fishy's Love

‘Please Hanuel…. I beg of u…. can u please visit them before they go for their operation?’ Suan looked at Hanuel who is walking away briskly upon being caught by Suan that she is peeping at Chaerin again.

‘Operation?!!!’ Hanuel turned back, looking at Suan.

‘Yes… Hae is going to donate his bone narrow to Chaerin… As u know… every operation..’ Suan stunned, unable to continue with her words.

‘Suan…. They will be alright, right????’

‘I know we are not that close previously and I am definitely not in the position to request anything from u… I am sure…both Hae and Chaerin will be very happy to gain your forgiveness…’

‘Suan, put yourself in my shoes… Is it that easy to forgive?’ Hanuel asked, looking at Suan.

‘I….’ Suan looked at Hanuel… Yes, she agree… its not easy.

‘So, please don’t force me..’ Hanuel said, walking away.

‘Hanuel… but u still concern about them doesn’t u?’ Suan asked.

‘…………’ Hanuel continued to walk ahead, ignoring her.

‘Else u won’t be here…’ Suan continued. ‘Their operation is on the day after tomorrow…’

Hanuel closed her eyes painfully, walking away.




‘Hae…’ Chaerin squeezed at Donghae’s hand, who is now lying beside her.

‘Yeobo… don’t worry, everything will be fine…’ Donghae wrapped his hand around Chaerin’s cold hand.

‘Yes, everything will be fine…’ Mrs.Lee looked at her son and daughter in law.

‘Just bear it for a moment all right?’ Mr.Im said, nodding at them too.

‘Fishy~ I will be waiting for u right here, all right?’ Eunhyuk slapped on Donghae’s arm. Donghae smiled at him, punching on his fist.

‘All right… Hae~ we will all be here for u…’ Leeteuk gave Donghae an encouraging smile.

‘Thanks… we will be fine…’ Donghae smiled and turned, looking at Chaerin.

‘Wait.. look who is here…’ Suan beckoned, looking at HaeRin couple.

‘Doggie….’ Hanuel looked at Chaerin and Donghae from far, biting her lip.

‘HANUEL!’ both Donghae and Chaerin sat up, looking at Hanuel.

‘Yes… I am here…’ Hanuel walked toward Chaerin, looking at her.

‘Hanuel… thanks for coming… so…. Are u… ready to… forgive us?’ Chaerin asked, looking at Hanuel.

‘No….’ Hanuel elated.

‘Hanuel??’ Suan exclaimed in surprise.

‘Not before both of u comes out safe and sound…’ Hanuel elated, stepping forward and gave Chaerin a hug.

‘Thanks u,Pinky… thank u…’ Chaerin hugged her back, sobbing..

‘Now remember, come out safe and sound all right? Both of u…’ Hanuel said between her tears, nodding  at Donghae who is looking at her.

‘Thanks… Hanuel…’ Donghae smiled at her, really grateful of Hanuel…




‘There is no operation at all?’ Leeteul exclaimed in surprise, looking at Mr.Im.

‘Sad to say…nothing could cure this sickness….’ Mr.Im said.

‘Huh? But the bone narrow thing….’

‘Hahahahahahah!!! Yes yes~ I said it just to test my son in law…’ Mr.Im stated.

‘But… Chaerin been feeling unwell all these while..’ Suan asked

‘Mine doing as well… I am just getting the doctor prescribe some medicine to let Chaerin get some more rest… not big issue~’ Mr.Im said, nodding at the rest of the boys.

‘Hmn… so we are all being… duped?’ Sungmin said, rubbing his chin.

‘Hahahahahahaha! I am sorry… initially I wanted to give up on this scheme… but I decided to carry on…Might as well I gotten Hanuel to forgive my daughter 1stsince I already started it~ Hahahaha!!!’ Mr.Im laughed, walking out of the ward.

‘WOW…. He is the biggest prankster of all… I think not even Kyu is his match….’ Sungmin stuck out his tongue, cant believe the dramaness this old gentleman created…

The boys looked at the couple who is still in coma, exchanging look. How are they going to tell the both of them?




