Chapter 8

Fishy's Love

Hanuel is very much happy that Chaerin started to relax in front of Donghae. Although they still doesn’t talk much but at least they stopped snapping at each other when they talk. The only thing that makes her unhappy is Paran… She always had to avoid direct collision with Paran. However, Paran still manages to give her a shock every now and then…

‘Hey! Why are u here?’ Donghae asked, ruffling Suan’s hair, messing it up.

‘Stop it, u childish fish!!!!’ Rolling her eyes, Suan pushed Donghae’s hand away.

‘Why are u here?’ Donghae asked again.

‘I need to…. Check something with Chaerin….’ Suan looked at Donghae meaningfully.

‘Wae?’ Donghae whispered, looking over to Hanuel who is busily clinging to Chaerin now.

‘She will be going to Taiwan, to receive some Chinese treatment… I just wanted to find out some information from her… wondering if it would help my friend…’ Suan explain, keeping her voice low.

‘Argh…. Taiwan?’

‘Hey…. U all will be going there as well don’t u?’

‘Yes, why? Cant bear to leave your Ryoogaa??’ Donghae quickly change his topic when he saw Hanuel approaching them.

‘Shut up…’

‘Marry him fast then~’

‘U thought I am Lee Donghae?’ Suan chided, she still can believe Donghae proposed to Hanuel in just 3 months being together and they are going get engaged when Donghae is done with his Super Junior M promotion. 

‘Nothing wrong with that isn’t it?’ Donghae said, smiling at Hanuel who is standing beside him. ‘Yes? Princess?’ He said as he pecked on her lip. Suan rolled her eyes and made her way to Paran’s side, leaving the love birds alone. Chaerin chuckled softly to herself when she saw Suan’s expression.

‘Prince…. Doggie is going back to Taiwan… and u are going to Taiwan too…. What am I going to do alone here?’

‘Don’t u have to work? Arrange schedule to Taiwan so that we can meet up?’ Donghae suggested.

‘I don’t know whether I am able to or not… But it’s a good idea… I will see to that.’ Hanuel smiled at Donghae, leaning her head to his chest.




‘Surprise!!!!’ Ryeowook stunned at the unexpected visitor at this timing of the day.

‘SUAN!!!’ He pounced over to hug his girlfriend, kissing her cheek.

‘Strawberyeo…. I miss u…..’ Suan pecked on his lip.

‘I miss u too….’ Ryeowook hug her close to him, smiling happily.

‘Get out the 2 of u!!!’ Donghae threw a pillow toward them.

‘Yah! Don’t be so mean…’ Ryeowook threw back the pillow to Donghae, pulling Suan inside.

‘So how long are u going to stay here?’ Donghae asked Suan.

‘1 week… I come here as vacation…Donghae…. Let’s go out together later…’ Suan offered.

‘ No thanks… I rather stay here and chat with my princess. I am not used to being third pary…’

‘Oh no, u definitely won’t be third party… I am going to visit Chaerin…’

‘Chaerin? U know where she live here?’ Donghae asked, looking at Suan.

‘Yes…So are u coming?’

‘Hey… u both look like u have some sort of secret between the 2 of u…’ Ryeowook asked, narrowing his eyes.

‘Hahaha! Babo…. What kind of secret will we have?’ Suan asked, poking Ryeowook’s head. ‘So are u coming?’ Suan asked Donghae again.

‘All right….’ Donghae nodded, he wanted to know how is she doing right now too.




Donghae is stunned at the view of Chaerin’s house… Just like what Chaerin said previously, her family is FILTHY RICH~ her house is located at the prime area of Taipei and it look so grand…

(C)‘Yes? Who are u looking for?’ A middle aged woman answered the door and asked at the three of them.

(c) ‘Miss Chaerin, please…’ Suan answered.

(C) ‘Moment, please..’

‘Wow…. She is really rich don’t she?’ Ryeowook said, sticking out his tongue.

‘Yeap… never expect she is THAT rich…’ Suan nodded at her boyfriend.

Chaerin come out moment later, smiling at Suan. Donghae looked at Chaerin, her way of dressing is totally different from how she is in Seoul. Currently she is wearing a simple blue sleeveless blouse with white shorts. Her hair tied into a neat bun. At least, she looks like a girl here….

