Chapter 10

Fishy's Love

The 5thjip is finally out after 1 year 2 months of waiting. The boys are putting in all their passion and their best in this album as their leader Leeteuk and Heechul are going to army after this. And no album can be as Super Junior’ish as this album is….

Hanuel and Chaerin are now located at the front, standing among the excited shouting fans, watching SUJU comeback show.

‘Doesn’t my Hae look cool?’ Hanuel turned, looking at Chaerin.

‘Yes, everyone is..’ Chaerin admitted, they are really good. Chaerin looked at her friend who is behaving like little fan girl right now… it’s hard to imagine these 2 just had a heated row not too long ago.

‘Lets go to backstage..’ Chaerin nodded at Hanuel who is very much excited to pull her inside the backstage.

‘Hae~~~’ Hanuel purred at her boyfriend and pounced over to give him a big hug and kiss.

‘Oh~ Pinky~ how is our performance?’Donghae asked, smiling at Hanuel who is busily wiping away his sweat.

‘Daebak~’ was Hanuel honest reply. Chaerin decided to leave the love birds alone and made her way toward Ae Li who is having a hard time pacifying both original Kim Heechul and miniature female version Kim Heechul aka Kim Cherry.

‘An nyeong ha se yo….I can help u with her, eonni..’ Chaerin offered, smiling at Cherry.

‘Oh… It’s ok…’ Ae Li shook her head, smiling at Chaerin. She knows her, Donghae told her about Chaerin before this.

‘Thank u~’ Heechul on the other hand, decided to make good use of this offer. He smirked at Chaerin and pass Cherry to Chaerin, he wanted to know what his wife think about his comeback show.

‘Its ok…I enjoyed doing so….’ Chaerin carried Cherry in her arm and walked away, sitting down with Cherry at one corner of the small backstage, looking at everyone. It’s noisy, its merry and its heart warming.

HeeAe is still very much in love with each other, and there are times when Heechul get jealous over the attention Cherry gotten from Ae Li. He is more than happy to ‘throw’ Cherry to Chaerin and have his wife to himself.

‘So, do u like my performance?’ Heechul asked, sliding his hands to his wife’s waist, pulling her close to him.

‘DAEBAK!! Your solo lines are especially made for u, how can it be no good? But I liked how u shrugged your shoulder after it… My y seobang…’ Ae Li winked at her husband, leaning toward him too.

‘Tsstt~ I know u loved me, my little petal…’ Heechul smirked as he pecked on his wife’s lip.

‘Oh… I hope u are not too tired…’ Ae Li looked at her husband, caressing his cheek. Heechul shook his head at her, smiling.

Kyuri is very much absorbed in discussing about a game tactic that Yuri failed to master with much passion, initially... Yuri smiled at Kyuhyun sweetly when he decided to be naughty and pecked on her lip to stop her from talking about the game.

‘Maybe u should start telling me how good I fare just now…’ Kyuhyun looked at Yuri, smirking at her.

‘Oh.. U are great~ u always are, I don’t have to mention it..’Yuri said, hugging her boyfriend.

‘So, I shall have my reward now…’Kyuhyun smiled, bowing his head and pecked her lip again. Deepen his kiss after a smirk, pulling Yuri closer to him.  Chaerin turned her head away, blushing… She covered Cherry’s eyes as well and shifted her attention to WookSuan. Wondering why is everyone so busy kissing each other here?

‘No, I don’t like Kimchi soup…’ Suan pouted.

‘But I feel like having it’

‘I don’t like the vegetable inside!’ Suan protested.

‘I will eat the vegetable and u will take care of the egg n bean curd all right?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘No… its unfair… just go for something we both liked…’ Suan said as she tried to scan her brain.

‘TTEOBOKKI!!!!’ Suan and Ryeowook shouted in chorus, nodding at each other with a great big grin. Chaerin chuckled at the cute couple who is forever busy over food. However…. The kissing that’s follow doesn’t really suit her taste…

 DongRi is always calm and low profile, talking and cuddling by themselves at one corner. Donghae told her that they are always demure, and Shindong explained its because they been together long enough, they are more like old couple rather than hot passion young couples like the rest of his hyung / dongsaeng.

Siwon is talking over the phone, obviously the call is not from a normal friend, judging from his smile.

Eunhyuk is frowning at his ‘wife’ over some stupid things, and a quarrel followed after that. Although they are yelling at each other but it still looks sweet to Chaerin.

