Chapter 16

Fishy's Love

‘What… are u…….’Chaerin turned and looked at Donghae, shocked. Without waiting for her to complete her sentences, Donghae pulled her to him and kiss her full on the lip. He didn’t really hear what she is saying or notice how shocked she is after he pecked her cheek. He just know that the movement of her lip make him wanting to taste her lip so much, which he did without much hesitation.

Chaerin’s mind totally went blank….She closed her eyes when she found that Donghae’s face is too near for her to look at it straight. She slide her hands to his back, embracing Donghae when she feel how she feel like being close to him and she responded to his kiss when she found that how badly she wanted to do so….

‘Chaerin ah… eotokke (what are we gonna do?)?’ Donghae looked at Chaerin who is still trying to catch back her breath after their kiss, leaning to his chest. He at her soft silky hair, he feel so contented, yet couldn’t help worrying about Hanuel….

Chaerin opened her eyes and pushed Donghae away swiftly upon hearing his words. She is completely awake right now. She stands up, moving away from him fast upon realizing what they had just done.

‘Chaerin??’ Donghae looked at her with a puzzled look. It just happens too fast and she couldn’t interpret the information right now. She only knows she has to get away from Donghae, fast! She stepped out and dashed toward her room direction.

‘Chaerin!!! Im Chaerin!!’ Donghae tried to catch up with her but she is too fast for him. He thumped at her door, shouting and begging her to open the door. ‘Chaerin, come out, we need to talk!!!’

Chaerin leaned to the closed door, covering . She looked at the photo of her and Hanuel on her table and closed her eyes.

‘Sorry…I am sorry….’ Chaerin slide down, sitting on the floor burying her face in her palm.

‘Chaerin…..’ Donghae leaned on the door, after he gotten tired from all the shouting and crying…. Why? Why she choose to avoid him like this? He clearly felt her love when they kissed just now….




Chaerin looked at her phone which been vibrating since morning, from the same caller. It been a week and she still doesn’t know what get into her that day… Why would she do these kind of thing? She looked at the electronic device, hesitating. Should she talk to him? Sighing, Chaerin push her phone aside. She still doesn’t have the courage to face him yet.

She walked out of her room, knocking at Hanuel’s door.

‘Oh~ Doggie ya~’ Hanuel smiled at Chaerin and it does make her feel worst, she is losing the courage to face Hanuel as well.

‘Pinky… had u found a place?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Not… yet…’ In fact she never really put her heart in looking for a flat, she enjoyed staying with Chaerin and she hoped to keep it that way.

‘Pinky, I am so sorry… can u… find a place fast?’ Chaerin said, biting her lip.

‘Why???’ Hanuel feel so hurt upon hearing her request.

‘Because I still prefer to live alone…’ Chaerin said.

‘Doggie ya….’ Hanuel looked at her good friend, hoping she will change her mind.

‘I am sorry….’ Chaerin apologize, from the bottom of her heart.

‘Is it because of Hae?’ Hanuel asked, observing her reaction. Chaerin flinched at the mention of his name and looked at Hanuel, shocked. She hope Donghae did not tell her anything he shouldn’t.




‘Doggie ya~ U are back?’ Hanuel greeted at Chaerin who is just coming back from outside.

‘Yeap…’ was Chaerin short answer. She walked straight back to her room without even glancing to Hanuel and Donghae. He on the other hand, was observing her. She doesn’t seem to be good, she look pale, worn out and noticeably skinnier….

Donghae’s sight follows Chaerin all the while, only taking back it back after she close her room’s door after her. 

 ‘Hae, what happen between u and Doggie?’ Hanuel asked her boyfriend, who seem to be losing his focus since just now.

‘Huh? Chaerin?’ Donghae too, flinched at the mention of her name.

‘I asked u, what happen between u and her?’ Hanuel asked, rolling her eyes. Why is he having the same reaction as Chaerin when she mention Chaerin’s name?

‘What… do u… mean by that?’ Donghae asked, had she found out anything?

‘U two seem to be getting even more awkward than how u both were. I thought thing had gotten better between the 2 of u?’

‘Pinky… I…’ Donghae bit his lip, should he tell her about them?

‘She even asked me to move out ASAP… saying its inconvenient….’ Haniel pouted at her boyfriend.


‘I have to find a place fast…’

‘All right…..’ Donghae simply gave her an answer. Making up his mind, he is gonna to talk to Chaerin, no matter what.

Hanuel looked at Donghae who is loss in his own thought… Somehow, her sixth sense told her that something is not too right between the 2 of them…The awkwardness between the 2 is different from how they are previously… But she just couldn’t make out what is that…




 ‘Im Chaerin, we have to talk…’ Donghae said, grabbing at Chaerin’s wrist. He been waiting for hours in front of Chaerin’s school, close to her car. He has to catch her no matter what.

‘What are u doing here?’ Chaerin hissed at him, looking around. She doesn’t wish to catch unwanted attention, especially with Lee Donghae.

‘We need to talk!’ Donghae looked at her.

‘Get away from here 1st…’

‘Anything as long as u are willing to talk.’

‘My house…’ Chaerin swing away his hand, walking toward her car. Donghae followed her and open the door of the passenger seat.

‘What are u doing?’Chaerin asked, turning to Donghae who is sitting beside her right now.

‘I am not going to risk u running away..’

‘Your car?’ Chaerin asked, glancing over to his Nissan Sylphly which is just park beside her blue Hyundai Genesis Coupe.

‘Its all right…’

‘I always keep my promise….’ Chaerin said, looking at him.

‘………….’ Donghae ignored her, looking away.

‘How are u gonna get it back later?’ Chaerin pointed out.

‘I knew it… u cared for me..’ Donghae smiled.

‘Lee Donghae, so are u gonna take your car?’ Chaerin ignore his comment and started her car engine.

‘All… right… see u later.’ Donghae squeezed at Chaerin’s hand before he get out of her car.




‘Yes?’ Chaerin asked, slumping to the sofa.

‘Chaerin,…’ Donghae sat down beside her, holding her hand.

‘Lee Donghae…please stop bugging me..’ Chaerin swing his hand away, getting away from him.

‘U loved me too don’t u?’ Donghae asked.


‘But I can feel it from our kiss…’

‘Lee Donghae, stop talking about it….’

‘Chaerin…..please stop avoiding…’ Donghae dashed over and hugged Chaerin.

‘Lee Donghae, a kiss doesn’t mean anything…’ Surprisingly, Chaerin did not struggle or push him away.

‘U are lying.’

‘U saw me kissing a girl before isn’t it?’

‘U are being kissed by her when u are off your guard… so...’

‘Same thing goes to your…’ Chaerin said, pushing him away.

‘Chaerin!!! Its different…’

‘No different for me, Lee Donghae…’

‘Im Chaerin….. U are lying..u responded to me…’

‘How do u know I didn’t respond to her?’ Chaerin asked, smirking.

‘Im Chaerin!!!!’ Donghae growled at her.

‘I am not going to waste my time with u anymore.’ Chaerin walked back to her room… ‘Please… do not let me see u again, Lee Donghae…’ Chaerin muttered under her breath. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10