(c)‘U look good…’ Suan said, holding her hand.

(C)‘Yes, I am… My mama takes a good care of me…’ Chaerin nodded.

‘Hi Ryeowook ssi~ Lee Donghae~’ Chaerin waved at the guys. ‘So… where u all plan to go later?’

‘Erm.. no plan yet….’ Ryeowook shrugged.

‘Any schedule later?’ Chaerin asked.

‘No….’ Donghae answered.

‘I show u around?? Is it safe?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Should be all right….’ Ryeowook said.

(C) ‘I will satisfy ur craving for food…’ Chaerin said, looking at Suan.

(C) ‘Thanks u….’ Suan beamed at Chaerin then back to her boyfriend. Food never failed to lift up her mood anytime.

Suan and Ryeowook explored the Taiwan night market excitedly and both of them busily tasted everything they could in the gigantic night market. Donghae and Chaerin walked behind them, looking at them in amusement.

‘So… how are ur treatment?’ Donghae asked.

‘Suan told u?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Yes….everything ok?’

‘Erm… fine… thanks..How’s Pinky?’

‘She is now at Thailand… be going back 2 days later…’

‘When is your next treatment?’


‘Are u going alone?’ Donghae asked, stopping in his track.

‘Yes…’ Chaerin answered, keep on walking.

‘Chaerin….’ Donghae frowned, pulling at Chaerin’s hand.

‘No point making anyone waiting during the treatment…’ Chaerin stopped moving forward, looking at Donghae.

‘At least someone have to be with u….’

‘Not needed…’

‘All right…where is the place?’

‘What are u trying to do?’ Chaerin looked at him, frowning. She hope he is not thinking of going with her…

‘I have the right to know and U are not to lie to me remember?’

‘Taipei Traditional General Hospital…..’

‘Timing?’ Donghae asked and Chaerin left out a sigh, shaking her head.

‘Hey~ aren’t u both gonna eat?’ Suan asked.

‘Just the look of both of u eating make me feel full…’ Donghae said, looking at Suan’s hand which is full of food right now.

‘Its VERY nice~ u wanna try??’ Suan offered.

‘No, Thanks…. I had enough…’ Chaerin rejected, shaking her head.

‘Aish… u dirty cat…’ Ryeowook leaned forward, kissing away the cream on Suan’s lip.

‘Ryeo…’ Suan place her hand on the place where Ryeowook kissed, smiling.

‘YAH~’ Donghae yelled at the daring act of Ryeowook in front of the public, noticing the awkwardness of Chaerin as she turned her head away at the sight of it.

‘Oops~ sorry~’ Ryeowook pulled Suan away, leaving Donghae and Chaerin who is still very much blushed.

‘They are always like that…’ Donghae explained.

‘Its normal I suppose… Just a bit… not used to it…’ Chaerin shook her head, smiling in embarrassment.




Chaerin lay on the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling. She heaved out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes.

‘So u are feeling lonely now?’ Chaerin opened her eyes at the sound of the familiar voice.

‘What are u doing here?’ Chaerin asked Donghae who is sitting down beside her.

‘To accompany u….’

‘Schdule?’ Chaerin asked.


‘Nothing better to do?’

‘Yes.’ Donghae answered, looking at her pale face. ‘Nervous?’ He asked again. Chaerin shook her head.

(C) ‘Miss Chaerin, are u ready?’ the doctor nodded at Donghae before she turned to Chaerin.

(C) ‘I am ok, thanks doctor…’

(C) ‘We shall start then..’ The doctor said, taking out the acupuncture needles.

‘Donghae… can u please… excuse yourself a while?’ Chaerin asked.

‘No, I am staying here with u….’ Donghae insist. Chaerin bit her lip, turned her head and nodded at the doctor. The doctor started to plant the needle into Chaerin’s body. Donghae flinched at the sight of the long, fine needles and looked at Chaerin. Surprisingly, she looks quite calm.. seem like she gotten used to it.

(C) ‘All right, Miss Chaerin, hold for 30 minutes all right?’ The doctor smiled at the strong girl who smiled and nodded at her politely.

(C) ‘Doctor… will it be very painful?’ Donghae asked.