Yesung chided at Suan for taking away his favourite dongsaeng, with a jealous look on his face. And Suan decided to irritate him by hugging Ryeowook close to her, smiling sweetly as Ryeowook draped his hand on her shoulder lovingly. Sungmin chuckle at Yesung’s childish act and slapped him on the arm, walking away when he saw the person he is waiting for standing at the backstage doorway.

Zhoumi is frowning at Henry over something he said and started to nag at him which earn a very irritated look from Henry.

The constant nagging of Leeteuk about not having a girlfriend cackled Chaerin up and she shook her head, looking at Cherry ‘Oh, Cherry ah~ your samcheon is so interesting… u must had an interesting life huh?’ Chaerin asked, cringing her nose as Cherry assault her cheek with her plump hands.

‘How come I never heard u saying such a long sentences to me before?’ Donghae asked, smirking at Chaerin. Chaerin just simply roll her eyes and ignore him. Hanuel chuckled and slap on Donghae arm before she seated herself beside Chaerin.

‘Doggie ya… sorry, are u bored?’ Hanuel asked.

‘No, I am not.’

‘But why are u sitting here alone?’

‘Babysitting… Isn’t she cute?’ Chaerin asked, looking at Cherry.

‘Erm… u know I am allergic to baby and puppy…’ Hanuel looked at Chaerin, shrugging her shoulder.

‘Oh..It’s all right, Kim Heechul is allergic to baby too, previously. It’s totally a different thing when u has your own.’ Ae Li said as Heechul takes over Cherry.  Hanuel merely smiled at Ae Li’s comment. She don’t think she will ever like children no matter what..

‘Yes… yes…Oh… Cherry ya, come to appa~’ Heechul pecked at her daughter’s cheek as she chuckled at the sight of him.

‘Hahaha! Are u talking about yourself? U don’t like cat but u liked Heebum, Champagne and Baengshin?’ Suan chided Ae Li, sticking her tongue at her.

‘What about u and your strawberry? U hated it to the core before u meet your strawberyeo..But now?’ Ae Li snapped back at Suan and enjoyed seeing her face turn scarlet red.

‘Aish… But I loved all kind of strawberries! Unlike u, u only liked your husband’s cat!’

‘Nothing wrong with that, isn it?’ Heechul smirked at Suan, hugging his wife shoulder.

‘Cheh~ this must be your plot to get near to him…’ Suan chided.

‘Yeah….So what? I got what I wanted~ Are you jealous I am together with my idol? I am so sorry~ Hohoho!!!’

‘Chisldish ajumma…’ Suan walked away in search for her boyfriend, leaving HeeAe and HaeNuel talking.

‘Hahahaha!! Yah, hyung su nim, do u really dislike cat?’ Donghae asked.

‘I… don’t quite fancy cat, to be frank…’ Ae Li laughed awkwardly.

‘Hmn… but u seem to be getting along well with the cats at your house…’ Donghae looked at her with a questioning look.

‘Because they are your hyung’s cat.’ Ae Li smiled at Donghae.


‘I loved everything about your hyung…’ Ae Li elated, looking at Heechul with a faint blush on her face when Heechul pecked her on the lip.

Donghae hugged at Hanuel shoulder, he really hope they will still be as sweet as them after their marriage. He is looking forward to his engagement so much…He really hopes Hanuel will agree to engage with him soon, or even better if they can get married straightaway… It will be even great if they can have children fast… He wanted so much to teach his son to dance, to play soccer and many many more……

Ps* just to clarify, Leeteuk hasn’t met Hyojin at this period of time yet. His wedding come after HaeNeul met.*




‘WHAT!!!???? U had a son???’ The boys looked at their leader before they turned, exchanging sight.

‘Yes…. To cut the story short, that was when I broke off with Junghye…’

‘But…but… How can u???’Ryeowook asked, tilting his head.

‘Erhm… hmn… drinking and… well…’ Leeteuk stuttered.

‘Well.. .Thats not important. So, what is the  next step?’ Shindong asked.

‘I don’t know yet… I… am still trying to sort it out…’ Leeteuk said, burying his face in his palm.




‘That is your hyung, not mine!!’ Hanuel shouted irritably at Donghae.

‘My hyung is your brother in law for your information, if you were to marry me!’ Donghae snapped at her.

‘Well, Not yet!’

‘Song Hanuel, are u serious about marrying me? Its just a small request!’

‘I don’t want to! I never wanted you to skip your schedule because of me don’t I? why should I change my schedule because of your hyung? And its not even a formal wedding… what is that? Just proposal isn’t it?’ Hanuel said, rolling her eyes.

‘But your colleague always ask for your help don’t they? Cant u just for once….’ Donghae tried to persuade her again, softening his voice.

