Chapter 4

Fishy's Love

‘Hahaha! Who ask u to speak ill of other in the first place?’ Hanuel chuckled softly after listening to Donghae’s story.

‘I never seen such a…. sickening girl in my life…’ Donghae said, rolling his eyes.

‘Prince…. I miss u…’ Hanuel purred at him over the phone.

‘So, please quit your job and marry me… I wanted to be like Heechul hyung, having a wife to wait for him at home…’

‘Aish… here u go again….’ Hanuel chuckled at her boyfriend’s comment, very much curious about his hyungs whom he keeps chanting to him every now and then.

‘So, u are going with me to meet my hyungs all right?’

‘Yes, yes… once I am back from Paris, all right? And u are to meet my Doggie too all right?’

‘I will have kill that Doggie if I didn’t know she is a girl…’





Hanuel is very excited as her two important friends of her are going to meet each other, her boyfriend and bestfriend.

‘Hey… are your friend coming?’ Donghae asked, Hanuel’s hair.

‘Yes… She is… she never break her promise…’

‘Erm…if she didn’t come… then we can have time of our own…’ Donghae smirked, pecking Hanuel’s cheek, moving to her lip.

*knock knock* Hanuel pushed Donghae away, blushing.

‘Doggie~’ Hanuel stand up and pounced to hug the girl in front. Donghae prepared his most charming smile, preparing to impress Hanuel’s friend. However, his smile froze when he saw the girl in front of him.

‘Donghae… I know she is pretty but do u have to be that shocked?’ Hanuel chuckled, noticing her boyfriend been staring at Doggie.

‘Hanuel… she….’

‘She is Im Chaerin, my best friend. And Doggie, he is Lee Donghae.’

‘I know….we met…’ Chaerin sit down, looking at Donghae. Donghae rolled his eyes, she is the girl at the pub!!!

‘Oh??? Where?’ Hanuel asked, very much excited.

‘Pub…’ Donghae said, eyeing Chaerin too.

‘And I am the girl he complaint to u….’ Cherin said nonchalantly.

‘Ugh???’ Hanuel exclaimed in surprise…

‘I am going….’ Chaerin stand up.

‘Huh? But Doggie….’

‘We only wanted us to meet right? We met…’ Chaerin said, walking out of the restaurant.

‘Doggie… Doggie… Im Chaerin!!!!’ However no amount of shouting will get Chaerin back to them. Hanuel sat back to the chair, pouting.

‘Is she always that rude?’ Donghae asked.

‘Aish…. She is… not… Just that she is….’ Hanuel looked at Donghae in embarrassments.

‘So this is your kind of good friend?’ Donghae asked, rolling his eyes.

‘Well…. She is just… not used to mingle with people.’ Hanuel explained.

‘How could someone as sweet as u to befriend someone like her?’ Donghae asked, caressing her face.

‘Aish… she been a good friend… And she does take good care of me…’

‘Erm… Hanuel… can promise me something?’ The view of Chaerin kissing the girl suddenly came to Donghae’s mind and he couldn’t help getting worried…


‘Can u…. try not to be so close to her?’ Donghae asked, biting his lip. He don’t want to speak ill of her friend in front of her, so the least he can do is to prevent them getting too close.

‘Haha! Are u jealous?’ Hanuel chuckled, amused but happy at the same time of her boyfriend jealousy.

‘Yes… wanted to have u by myself, can I?’ Donghae said, pinching her cheek.

‘No way I am gonna to abandon my good friend because of u, selfish fish…’ Hanuel pushed his hand away, hugging his arm.

‘I am so sad….’ Donghae pretended to sob at the sound of it and Hanuel cant help slapping his arm.

‘Come on, lets go… u have a schedule later don’t u?’

‘Yes….’ Donghae took her hand in his and walked out of the restaurant, complete with his disguise.

‘So… when will u finish your schedule?’ Hanuel asked.

‘Late into the night…’




‘Hae…..’ Donghae heard his girlfriend sobbing over the phone the moment he picked up his phone.

‘Princess!! Why are u crying???’ Donghae asked nervously.

‘I…. got no place to stay anymore…’

‘What? Why?’ Donghae asked.