(C) ‘A bit… Talk to her…try to distract her..’

(C) ‘Thanks…’

‘Chaerin…’ Donghae looked at Chaerin, who is closing her eyes.

‘Umnn?’ She replied, keeping her eyes close still.

‘Do u know what makes Ryeowook and Suan fall in love?’ Donghae asked. Chaerin opened her eyes and look at Donghae.



‘Huh???’ Chaerin crinkled her nose, letting out a small smile.

‘Interested to know more?’ She nodded at him, letting out a wider smile. And Donghae let out a chuckle when he saw the sparkles in her eyes.

‘On 1 condition…’ Donghae bargain.

‘What again?’ Chaerin asked, rolling her eyes. Donghae chuckled again, the sight of the sparkle in her eyes changing to eyes rolling look so cute to him now.

‘Tell me your complete schedule of treatment…’

‘……………’ Chaerin looked at him, biting her lip.


‘All right… but… u…’

‘I know, I will only come if I can fit it in to my schedule all right?’ Donghae assured her.

‘All right…’ Chaerin nodded at him and he started telling her WookSuan’s story.

Unknowingly, 30 minutes passed fast… Donghae happened to finish his story by then. Donghae looked at the red spot on Chaerin’s hand, frowning.

‘Isnt it painful?’ Donghae asked.

‘Its ok….’

‘So when is your next treatment schedule?’ Doghae asked.

‘2 days later…’

‘So, which story u wanted to know next?’

‘Don’t forget your schedule…’

‘I think I can make it…HeeAe?’

‘I would love to…’ Chaerin nodded at him, giving him a faint smile. Donghae couldn’t help thinking how strong and brave Chaerin is, to be able to face all these alone…  




‘Chaerin, so 2 days later u shall have GameKyuRi story all right?’ Donghae said after Chaerin’s treatment.

‘Donghae… Do u have any picture of Cherry?’ Chaerin asked, she always liked children. She is very curious of how miniature Heechul looked like.

‘Hmn… u never take notice of us at all? It can be easily found on net u know?’ Donghae said, picking out his phone.

‘She is indeed pretty, really a miniature Kim Heechul…’ Chaerin smiled at the picture of Cherry.

‘Yes, not a bad product…’

‘Product?’ Chaerin chuckled at Donghae’s informal way of describing his hyung’s daughter.

*Phone ringing*

Chaerin passed back Donghae’s phone to him, mouthing the words thanks.

‘Excuse me…’ Donghae picked up his call .

‘Prince~~~~’ Hanuel’s sweet voice come from the other end of the phone.

‘Yes? Pinky…’ Donghae smiled at the sound of his girlfriend’s sound.

‘How are u my prince?’

‘I am fine…. How about u?’ Donghae glanced over to Chaerin who walked away, sitting down in 1 corner.

‘I am fine… But I am dying of missing u…’ Hanuel purred at her boyfriend.

‘Me too, princess….’

‘When is your schedule tomorrow?’


‘All right… I will call u again tomorrow all right?’

‘All right… take care, dear…’ Donghae blew a kiss to Hanuel and she blew back a kiss to him.

Donghae walked over toChaerin’s side and tapped her shoulder. Chaerinlooked up to him and asked. ‘Pinky?’

‘Yes, Come on, lets go…’ Donghae nodded at herleading her out of hospital.




‘Hae~~~’ Hanuel pounced over to Donghae the moment he opened the door.

‘Ha…Hanuel??’ Donghae stuttered.

‘Aish… are u that surprise?’ Hanuel asked, pecking at his lip.

‘Yes… Why are u here?’ Donghae asked.

‘I purposely arranged to come here so that I can come and meet u~’

‘I see….’ Donghae hugged Hanuel close to him. He miss her too…It had been a while since he last saw her.

‘Are u heading out? I thought u had no schedule today?’ Hanuel asked, looking at Donghae who is all dressed up.

‘Ah… I just wanted to.. walk around a bit…’

‘Great!! Lets go then…’ Hanuel said, pulling his hand.

‘Let me notify..Ryeowook 1st, u wait for me here all right?’ Donghae push Hanuel to the chair and headed toward Ryeowook’s room, relieve that Suan is there.


