Chapter 22

Fishy's Love

‘Go away….’ Hanuel retorted, without even looking at Donghae and Chaerin.

‘Hanuel….We are really sorry…’

‘What are you sorry at? For not loving me or running away with my BEST FRIEND, leaving me alone like a babo in OUR engagement?’ Hanuel shouted, broking into tears again.

‘Hanuel….’ Chaerin wish she could hold Hanuel’s hand or hug her right now… But she know Hanuel would never willing to let her do so…

‘Yes? My BEST FRIEND? How does it feel like stealing my fiancé?’ Hanuel looked at Chaerin, spitting out hurtful words at her.

‘I……am sorry….’ Chaerin bowed her head low…

‘Hahahahaha! No need to be sorry… blame myself for being too trusting…’


‘I don’t wish to see both of u!!! go away!!! Go away!!!’ Hanuel shouted and pushed the both of them out of her room, crying.

‘Both of u better go now… And don’t ever come again, we would never ever wanted to see u…’ Hanuel’s mother hugged at her daughter and stare at Donghae and Chaerin who is sobbing right now too.




 Chaerin is stunned when Donghae told her that the concert might be cancelled, or he might be eliminated from it…

‘Might as well… no more practising needed and I can spend more time with u…

‘NO! its only a week break… u WILL go back to them…the concert will not be cancelled…’ Chaerin frowned. She really hopes that’s the case.

Knowing how entertainment industries works, Donghae merely shrugged his shoulder.

‘Chaerin… why don’t we take this chance to visit your appa and mama at Taiwan?’ Donghae suggested.

‘But… are u ready?’ Chaerin looked at him, shocked.

‘Yes…’ Donghae nodded at her, smiling. However he couldn’t help worrying… what will her father think of someone who runs away from his wedding?




‘Do I have to speak Chinese?’ Donghae asked, nervously.

‘My mama Korean is superb…’ Chaerin explained, although her stepmother is a Taiwanese, she can speak perfect Korean…

‘Aish… I am nervous…’ Donghae said, clutching Chaerin’s hand.

‘No worry….Come on in….’ In fact, Chaerin is a bit nervous too…He is the 1st  guy he ever brought home… Both Mr and Mrs.Im are already standing at the doorway, waiting for them to come in.

‘Yes, no worry~ we don’t bite!’ Chaerin’s appa loud voice boomed through the house as he speak. Meanwhile, Mrs.Im just stands beside him smiling at the couple.

‘Appa…mama..’ Chaerin walked over and hugged them.

‘An nyeong ha se yo….’ Donghae bowed at them, heart beating fast… He never felt so nervous in his life before…

‘Lee Donghae??? Nice to meet u~’ Mr.Im said, slapping on his shoulder, rather heavily.

‘Neh… ajussi…’ Donghae looked at the middle age man in front of him, he doesn’t look like an easy nut to crack. He swallowed the lump on his throat nervously.

‘So… u really loved my daughter that much to run away with her?’ Mr.Im asked, sitting comfortably on the sofa.

‘Yes…I love her.’ Donghae grasped at Chaerin’s hand and looked at him, sincerely. Mr.Im gave out a smirk upon seeing their entangled fingers.

‘All right…. But I have a request from u…’

‘Appa…’ Chaerin frowned, she wonder what she will want from him…’

‘Yes, please let me know…’

‘Are u willing to donate your bone narrow to Chaerin?’ Mr.Im asked.

‘APPA!!!!’ Chaerin shouted, shocked at her father request. Donghae merely smiled at his request.

‘Of  course~ if it will helps to cure her illness….’

‘Lee Donghae, are u crazy? There are risk on every operation u should know that!!! And do u know how painful it can be?’ Chaerin shouted at him.

‘I don’t care… if it would make u well again I don’t care…’

‘I am not accepting, appa… I am not!!!’ Chaerin insisted, looking at her father.

‘Chaerin dear…. If u are so sure he is your other half, u wouldn’t want to die early and leave him alone after that isn’t?’ Mr.Im asked, with a glimpse of tears in his eyes..

‘Appa….’ Chaerin know, he is referring to her mother… Who died early, leaving him behind. Chaerin know his love for her omma never decrease even thought he re-married..

‘Yes… long life would be no meaning if it’s without u…’ Donghae on the other hand, are very cool about the whole thing…

‘Appa… I need time to sort it out… I cant….’

‘*sigh* the earlier the better, Chaerin dear… I would need to make arrangement..’ 

‘Come on here, Lee Donghae.’ Chaerin pulled him to her room, looking at him in the face.

‘Wow… so this is your room?’ Donghae looked at the spacious and luxury decorated room.

‘Lee Donghae, had u thought about your omma when u agree to donate your bone narrow?’

‘Yes… and she would definitely agree…’

‘Lee Donghae… It might not be that case! Our bone narrow might not match…’

‘It will…. For sure. Cos we are perfect match…’ Donghae smiled, pulling her to his embrace.

‘Lee Donghae… please… I beg u not to… I cant accept it…’

‘Im Chaerin, like what your dad said… I wouldn’t want to live alone in this world without u…’ Donghae said, her cheek.

‘Hae…..’ Deeply moved by his words, Chaerin snuggled close to him.