‘No way I am gonna do that…’ Hanuel crossed her arms, There’s no way she going to change her schedule just because of his hyung. She loved her job, and there is nothing more important that taking full responsible of her job.

‘Hanuel…. Isn’t my brother suppose to be your family member too? How can u miss out our family gathering like this?’

‘Hae, It’s okay if my timing is all right with it, but now I cant! I have my job to handle, I have no time for your endless gathering with your hyung…Please understand me!’

‘Hanuel…. This is the 1sttime I requested you to do so!’

‘Once there’s a start, there will be endless request….’ Hanuel refused, stubbornly.

‘Song Hanuel…. Let me ask u once again, so u are not going to change it no matter what?’ Donghae hissed at her.

‘ YES!!!!!!’ Hanuel sat down on the sofa, looking away.

‘Fine….’ Donghae stormed out, never did he expect Hanuel will reject such a small request from him. He is heartbroken… Is she the same Hanuel he fall in love with previously?




*Doorbell ringing*

‘Chaerin…. Is Hanuel in?’ Chaerin shook her head.

‘Flying to Japan, u are not aware?’

‘I well… in fact… we quarrel a week back..’

‘I know…She wont be back so fast this time round… come on in..’ Chaerin stepped aside to allow Donghae to come in.

‘Is that so? I am not aware… She…. Well….Thanks… u alone?’ Donghae feel so disappointed… He as  fiancé-to-be of Hanuel doesn’t even know when will she be coming back….

‘Yes…with Paran…’

‘Paran ah… Appa is here…’ Donghae stooped down, picking up Paran.

‘Appa?’ Chaerin looked at Donghae.

‘Yes…’ Donghae returned her gaze and smiled at her… ‘Don’t u see how well we get along?’ Donghae asked.

‘I never know human can give birth to dog…’ Chaerin snickered.

‘Yah!!!!’ Donghae shouted at Chaerin, and she chuckled at his angry face, amused at how this growth up man can be so childish.

‘Do u want to stay for dinner?’ Chaerin offered.

‘Yes, please…I don’t like to eat alone…’

‘Give me a moment…’

‘Do u need help?’ Donghae offered.

‘No… it’s just a simple one… all right?’

‘I am easy with food~’ Donghae keep glancing at Chaerin who is moving around the kitchen, getting their food done.

‘It’s almost ready..’ Chaerin smiled at Donghae who is walking in to the kitchen.

‘Do u want to go for a shower 1st? I will get the table laid…’ Donghae offered.


‘Just run along… I am trained to do so in our dorm since I don’t cook…’ Donghae smiled.

‘All right… I will be fast…’ Chaerin nodded at him, it will be good if she can have a quick shower.

‘Take your time, I am not that hungry yet…’ Donghae assured, Chaerin walk away, nodding her head.

Donghae laid the dining table while Chaerin is in the shower. He even gets Paran dinner done. He sat down on the dining table, waiting patiently for Chaerin to come out.

‘U even fed Paran?’

‘Yes, let’s eat…’ Donghae nodded, pulling the chair for Chaerin.


‘Chaerin… do u know…’ Donghae tried to start a conversation when he feels the atmosphere is too quiet for his liking.

‘It’s not nice to talk when u are eating…’ Chaerin bowed her head, very much concentrating on her dinner.

‘But… I liked to talk when I am eating… U know…’ Chaerin looked up and stuff a spoonful of rice to Donghae’s mouth with her spoon, chuckling to herself at the stunned Donghae.

‘Yah!!!!’ Donghae protested between the mouthful of rice. However, he blushed when he saw Chaerin putting the same spoon into .

‘Concentrate on eating, talk later..’

‘All right…’ Donghae nodded, stealing a glance at Chaerin.

‘Don’t u think its very romantic of Teukie hyung to propose in front of their parent?’ Donghae elated dreamily.

‘Yes, it is…’ Chaerin nodded, while washing the dishes.

 ‘U should have seen the 3 of them together, they look so blissful…’

‘But are they really going to be married because of Junho?’ Chaerin asked while swinging her head, trying to get rid of the annoying hairs which keep falling to her face.

‘Yes… But I think he grown to love her…although it been only a short while since they met…. It’s a wonder how u can be attracted by a person…’ Donghae said while tucking Chaerin’s hairs behind her ear, looking at her.

 ‘Thanks, doesn’t he know that himself?’ Chaerin asked.

‘I… don’t think so… he might be confused…’ Donghae frowned at the rapid beat of his heart. What’s wrong with him? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10