Chaerin’s apartment is especially packed with all the peoples clustering in for the celebration of the HaeRin couple being discharge from hospital.

‘APPA!!!! This is not funny!’ Chaerin shouted at her father who is sitting down leisurely.

‘Aish… don’t u know this is an incurable illness?’ Mr.Im asked.

‘I know… but u made the bone narrow thing sound so real and… the doctor…’ Chaerin squeled.

‘Aish… u just take it as resting at hospital then…’ Chaerin stomped away after rolling her eyes at her father.

‘Just when I thought I have the ability to make her healthy…’ Donghae sighed, disappointed that he couldn’t  improve his wife’s health.

‘U did….’ Mr.Im slapped at his back.

‘I did?’ Donghae asked, puzzled.

‘U given her a healthy mind, at least she is not pushing peoples away now…’ Mr.Im said. Looking at Chaerin who is happily chatting with the girls.

‘Cherry ah~~’ Chaerin ran toward Heechul who is coming in with his daughter, taking over the baby girl from the pretty man.

‘Please…work harder and have your own children…’ Heechul smirked, hugging his wife shoulder after Chaerin took over Cherry.

‘Oppa!!!’ Chaerin blushed, looking at Donghae asking for help.

‘Yes, hyung. I will work hard. U too.’ Donghae said, winking at Heechul.

‘Aish~ I am not gonna lose to u Heenim…’ Leeteuk piped in.

‘Lets see….’ Donghae too smirked, looking at his wife who is walking away in embarrassment.

‘What a big commotion ur father in law made just to make Hanuel forgive u both…’ Leeteuk shrugged, looking at the old gentleman who is currently laughing at Yesung’s lame joke.

‘Yeah… so good to marry a rich woman~’ Heechul smirked.

‘YAH!!!’ Both Leeteuk and Donghae shouted at him.

‘Oh… I am so sorry I am not a rich woman~ u always wanted to marry a rich woman don’t u?’ Ae Li stated, pushing aay Heechul’s arm.

‘Hahaha~ Ae Li, slap him!’ Leeteuk rubbed in.

‘Hahahahahahahahha~kidding! Kidding! Don’t take it seriously… Aigoo… don’t pout… come on here…’ Heechul tried to pacify Ae Li who is pouting and trying to get away from him.

‘Serve u right~’ Donghae slapped at his hyung’s back, earning a dangerous stare from the pretty man.

From the corner of his eyes, Donghae saw Hanuel with Seunghyun beside her, peering around. She must be looking for Chaerin…He smiled, walking toward them.

‘Hanuel~’ Donghae greeted.

‘Donghae… erm… how are u?’

‘I am fine… don’t worry…’

‘This is Seunghyun…’ Hanuel introduce.

‘Yes, I know..’ Donghae smiled, he is the pilot who used to call Hanuel often previously.

‘And I know u too…’ Seunghyun smirked at Donghae, hugging Hanuel close to him.

‘Hmn..’Donghae looked at Seunghyun awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

‘Come on here oppa, I will introduce my best friend to u…’ Hanuel pulled Sunghyun away from Donghae and walked toward Chaerin who is busily entertaining Cherry.

‘Doggie~’ Hanuel hugged at Chaerin’s waist from behind, propping her head on her shoulder.

‘Pinky ah~ Oh~ an nyeong ha se yo, SeungHyun ssi…’ Chaerin turned and nodded at Seunghyun.

‘Come on… give her to me…’ Donghae took over Cherry from Chaerin and walked away joining his buddy.

‘Look like… u can have your own children soon…’ Hanuel smiled, looking toward Donghae who is mingling well with Cherry and Junho. She know he always loved children…

‘Aish… what are u talking about?’ Chaerin blushed, looking at Hanuel.

‘Hahaha! Doggie ya….I…U don’t have to worry about me…’

‘I will be taking care of her..’ Seunghyun stated, nodding at Chaerin.

