Chapter 24

Fishy's Love

'I have to… participate the coming concert…’

‘Oh!!! Its great! Why are looking worried? U should be happy…’ Chaerin asked.

‘I wanted to undergone the operation ASAP…If I were to participate… I cant..’ Donghae pulled Chaerin to his embrace.

‘Oh…silly Fish… that can wait….’ Chaerin smiled assuring at her husband.

‘Jang-in-nim…I am sorry…. I didn’t mean to delay…’ Donghae looked at his father in law apologetic, he really wanted so much to cure Chaerin’s illness but somehow, things just go against your wish…

‘Just don’t forget your promise, son…’ Mr.Im said, patting his arm and leave the couple o their own.

‘No worry, I won’t! She is my responsible now.’ Donghae turned, declaring to his father in law, who nodded his head and walked away.

‘Hae… so when are u going back?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Well… maybe later… are u going back with me? Or u wishes to stay here?’

‘I….can I stuck with u?’ Chaerin asked, snuggling to him closer. She doesn’t think she can sleep without him beside her anymore.

‘Yes, of course… I am glad… cos I don’t think I can sleep without u beside me…’

‘Oh… Hae….’ Chaerin smiled, pecking his lip… amazed at the feeling that they both been sharing.

 ‘Hey… I realized u doesn’t look like the Chaerin I knew anymore…’


‘The Chaerin that I know previously is….never as adorable as the one in my arm now..’

‘Hahaha~ cheesy…’

‘And the iciness on your face and voice disappear…’

‘Cheh… so u liked the previous Chaerin better?’

‘Of course not!!!’ Donghae denied, hugging her tighter.

‘Come on… better inform omma we are to return to Seoul soon…’ Chaerin reminded him.

‘Yes… come on…’ Taking hold of her hand, Donghae walked toward his mother who is busily talking with Mrs.Im.




‘Yah!!! How can u get married without us attending???’ Eunhyuk pummelled his best buddy, angrily.

‘Its too sudden.. I can’t make it to inform!’ Donghae said, pushing him off.

‘What happen to EunHae?’ Eunhyuk stated sadly.

‘Oh come on… EunHae is past tense… not only because of Hae u know…’ Shindong looked at Eunhyuk meaningfully.

‘Whhaat… are … u talking about?’ Eunhyuk stuttered, blushing.

‘Hahahahah!! Cut the act! We have eyes to see~’ Heechul slapped at Eunhyuk’s head, who is walking away to escape from the further intergoration from his buddies.

‘Well… so how are u going to explain to the fans now?’ Siwom asked, maybe… he can get some idea from there.

‘Not going to… just keep it this way 1st…’ Donghae said.

‘Erm.. yes, no matter what u said they wont be accepting anyway, so might as well…’ Leeteuk nodded.

‘And… I am going to undergone an operation after out concert…’ Donghae stated.

‘WHAT!!!???’ All the boys looked at Donghae as soon as he dropped the bomb to them.

‘What… happen to u? are u sick?’ Ryeowook asked, looking at Donghae, worried….

‘No… I am not… but my wife is…’ Donghae looked at his buddy, telling them about Chaerin’s illness and his plan.

‘Hae… That’s brave of u…U matured so much…’ Leeteuk slapped on his shoulder, smiling at him.

‘She is my wife… I have to be responsible for her…’ Donghae smiled.

‘So… do u still believe in Santa Claus and Ninja?’ Sungmin asked, smirking.

‘YAH!!!!!!!!’ Donghae yelled at the pink bunny who started to chuckle.

‘Hahahahahahahahah!!!’ all the boys burst out laughing, knowing how difficult it is to make theirs childish fish change his mind about Santa and Ninja.




‘Hae….’ Chaerin opened her eyes and looked at her husband, who just come back from his intensive training. He doesn’t have much time left… the concert will be coming next week.

‘Chaerin?? U looked pale… what happen? Are u having any pain?’ Donghae asked, worried. Chaerin doesn’t look too good to him.

‘I don’t know… I just feel tired… no pain so far but I do feel weak…’ Chaerin closed her eyes, leaning to her husband.