‘My landlord told me she wanted to take back the house 6 months ago and I forgotten about it…. Oh…. eoteoke??’ Hanuel break down and started to cry over the phone…

‘Don’t worry about that, we talk when we meet all right?’ Donghae rushed dowm to Hanuel’s apartment and gave her girlfriend a comforting hug the moment he he saw her.

‘Aish…. U muddle-headed piggy….’ Donghae patted her on her back, comforting her.

‘I been thinking…. The only way is move to Doggie house?’

‘What???’ Donghae shrieked, he don’t feel save sending Hanuel to that girl house….How is he going to ensure that girl is not going to lay her hand on his girlfriend?

‘That’s the only way out right now… I don’t have time to look for apartment!!’

‘Princess….’ Donghae hesitate…

‘Unless u have a better way out?’ Hanuel asked.

‘Well… the moment… I don’t….’

‘So, lets do it this way…’




‘No…..’ Chaerin crossed her arms, shaking her head at Hanuel.

‘Please…..Doggie…..’ Hanuel rubbed her palm together, looking at Chaerin pleadingly.

‘No way….’ Chaerin insist.

‘Hanuel, lets go….’ Donghae said, attempting to pull Hanuel away. In his mind, she should had volunteered to offer Hanuel a place if she claim to be her good friend. And look at now, Hanuel practically is begging her right now and to think she had the heart to reject her. 

‘Hae… u don’t interfere…Please… Doggie… do u want me to sleep on the street??’Grabbing at Chaerin’s hand, she looks at Chaerin pleadingly again.

‘Give me a time frame…’ Chaerin said, looking at Hanuel.

‘Don’t worry, she will move out in ASAP!’ Donghae snapped at Chaerin.

‘I hope so, not more than 3 months all right?’

‘Thanks u, Doggie!!!’ Hanuel leaped up and pounced to hug Chaerin.

‘Wait… I had not finished yet…..’ Chaerin frowned, pushing Hanuel away…

‘Yes, yes, your majesty….’ Hanuel asked, holding Chaerin’s hand.

‘You are to sleep by yourself, in that room. Do not ever try squeeze to my bed.’

‘Argh… Doggie… since we live together….’ Hanuel tried to bargain by aegyo’ing to her. She liked having Chaerin by her side, being close to her make her feel secured…

‘Take it or leave it…’ Chaerin insisted.

‘All right…. U are so mean….’ Hanuel pouted in disappointment.. However, her problem had been solved temporary so… she should be happy don’t she? Donghae on the other hand, heave a sigh of relieve, he is so worried that they might sleeping together… Goodness know what will happen?




Chaerin frowned at the sight of the love bird at the living room, she walked straight to her room despite of Hanuel’s beckoning of joining them for the show.

‘She is really anti-social huh?’ Donghae said, looking at her.

‘She didn’t reject, meaning she will come out later… Just see..’ Hanuel said, smiling. True enough, Chaerin come out moment later, with a bag in her hand.

‘Take it…’ Chaerin said, holding out that bag to Hanuel.

‘What is that?’ Hanuel asked, looking at Chaerin who sat down on the sofa opposite her.

‘……….’ Chaerin pointed at the bag, gesturing her to open it up.

‘OMO!!!!! Doggie!!! I love u~’ Hanuel pounced over to her and gave Chaerin a kiss on her cheek, Which surprise Donghae very much.

‘What is that?’ Donghae asked, looking at the excited Hanuel.

‘Oh… it’s the limited edition of Tiffany charm… I had been looking for it. How do u get it Doggie?’ Chaerin shrugged her shoulder and gave her a smirk. Chaerin shifted her attention to the TV after that, leaving Hanuel to admire the piece of jewelry. Donghae keep observing Chaerin from far…. He swear he saw a smirk on her lip, and he feel like slapping off that smug smirk so much…

‘Hanuel ah….’ Donghae pulled Hanuel into his embrace, observing Chaerin’s reaction at the same time.

‘Hmmn?’ Hanuel asked, half heartedly as she is still very much engrossed in admiring her new precious charm from Chaerin.

‘No… just feel like being close to u…’ Donghae said with a smirk, glad that he manage to wipe out that sickening smirk off Chaerin’s face…And Donghae noticed that she looks so uncomfortable when he pecked on Hanuel’s face.

‘Where are u going Doggie?’ Hanuel asked, when she saw Chaerin getting up from the sofa, walking toward her room…

‘Room…’ Chaerin reply without turning her head.