‘I am glad… and thank u… really thanks…’

‘I am thankful too… u never knows how hard it is for me to get her…’ Seunghyun stated.

‘Aish u…We better get going before u sprout more nonsense…’ Hanuel blushed at Seunghyun’s comment, protesting and pushed him away gently.

‘That early?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Yes… as u know.. I don’t really know how to mingle with them…’ Hanuel stated, looking over to the boys who are laughing and monkeying around.

‘All right… visit me again all right?’ Chaerin hugged at Hanuel, patting her back.

‘Yes… alone… so that I can have u for myself. Ask for husband to keep away too.’ Hanuel chuckled childishly, enjoying teasing her best friend.

‘Aish… u….’ Chaerin blushed at Hanuel’s words and slapped at Hanuel’s hand.

‘All right, I really have to go…’ Hanuel said as she walked to the door, hand in hand with SeugHyun.

‘See u….’ Chaerin send Hanuel and Seunghyun to the door before she went back in to join the rest.

‘Hanuel gone back?’ Donghae asked, hugging Chaerin’s shoulder.

‘Yes~’ Chaerin nodded at him.

‘Yah~ we haven’t announce and welcome the arrival of our new member yet~’ Leetek stated, standing up.

‘WHAT~~ u gotten another child? Hyung su nim are u pregnant?’ Donghae asked, looking toward Hyojin, who is stunned at Donghae’s sudden statement.

   ‘YAH! NO!’ Leeteuk bailed at Donghae, rolling his eyes.

‘Who is that then?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Ae Li Hyung su nim??’ Eunhyuk asked, rummaging Ae Li’s tummy.

‘YAH!!!! I’ll chop your hand down!!!!’ Heechul shouted at Eunhyuk who quickly withdrawn his hand away from Ae Li’s tummy and ran for his life.

‘No no no!!! I am not….’ Ae Li shook her head, looking over to Suan, eyeing her tummy suspiciously.

‘YAH!!! ARE U CRAZY???!!!!’ Suan cover her tummy and blushed, slapping at Ryeowook who is roaring with laughter.

‘Told u that u should start losing some weight…’ Ryeowook rubbed in merciless. ‘Eunhyukie hyung…. U came alone today??’ Ryeowook asked, looking around as thought as he is looking for someone.

‘Oh~ shut up…’ Eunhyuk said, rolling his eyes.’Why don’t u say Yuri instead?’

‘Me? What? Pregnant? Cheh~ how can that be?’ Yuri placed her hand on her slender waist and smiled confidently as is she is doing some posing for photo-shooting.

‘Hey~ u are looking down on Kyuhyun’s ability by saying that u know??’ Shindong said, enjoying the blush that appear on the maknae’s face.

‘YAH!!!!’ hyung!!! Stop that… worry about yourself~ your turn soon… So Nari noona….’ Kyuhyun rubbed his chin and looked at Nari’s tummy suspiciously, causing the latter to hide behind her husband in embarrassment.  

‘Leeteuk Hyung… can please tell us who to stop all these wild guesses?’ Shindong said.

‘Chaerin of course~ Please allow people to finish their words next time…’ Leeteuk said, rolling his eyes.

‘AHHHHHHH~~~~~’ the rest of the boy can’t help laughing at their leader annoyance.

‘Me??’ Chaerin asked, pointing to herself.

‘Yes… we miss your wedding, so this is an official welcome u to our big family…’

‘Ok~ lets cheer for them~’ Siwon suggested, picking up his glass.

‘We ro hae (cheer)~~~~’ everyone hold up their glasses, bumping each other glass merrily and gulped down the drink in a go.

‘Have children fast~’ Heechul chirruped suddenly, ruffling Domghae’s hairs and everyone laughed in amusement…..

‘Yes, I will~~~’ Donghae shouted, laughing happily after that, hugging his wife’s shoulder.



Hehehehehhe~ sorry~ i just liked to ended my story abruptly~ However, whatever that need to be told is told so i am ending it before it gets too boring~ Please shift your attention to Siwonnie instead~


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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10