‘And even if I am to die…. it would be romantic if I can die for your sake…’ Donghae whispered to her…

‘Nonsense…..’ Chaerin frowned at him… However, she couldn’t help feeling sweet at his words.




 ‘Its okay…. Don’t cry… u are never a cry-baby…’ Donghae patted at Chaerin’s shoulder.

‘Hae…. I am sorry…’

‘No sorry… u said it, we choosen this path together… so we have to face this together….’ Donghae said.

‘Hae…’ Chaerin feel so guilty about Donghae had to give up his entertainment career because of her. Its confirmed, he will be eliminated from their concert together with Siwon…

‘Its all right….’

‘Its not all right! Its your dad wish…’

‘I’ve been a singer… So, I fulfilled his wish…’ Donghae consoled Chaerin who is crying non stop now.

‘Its not….’

‘Shhhh…. Don’t talk about it anymore… Its all right, we can execute the operation earlier then….’

‘Hae… Don’t tell me u are u really serious?’

‘I am serious…. But can we go back to Mokpo 1st?’

‘Of course….Operation or not I would be happy to go back to Mokpo with u…’ Chaerin smiled at him.

‘So, I was saying… this is not a bad arrangement as well… I can have more time to take care of u…’

‘So sweet of u….’ Chaerin pecked on his lip, pulling his face down for a more passionate kiss.

‘Ok… lets set off early tomorrow… ‘

‘I wanna take train…’ Chaerin smiled at Donghae.

‘As u wish….’Donghae smile, pecking on her forehead.

‘Aish… I miss ajumeoni and Donghwa oppa….’

‘Hey… that’s rude of u… how can u said u miss another guy so openly in front of your boyfriend?’ Donghae grabbed at her arms, and looked at her ‘angrily’

‘Hahaha~ even if he is your brother?’ Chaerin asked.


‘U didn’t give me any chance to miss u… u stuck to me like leech..’ Chaerin commented, chuckling.

‘Aish…. Leech?’ Donghae frowned at the thought of the disgusting, wet and slimy worm…

‘But I am glad I had my leechy Fish with me…’ Chaerin said as she twisted Donghae’s necklace, smiling…


‘Cos I can’t handle the feeling of u not being at my side…’ Chaerin blushed, burying her face to Donghae’s chest.

‘Chaerin…..’ Donghae is deeply moved by her words and tighten his grip, holding her closer to him… 




‘Omma~’ Donghae gave his mother a tight hug upon seeing her.

‘Ajumeoni~How had u been recently?’ Chaerin greeted Mrs.Lee and bowed at her politely.

‘Oh, I am fine….Come on in…’

‘Surprise?’ Donghae asked, smiling at his mother.

‘Oh~ not really~ haha~’

‘Huh?’ Donghae looked at his mother who is chuckling, gesturing them to come in.Donghae and Chaerin stepped in the house and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

‘APPA!!!!!’ why are u here?’ Chaerin shouted in surprise when she saw her father and mama sitting comfortably in Donghae’s living room, chatting happily with Donghwa about some fishing (???) technique.

‘Aish…. Take flight next time… it will be much more faster~ hahahaha!!!’ the sound of Mr.Im laughter boomed through the whole household and it’s so contagious that everyone started to laugh with him.

‘Oh~ u get someone to follow me AGAIN!!!???’ Chaerin squealed, rolling her eyes. No wonder they been receiving lesser disturbance recently… 

‘Hahaha~ I am just getting someone to protect u…. do u have to make it sound so bad?’ Mr.Im asked, gesturing her daughter to sit beside him.

‘Appa…. I warn u… don’t do it again…’ Chaerin walked to her mama, gave her a hug before she sat down beside her father, hugging his arm.

‘Ajussi~ajumeoni, an nyeong ha se yo… How is the journey? Tired?’ Donghae asked, bowing slightly at him.

‘Oh~ I am fine~ nice place u have here~’ Mr.Im smiled, nodding at Donghae’s mum.

‘Thanks…. How long will u stay here?’ Donghae sat down, looking at Chaerin who is behaving like a small girl with her dad.

‘As long as u both are here..’ Mr.Im said, patting his daughter’s hand.

‘Appa….’ Chaerin frowned at her dad.

‘Why? Find me bothersome? Don’t worry, I will still leave some time for both of u to be alone~’ upon saying this, he winked playfully at Donghae and it does cause both Chaerin and Donghae to blush….

‘Stop teasing them…’ Mrs.Im chuckled at the childish act of her husband.

‘Erm… since u are all here…. Omma, I need to tell, u something…’ Donghae cleared his throat, looking serious out of sudden.

‘Yes, son?’ Mrs.Lee looked at him, giving him an encouraging smile.

‘I…. am going to donate my bone narrow to Chaerin…’ Donghae said, looking at his mother’s eyes.

‘Hae!!!’ Chaerin didn’t expect Donghae to bring out this topic so sudden…

‘I told u I am serious….Chaerin…’ Donghae looked at her, back to his mother who is a bit taken back at the news that her son just broken to her.

‘Ajumeoni, don’t worry…. I am not going to accept that…’ Chaerin tried to assure Mrs.Lee. She know… mother will be willing to let their child to take these kind of risk.. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10