‘Me?’ Suan looked at Donghae in surprise, pointing to herself. Donghae nodded and gesture her to come over to him.

‘Where is Ryeogaa?’

   ‘He went out… yes?’

‘Suan… Chaerin is having her 4thtreatment today but I can’t accompany her there today.’

‘Huh? U been doing that previously? But she…’

‘Yes, rejected… but I insist.. But Hanuel is here… I can’t go with her today…’

‘Oh…. I see… so u wanted me to go instead?’

‘Yes… can u?’

‘Ok, let me go then…’

‘Please explain to her all right?’

‘Ok… u just run along then…’





(C)’Suan? Why are u here?’ Chaerin is surprised at the visit of Suan.

(C)’Hehe! Donghae asked me here… He cant make it here today…’

(C) ‘Oh… U shouldn’t have, Suan…’

(C) ‘Its all right….So how are u feeling?’ Suan asked, holding Chaerin’s hand.

(C) ‘I am ok…’

Suan couldn’t help crying at the sight of Chaerin being pricked by the long thin acupuncture needles. Chaerin requested Suan to take a walk nearby and promised she will call her back to pick her up when she is done with her treatment. Chaerin lied on the bed alone after Suan walked out. She heaved out a heavy sigh… Look like she will have a long 30 minutes today….

(C) ‘U truly are a crybaby…Never change..’ Chaerin said, looking at Suan.

(C) ‘How do u know?’ Suan asked, she remembered she never cried before in front of Chaerin.

(C) ‘Strawberyeo change u?~’

(C) ‘Huh? Huh… Fishy told u that?’ Suan asked.

(C) ‘Yes…’

(C) ‘Aish… that fishy….’

(C) ‘Nothing to hide anyway… happy ending…’ Chaerin turned to smile at Suan.

(C) ‘How about u? Don’t tell me u don’t have any boyfriend…’

(C) ‘No, Never…’

(C) ‘How can it be? Tell me tell me…’

(C) ‘Its a fact’

(C) ‘U are lying… I am not going to let u go if u didn’t tell me…Its unfair, u know everything about me and Ryeo but u don’t know anything about u…’

(C) ‘Really nothing to tell…’ Chaerin looked at Suan, smiling.

(C) ‘All right… u must tell me once u have all right?’

(C) ‘Sure, IF I have…’ Chaerin nodded at the childlike girl, smiling.




‘Chaerin ah~’ Hanuel hug at her good friend the moment she saw her.


‘U looks good here… where is ajusshi and ajumma?’

‘They went out… do u want to stay here?’ Chaerin asked.

‘No…. I wanted to be near to Hae…I can only stay for 1 day….’ Hanuel smiled sweetly at Chaerin before she turned and look at Donghae.

‘Hmn.. guessed it… have dinner here all right?’ Chaerin said, her hair.

‘Ok~ I need the washroom, excuse me a while…’

‘Run along then…’

‘How is the treatment today?’ Donghae asked.


‘Is Suan there?’

‘Please.. I rather be alone next time…’ Chaerin chuckled.


‘She cried..’

‘Huh? Her crybabiness acting again??’


‘Aish…She is no help at all…’

‘Its ok, I am fine alone…’

‘Never mind, I will be there with u next time…’ Donghae said.

‘Don’t promise…’ Chaerin said.


‘I am used to be alone…I liked it…’

‘U are lying….’ Both Chaerin and Donghae are surprised at how Donghae snapped back at Chaerin rather hot headedly. Chaerin looked at Donghae for a moment before she turned and went in to her room. Donghae slap on his forehead, huffing out his frustation… Why on earth would he be so angry at the sound of her liking to be alone?

‘Where is Chaerin?’ Hanuel asked Donghae who is still very much puzzled at his own emotion. He shrugged, smiling at Hanuel.

‘Doggie ah…’ Hanuel shouted.

‘Coming…’ Chaerin replied, coming out with a paper bag. ‘Your favorite Taiwan food..’

‘Oh~ thank u~~~ Love ya…’ Hanuel pecked on Chaerin’s cheek and opened the bag, taking out the food inside.

‘No…. Dinner soon…’ Chaerin snatched back the titbits and place it back to the bag.

‘Umn… Doggie….’


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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10