‘Aish…. Why is it so? Lets go to doctor now….’ Donghae wrapped his arms around her, intending to carry her up.

‘Its ok, Hae… Appa had arranged me to check in to the hospital  tomorrow…’

‘Are u alright to wait till tomorrow??’ Donghae asked, swiping away Chaerin’s hairs from her forehead.

‘Yes, I am…I feel better now…with u around…’ Chaerin muttered, closing her eyes.

‘Chaerin?’ Donghae looked at Chaerin, who seem to fall asleep… He couldn’t help being worried… he hope her condition is not deterioting…  




Donghae couldn’t pay any attention to his training at all… all his heart is with Chaerin… He wonders how she is right now?

‘Hae? Are u ok?’ Leeteuk asked, noticing the unusual anxiety of him.

‘Hyung… I wonder how is Chaerin now…’

‘Why?’ Leetek asked, frowning. Worried of Chaerin’s health as well.

‘Not sure.. she been feeling weak recently… Her appa send her to hospital for a detail check up…’

‘Why don’t u just call to check?’ Eunhyuk asked, hugging his Fishy’s shoulder.

‘I did… but the doctor is still checking just now..’

‘Call again, now…’ Leeteuk suggested.

‘All right….’ Donghae picked out his phone and dialled his father in law number.




‘Abeoji…’ Donghae greeted his father in law who sat beside beside sleeping Chaerin.

‘Son….’ looked at him with his tired eyes.

‘I shall take over, u go back and rest?’ Donghae suggested.

‘No… Chaerin been telling me not to let u stay no matter what.. u had a tiring day…’

‘Jang-in… No… I can’t rest even if I am home, without her. At least let me be with her…’ Donghae said, caressing her wife’s cheek softly.

‘Son… don’t worry.. At least there’s no pain…’

‘I wanted to stay with her no matter what.. please go back and rest, jang in nim…’ Donghae squeezed at his father in law’s hand, pushing him out of Chaerin’s ward.

‘All right… u rest if u have the chance…’ Mr.Im patted at Donghae’s arm before he stepped out, looking at Donghae who is holding up Chaerin’s hand to his cheek, muttering something to her..

He gave out a heavy sigh… turned his body and made his way out from the hospital.

‘Hae…’ Chaerin ruffle at her husband’s hairs, frowning… She already asked appa not to let him stay with him… Why is he still here?

‘Umn.. Oh~ u are awake, yeobo?’ Donghae stretched himself, leaning over to peck his wife’s forehead. ‘Morning…’

‘Why are u here?’ Chaerin asked, frowning.

‘Do u think I can sleep at home without u?’ Donghae asked,sitting down beside her and pull her to his embrace.

‘Hae… but I don’t want u to be so tired…’ Chaerin leaned toward her husband, playing with his fingers.

‘At least I can sleep here, holding your hand…’ Donghae smiled, wrapping her hand in his.

‘Lee Donghae… I love u…’ Chaerin pulled his hands and snuggle closer to him.

‘Im Chaerin, I love u too..’ Donghae chuckled, kissing her hairs.

‘Go and get yourself ready… Its almost time for your practise…’ Chaerin pushed Donghae away, looking at him.

‘Are u alright?’ Donghae asked, frowning. ‘What did the doctor say?’

‘He said I am fine… Just need to rest more, so don’t worry. There is no pain, really…’ Chaerin assured him.




Hanuel looked at Chaerin who is asleep now… it been 5 years since they know each other.. and to think she doesn’t even know she is sick all these while… Chaerin been asking herself, did she really put in all her heart to understand Chaerin? All the while Chaerin is always the one who is looking after her, caring for her and giving her all the comfort whenever she need it… Now only she realised how little she cared for her so called best friend…

‘Why don’t u just go in and have a look?’ Suan asked Hanuel, who is surprised at her sudden appearance. Hanuel looked at her, shaking her head.

‘Yes…Just go in and take a look…’ SeunHyun patted at Hanuel’s shoulder, giving her an encouraging smile.