‘Princess, u should have told me if u need anything…’Donghae pouted.

‘Oh…. Just happen that I mentioned to her that day when I am chatting with her, didn’t expect her to get it for me….’

‘Hanuel… u sure….. she is…well… Don’t she had boyfriend?’

‘Erm… not that I know of…She seem to have no interest to go into any relationship...’

‘What about girlfriend?’ Donghae chuckled, trying to make joke of it.

‘Hahaha! Am I not a girl? Haha! Well…. Come to think of it…. She don’t have much friend… She is always alone… and she prefer that way I think…’

‘Princess… I am sorry to say that, but she doesn’t seem to be a very nice person… how would like to befriend her….’

‘Prince…. Because u don’t know her… she may look cold, but she is warm deep down inside. Just be patient with her and u will realize her good points.’

‘I…. certainly… hope so…’ But Donghae know, it’s already a blessing if they don’t spit on each other’s face. Moreover get along well with her? 

 Hanuel went into the kitchen to unpack the food she brought from outside. Meanwhile, Chaerin is sitting down on the sofa, looking at Hanuel.    

‘U seem to be very rich huh?’ Donghae said sarcastically. Chaerin turned and looked at him, smirking.

‘Yes, I am filthy rich don’t u know that?’

‘Oh, is that so? No wonder u can simply give out such an expensive gift to friend…’ Donghae said between his clenched teeth, feeling very much like slapping this girl very much.

‘Doggie… Fishy… dinner’s ready…’ Hanuel shouted from the kitchen.

‘Pinky! Carrot!’ Chaerin stare at Hanuel, gesturing her to eat the carrot in her bowl.

‘Doggie…I don’t…’

‘Good for eyes..’

‘Hmn… I know u are a nutritionist…’

‘Yet to graduate..’ Chaerin said, glancing over to Donghae who is quiet throughout.

‘I am glad my prince is not as domineering as u… else I will be having hard time..’ Hanuel smiled at Donghae.

‘As long as u are happy…’ Donghae said, smiling at her.




Super Junior M are chilling out at the pub again, after their recording for their latest album. They are joined by Hanuel and Suan who refuse to be separated from their boyfriend. Suan cant help noticing how cool Chaerin look wearing a suit, with her shoulder length tied up to a low ponytail. She looks so charming when she is doing those stunts while she prepares the cocktail.

‘Hey… your friend look so cool….’Suan whispered to Hanuel.

‘Yes, she is…’ Hanuel smiled at Suan, gazing at Chaerin.

‘What is so cool about that?’ Donghae asked, rolling his eyes.

‘U just doesn’t understand.’ Rolling her eyes, Suan pushed Donghae away.

‘I suppose it’s just girl thing…’ Zhou Mi said, chuckling.

‘Yah~ Are u here to ogle at girl?’ Ryeowook asked, poking his girlfriend’s arm.

‘Aigh… since when u become so petty?’ Suan asked, pecking his cheek.

‘U….’ Ryeowook is surprised at his girlfriend’s sudden attack, blushing very much indeed.

 Donghae fool around with Eunhyuk when he saw that his girlfriend is so absorbed talking to Chaerin. He turned his back when he saw Eunhyuk looking shocked. He turned and frowned, not liking what he see……. Chaerin is whispering something in Hanuel ears, and he swears he saw that Chaerin’s lip touches Hanuel’s cheek. He is very sure she did it on purpose…. Donghae frowned, walking over to Hanuel…

‘Princess….’ Donghae caress at Hanuel’s arm.

‘Yes?’ Hanuel turned, looking at him. Chaerin moves away, glancing over to Hanuel every now and then.

‘I love u…..’ He whispered and kiss on her cheek, smiling gently at her. Chaerin frowned, walking away.

Suan stepped in the ladies, stunned when she saw Chaerin inside.

‘Chaerin?’ Suan tapped at her shoulder, getting her attention. Chaerin looked up to Suan, wiping away her tear.

‘Yes?’ She forced a smile at Suan.

‘Are….u all right?’ Suan asked, looking at the crumpled stuff beside the washing basin.

‘I am ok…..’ Chaerin straighten herself up and threw the stuff in the dustbin, intending to walk out.

‘U are sick….Its not right!!!’ Suan looked at Chaerin, frowning.  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10