Chapter 5

Fishy's Love


Donghae laughed happily with the rest of his brother, hugging Hanuel close to him. He saw Chaerin walked out together with Suan, exchanging a look before the both of them walk toward different direction.

‘Where had u been?’ Ryeowook asked, holding Suan’s hand.

‘Erm… ladies…’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook, glancing at Chaerin again.

Donghae saw Suan whispered to Chaerin before she stepped out of the pub. To his surprise, Chaerin smiled at Suan and nodded her head. Donghae frowned, what happen between Suan and that girl?




‘Hey….’ Donghae called out to Chaerin who is sitting down, having her dinner.

‘………….’ Chaerin stopped eating and looked at him.

‘U are not eyeing on Hanuel right?’ Donghae asked.

‘………….’ Rolling her eyes, Chaerin ignored him and continued with her dinner.

‘Hey, I am talking to u!’ Donghae growled at her.

‘Having no confidence in yourself?’ Chaerin ask, smirking.

‘U…. So what do u want actually? Suan?’


‘Keep your distant from Hanuel then….’

‘Lee Donghae… seem like its ur girlfriend who are bugging me…’

‘Im Chaerin…. I….’

‘Do something to keep her with u then…’ Chaerin tidied the table and made her way to her room, ignoring Donghae who is hopping mad right now. However he quickly keep his frown and smiled at Hanuel who is walking out wearing the new dress she just bought.

‘Hae, How do I look??’ Hanuel asked, straightening her new dress.

‘U look pretty…’ Donghae said, ruffling her hairs.

‘Oh, really? Let me ask Doggie…’ Hanuel turned and knocked at Chaerin’s room door…

‘Come on in…’ Chaerin shouted form outside.

‘Doggie ya~ how do I look?’ Hanuel walked in, turning herself in front of Chaerin.

‘Nice…’ Chaerin nodded at her.

‘Oh really~ Ah… I will change into another set, tell me what u think all right?’ Hanuel run back to her room, closing her door. Donghae frowned, maybe he should find a way to persuade Hanuel to move out ASAP.



‘Doggie ya… u sure u are not following us?’ Hanuel asked, she wanted very much for Chaerin and Donghae to have a proper meal together. She really hopes they can get along….

‘No…’ Chaerin said, shaking her head.

‘Doggie ya….. Do u really dislike him so much? Why?’ Hanuel asked, biting her lip.

‘I did not dislike him….’

‘But… u…..’

‘Pinky ya…. Important is u liked him… He is nice to you isn’t it?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Yes… But u are important to me too….’

‘Pinky ya…. Maybe u should rely on me lesser from now on…’

‘Why? Why?’Hanuel asked, grabbing Chaerin’s hand.

‘Who know I might leave u one day?’ Chaerin, looking at Hanuel.

‘What?? U are going back to Taiwan for good? I thought u don’t like it there?’ Hanuel asked.

‘Maybe….’ Chaerin nodded at Hanuel, smiling.

‘I don’t like it… don’t leave me….’ Hanuel hugged Chaerin tightly, sobbing. She can’t stand the thought of her good friend staying so far away from her…

‘Babo ya…. Don’t be like this….’ Tears started to form in Chaerin’s eyes but she blinked it away, fast.

‘Shiro…(I don’t want)’

*Doorbell ringing*

‘He is here…’ Chaerin pushed Hanuel away, wiping away her tears. Standing up, Chaerin made her way to the main door.

‘Thank u…’ without even waiting Donghae to finish his word of thanks, Chaerin walked in, making her way to her room.

‘Doggie ya….’ Hanuel hugged at Chaerin from behind, still sobbing. Donghae is shocked at the action of her girlfriend and he dont know how he should react at this moment.

‘Song Hanuel….’ Chaerin pried away her hand, turning back to look at her.

‘Im Chaerin…. U are not to leave me….’ Hanuel looked at her friend in tears.

‘Lee Donghae…’ Chaerin shake her head at Hanuel, wiping her tears away and looked at Donghae, gesturing him to get Hanuel away from her.

‘What are u doing, Princess?’ Donghae asked, hugging Hanuel.

‘She says she gonna leave me….’ Hanuel looked at her boyfriend, crying her heart out.

‘No matter what… I will always be here for u, huh?’

‘Doggie…..’ Hanuel struggled, getting away from Donghae and pounced to Chaerin again, hugging her.

‘Stop crying, Song Hanuel..’ Chaerin looked at Hanuel sternly.



‘All right….’ Hanuel sniffed, trying to stop her tear. She looked at Chaerin, pleadingly. She hopes Chaerin is not serious about leaving her.

‘Good girl….’ Chaerin wiped Hanuel’s tear away, patting at her face. Chaerin casted a look at Donghae again, nodding at Hanuel.

‘Come on here, princess…’ Donghae pulled Hanuel to him and patted her gently, looking at Chaerin who is walking back to her room. He cant understand this girl at all… 




Hanuel is very much unhappy after Chaerin told her she might be returning back to Taiwan for good. Donghae been trying to find time for her and she does seem to be regaining her happy self bit by bit.

Donghae brought Hanuel to their favorite seaside… He looked at Hanuel who is happily stepping on the wave now, smiling. He smiled to himself, walking toward her and hug her from behind.

‘Princess… I love u….’ turning to face him, Hanuel looked at him with a blushed face.

‘I love u too, Prince Fish…’ Hanuel smiled and rubbed her nose with his. Donghae pressed his lip to her gently, pulling her close to her.

‘Come with me, princess….’ Donghae break off from their lip lock and pulled Hanuel who is still in a daze toward the other end of beach.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Just come…..’

‘Oh My god~’ Hanuel shrieked in surprise when she saw a gigantic heart on the soft white sand, with her name inside saying ‘Song Hanuel, Lee Donghae love u~ Will u marry him?’ She turned her head, looking at Donghae who kneeled down, with a ring in his hand looking at her.

‘Hanuel… Please, will u marry me?’ Donghae asked.

‘Hae….. Yes….’ Hanuel kneeled down too, hugging Donghae.

‘Thank u!!!’ Donghae carried Hanuel up, cheering and laughing.




‘Engaged?’ Chaerin looked at her friend who is still admiring the shiny ring on her finger.

‘Yes, we are going to be engaged after he is done with his promotion.’

‘Its only 3 months….’Chaerin frowned, looking at the dreamy girl.

‘Doesn’t matter, we still have a lifetime…..’

‘Hanuel, answered me, do u really think he is the one for u?’ Chaerin grab at Hanuel’s hand, forcing Hanuel to face her, looking straight into her eyes.

‘Doggie ya…. Why…’ Hanuel is shocked of Chaerin’s sudden question and looked at her dumb founded.

‘Just answer…’ Chaerin asked, pressing Hanuel for an answer.

‘Yes… I love him, Doggie..’ Hanuel looked at Chaerin, nodding her head.

‘………………..’Hanuel glance over to her best friend, when she notices that she is unusually quiet.

‘Doggie ya… aren’t u happy for me?’ Hanuel asked, observing her friend.

‘If this is what u want…Congratulate…’ Chaerin forced out a smile, standing up and walk toward her room.

‘Doggie ya….’

‘I am a bit tired….’ Chaerin said, without even turning her head. In her room, Chaerin smiled between her tears when she knows that her best friend is getting married…. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10