‘Oppa… I.. don’t ...Can’t…’ Hanuel looked at him, she still couldn’t bring herself to step in.

‘I leave it to u…. I will be back later…’ Suan smiled and bowed at them both, making her way toward the hospital’s café… She thinks, Hanuel will be more comfortable if she leave them alone.

‘Are u still thinking of him?’ SeungHyun asked after Suan walked away. He felt a faint tug of pain in his heart when he saw her nodding at him. Seem like he is not working hard enough yet.

‘Oppa…. I… its not easy to forget…I am sorry…’ Hanuel looked at him, apologetically.

‘I understand…I will wait…..’ Seunghyun hugged at her shoulder, giving her a faint smile.

‘Lets go back, oppa..’ Hanuel casted one last look at Chaerin before she turned and made her way out of hospital.  She decided not to go in after all.




‘Yeo… bo.. se.. yo~’ Donghae grinned at Chaerin who is sitting on her bed reading a book. He sat down beside her and enveloped her into a hug from back, rocking her gently.

‘Hae~ So how is the practice?’ Chaerin asked, leaning on his chest.

‘Fine…and how is my babe today?’ Donghae asked as he pecked on her cheek.

‘Erm… fine too… are u hungry? After those strenuous training?’

‘I am full~ Hyojin hyung su nim drop by for a visit and brought food to perk us up just now.’

‘Ermn..’ Chaerin nodded, how she wishes she can do the same thing too…

‘We won’t get hungry…so don’t worry… I am more worried about u… did u eat well?’

‘Yes, I am… don’t worry….’

‘And… what did the doctor said?’

‘Nothing much…. Hae…. Can u please drop the idea of…’

‘No! I insist…’

‘But I don’t want u to take the risk.’

‘No more debate on this issue, darling…’

‘Hae….I…’ Donghae smirked at her and pulled her to him, shutting her up in the most romantic way, kiss~




‘Yah!! Its that !!’

‘Stupid ! Why are u here huh? Haven’t u done enough harm to Donghae oppa??’

Chaerin looked at the bunch of girls who is coming closer and closer to her… She keep stepping back, to avoid direct collision with them. If she were to fight them, she doesn’t think they are her match. However, she doesn’t want to do so to the E.L.F of the man she loves.

‘I am going to punish u on behalf of your good friend!’ a girl raised her hand, intending to slap Chaerin. Subconsciously, Chaerin closed her eyes, waiting for the slap to hit on her cheek.

‘What do u think u are doing huh?’ Chaerin opened her eyes and saw Yuri gripping the girl’s wrist.

‘Mind your own business!’ the girl tried to fling away Yuri’s hand but Yuri hold on to it tight, smirking at her.

‘Let go! Pain!!!’ the girl screamed, with tears in her eyes.

‘So, u do know pain?’ Yuri smirked at the girl again.

‘YAH!!’ Some of the girl’s friends pushed at Yuri, trying to get her to loosen her grip. However, backed off after Yuri gave them a cold stare.

  ‘Maybe we should get my husband and your Heechul oppa to come down…’ Hyojin stated calmly, looking at Ae Li who is hugging Chaerin right now, knowing how afraid the fans are of Heechul.

‘Oh….’ Ae Li nodded after looking at Hyojin blankly for a moment, trying to fumble out her phone with her shaking hand.

‘Yah… lets go…’ The girl attempt to swing away Yuri’s hand again and she let it go. The crowd of trouble maker girls stalked away, not wanting to have direct collision with Heechul at all.

*Sigh* Ae Li heaved out a heavy sigh, she turned to Chaerin, ‘ Are u all right?’

‘I am fine…Thanks..’ Chaerin nodded, looking at Ae Li’s pale face.

‘U seems to be even more traumatized than her…’ Hyojin said, glancing over to Ae Li while patting at Yuri who is rolling down her sleeves.

‘I am…Some fans are really scary…’ Ae Li admitted, she cant help think back how she almost lose her Cherry during her pregnancy due to attacks from fans till Heechul banned her from going out at all, even in Malaysia.

‘What are u doing here? Can you come out of hospital like this?’ Yuri asked, looking at Chaerin.

‘Yes.. the doctor allow me to do so…’ Chaerin nodded.

‘U shouldn’t come alone like this!’ Yuri stated, worried of her health.

‘I am fine…’

‘Not fine! Why allow the fans to touch u?’ Yuri blurted, Hate letters, poisoned gifts, crude words… she seen so much since she is in relationship with Kyuhyun. However, she will never ever allow the fans to harm herself no matter what. Why should she endure their childishness just because she is dating their almighty idol?

‘I just don’t wish to…’

‘fight Donghae’s fans?’ Hyojin helped to finish Chaerin’s sentences, rubbing at the girl’s cold palm.

‘Yes…’ Chaerin bit her lip, nodding at Hyojin..

‘Next time, I will pick u up…’ Yuri took Chaerin’s hand and pulled her in to the boys’ practice room.

‘I….’ Just as Chaerin wanted to reject, Yuri turned and looked at her.

‘Because I am your friend, and you are not to say no…’ Yuri let go of Chaerin’s hand and hugged at Chaerin’s shoulder’s instead, smirking to herself.

‘I am glad… and thanks…’ Chaerin smiled, looking at the confidence girl. What a perfect match with the devilish Kyuhyun as how Donghae described.


‘Why are u here?’ Donghae ran toward Chaerin upon seeing her.

‘Here to visit u all…’ Chaerin smiled at her husband before she turned and waved to the rest of the boys ‘An nyeong~ Yeo ro bun~(Hi, all~)’

‘U shouldn’t run about like this…’ Donhae frowned at her, rubbing her cold palms.

‘I am fine, I am not sick..’ Chaerin frowned at Donghae, shaking her head.

‘U ARE!!!’ everyone chorused, looking at Chaerin.

‘Aish…. I… am really fine…’ Chaerin blushed, gripping at Donghae in embarrassment.

‘Ermn… hmn… Fishy, its dangerous to let her run around like this alone…’ Yuri frowned, looking at Donghae. Chaerin shook her head at Yuri, gesturing her not to tell Donghae about the previous incident.

‘What happen?’ Donghae asked, casting a questioning look at Chaerin who remain quiet.

‘Attacked by fans…’ Ae Li said, hugging her own arms.

‘No wonder u looked so freaked out…’ Heechul wrapped his arms around his wife, trying to calm her down. Ae Li nodded at him and leaned toward her husband for comfort.

‘Are u all right?’ Donghae asked, frowning at Chaerin.

‘I am fine… Yuri saved me…’

‘Erm… yes, She is so brave…’ Hyojin said, nodding at Leeteuk who is busy hugging her.

‘Really? Wow… so u makes good use of your skill?’ Kyuhyun asked, looking at Yuri.

‘Hmnmm… Who asked them to bully Chaerin? Cheh… childish girl… they thought they can have Donghae by slapping her?’ Yuri smirked at Kyuhyun who is smirking at her.

‘Hahaha!!’ All right… I know… Did u hurt yourself huh?’ Kyuhyun asked, examining her limbs.

‘How can that possible be?’ Yuri asked, smirking.

‘Good….’ Kyuhyun smiled, embracing her.

‘Aish… I forbid u to come out like this again…’ Donghae scowled at Chaerin…

‘I am fine, don’t kick a big fuss…’

‘Do u feel cold?’ Sungmin asked Yesung and the latter nodded at him and shrugged.




The 7thanniversary concert is finally here. Donghae had just given Chaerin a call, promised to visit her right after the concert. How Chaerin wished she can be there to give the boys her support as how the rest of the girl do… Suan was here before she went to the concert hall, looking very much excited and she just can’t help being envious…. Why she had to be sick like this?

‘Girl?’ Mr.Im looked at his daughter who is loss in her own thought.

‘Hmn? Yes..Appa?’ Chaerin turned and smiled at her dad.

‘Come on…’ Mr.Im pulled up her daughter, started to get her dressed up.

‘Appa… where are u bringing me?’

‘To see your husband.’

‘Appa?’ Chaerin looked at her father, who is busily wrapping her up with the shawl.

‘Lets go…’

‘Appa… i cant… He forbid me to do so…’

‘Just be careful….unless u don’t feel like it…Can u find way to go in?’ Mr.Im said, looking at her daughter, who smile and nodded at him.


Ae Li and Suan ran toward the back door, fast.

‘Chaerin?’ Suan panted, looking at Chaerin whose face is being covered by shawl.

‘Suan…Ae Li eonni…’ Chaerin pulled down her shawl and smiled at them.

‘Its dangerous!’ Ae Li frowned.

‘Hee Suan ssi, Ae Li ssi, can I entrust my daughter to u?’ Mr.Im asked, looking at the 2 young women in front of him.

‘An nyeong ha se yo, Mr.Im. But is her health….’ Ae Li asked, worried.

‘Don’t worry… she is fine…’ Mr.Im said, smiling at her.

‘All right then… come on in… u wouldn’t want to miss Hae’s solo isn’t?’ Suan said, pulling at Chaerin’s hand.

‘Appa, I am going…’ Chaerin gave her father a hug before she went in with Suan.

‘We will send her back to the hospital later, Mr.Im. Please do not worry.’ Ae Li said to Mr.Im, bowing slightly.

‘Thank u, Ae Li ssi…’

‘Don’t mention…’ Ae Li turned and walked back, looking at the 2 excited girls who ran ahead in front of her.

‘Heechul is going to propose… so… don’t stand close to Ae Li… I don’t want to risk u catching unwanted attention…’ Suan whispered to Chaerin, who is nodding in agreement.

‘I know… Hae told me…’ Chaerin smiled at her.

‘Stay close to me… I know how to avoid the camcorder well…’ Suan winked at her, pulling at her good friend’s hand.

‘Hahaha~ thanks….’ Chaerin nodded, getting more and more excited as the music of getting louder and louder every minute.

Chaerin looked at Donghae who is happily dancing and singing with his brother. She smiled when she saw the chidish wrestle and occasion mischevious act of his, why would she fall in love with this childlike guy?


‘Hae…’ Chaerin picked up her phone, smiling. He will never guess she is just right here at the same place with him.

‘Yeobo? Where are u?’ Donghae asked, noticing the noisy background from the other side of the phone. ‘Hello?? Chaerin????’ Donghae frowned, why isn’t there any response from her?

‘I am here…’ Chaerin hugged Donghae from behind, smiling.

‘Yeobo? Why are u here?’ Donghae asked, turning around to look at his wife.

‘I been here since the 3rdsongs, for free…’ Chaerin laughed, sticking out her tongue.

‘How do u get in?’ Donghae asked.

‘With help from the new Mrs.Kim Heechul…and that future Mrs.Kim… ’ Chaerin said, nodding toward Suan and Ryeowook.

‘I am glad…’ Donghae pulled Chaerin to him, embracing her.

‘U are great, my husband…’ Chaerin hugged him back, closing her eyes.

‘U are great too, my wife…’

*groan* ‘I hate u Chaerin…. U took away my Hae..’ Eunhyuk pouted at Chaerin.

‘Hahaha! I am so sorry, Hyukjae… Do u mind sharing with me?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Hey!!!’ Donghae protested, pinching her cheek.

‘Hae… had u stopped loving me?’ Eunhyuk asked, whining.

‘Please… stop it... monkey…’ Sungmin hugged Eunhyuk’s neck and pulled him away, leaving some private space for the couple.

‘Great…I can stay at the hospital together with u starting tomorrow…’Donghae looked at Chaerin, smiling.


‘No more debating…and…I want a baby soon….’ Donghae whispered, he gotten tired of her constant effort of persuading him to give up the operation... To him,nothing matter more than Chaerin's health.... 


** Sorry sorry for the waiting.... My internet connection went wrong previously so i cant update... Long chapter to make it up to u all~ I did not dissapear nor give up so dont worry~ LOL..

Sorry again **Bow*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10