Chapter 15

Fishy's Love

Donghae woke up, upon hearing a string of melodious piano sound coming from the living room. He got up, stretched himself and headed to the bathroom to wash himself.

‘Morning….’Donghae greeted Chaerin who is sitting in front of piano, playing a familiar song….

‘Morning…Let have breakfast….’ Chaerin greeted, closing the piano cover, standing up.

‘Thanks… wow…Its only breakfast~’.Donghae looked at the table of delicious food and looked at her.

‘Just eat…’ Chaerin shook her head, bowing her head low as she eats.

‘What is that song u are playing just now?’  Donghae asked.

‘I don’t know the name… I heard it on my previous Taiwan trip…I try to play it as I quite liked it..’

‘Can u please play it again later?’ Donghae requested. Chaerin looked at Donghae for a moment before she nodded at him.

‘I can only play a small part…’Chaerin sat down in front of the piano again, playing the song…

.Donghae chuckled, he knew that song! Very well indeed… He started to sing and it does amaze Chaerin, she never knows he can sing so well in Chinese…

‘U know this song?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Haha! Its Super Junior M’s song, don’t u know that?’ Donghae asked, rolling his eyes.

‘I am sorry, I really don’t….’ Chaerin chuckled in embarrassment.

‘I liked this song too….’ Donghae smiled, he always thought this song is romantic.

‘Its very beautifully written…’

‘U wanted the full lyric and song sheet?’

‘Yes, please….’ Chaerin smiled.

‘Erm.. Lets see…’ Donghae was thinking hard where he should get the it from.

 ‘Why don’t u tell me the name of the song?’

‘幸福微甜…(Love is sweet)’

‘I can look it up in the internet…’ Chaerin stand up , very much excited.

‘U are right…’ Donghae agreed, why didn’t he think of that before?

Chaerin printed out the song sheet and started to play the song again. Donghae sat beside her, singing as she played the song.  (click to listen) 

这城市夜晚闹哄哄This night city is always hectic
[] 人潮像快转的时钟Peoples’ movement are like fast winding clock
[] 这不是我要的感动This is not the feeling I wanted
[] 廉价的妆都太浓Its just like cheap makeup, which always seem to be too thick
[] 这感觉我不知怎麼形容I am unable to describe that feeling.

[] 街道上闪烁的霓虹The flashing neon lamps in street
[] 就像是短暂的笑容Are just like short-lived smiles
[] 能不能给我一分钟Can you give me one minute
[] 安安静静跟你沟通To quietly communicate with you
[] 亲爱的我真的跟他们不同Dear, I am really not the same with other

[东海] 话不多我天生慢熟A man of few words, I may be slow
[东海] 不是不想牵你手It is not that I do not wish to hold your hand (now)
[厉旭] 只是在等你微笑点I am just waiting for you to smile and nod in agreement
[厉旭] 对你我始终温柔I always wish to remain gentle with you…

[晟敏] 请别怪我沉默害羞慢熟为拥抱找理由Please don’t blame me for being quiet, shy, slow,and always looking for reasons to hug
厉旭] 我真的爱上不啰嗦I will not hesitate if I am really in love,

[厉旭] 可以很勇敢大声地I will express it loud and clear to you, boldly.

 [全体] 幸福上演剧情微甜*Happiness is just like a drama, with a mildly sweet storyline
全体] 我轻尝你的脸开心明显Happiness is obvious as I tasted (pecked on your) cheek
全体] 我们往对方的身上互黏we can’t help sticking up to each other(‘s bodies)
周觅] 快乐不避嫌We could not hide our happiness 

 [] 们住在彼此心里面we live in each other’s heart,
[] 一天天累积眷恋piling up our longing for each other day by day.

[全体] 幸福上演剧情微甜Happiness is just like a drama, with a mildly sweet storyline
[全体] 轻尝你的脸结局鲜艳The Ending is vibrant as I tasted (pecked on your) cheek
[全体] 故事里我们一起走很远we will be walking together for a very long distance as in story

[觅,东海] 完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新Everything is perfect, our  love is (just like bread) fresh from oven
[觅,东海] 轻咬下永远, I took a light bite, marking down forever.

‘!@#$%^&*()_+!!@#$%’ Donghae tried to rap at Eunhyuk’s and Henry’s part but Chaerin couldn’t make out a single word from him. She slapped at his arms, laughing.

‘Let’s just skip the rap, u can’t do it!!!’ Chaerin suggested, shaking her head.

Donghae smiled and nodded at her. Chaerin continued to play as both of them sing along again.

Donghae looked at Chaerin side feature, feeling the rapid beat on his heart again.

[全体] 幸福上演剧情微甜*Happiness is just like a drama, with a mildly sweet storyline
全体] 轻尝你的脸开心明显Happiness is obvious as I tasted (pecked on your) cheek
[全体] 们往对方的身上互黏we can’t help sticking up to each other(‘s bodies)
[觅] 乐不避嫌We could not hide our happiness

Donghae sat nearer to Chaerin, their arms touching, looking at Chaerin who is still very much engrossed playing the piano.

[觅] 们住在彼此心里面we live in each other’s heart,
[觅] 一天天累积眷恋piling up our longing for each other day by day.

Donghae heart’s skipped at beat when he sang this line, looking at Chaerin again….

[全体] 幸福上演剧情微甜Happiness is just like a drama, with a mildly sweet storyline
全体] 轻尝你的脸结局鲜艳The Ending is vibrant as I tasted (pecked on your) cheek
全体] 故事里我们一起走很远we will be walking together for a very long distance as in story

[觅,东海] 完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新Everything is perfect, our love is (just like bread which is) fresh from oven
觅,东海] 轻咬下永远, I took a light bite, marking down forever.

Chaerin turned and smiled at Donghae as she press on the last note.

 ‘So, this is how u feels when u falls in love with Hanuel?’ Chaerin asked.

‘U know… u should smile more…..’ Donghae commented, not paying attention to Chaerin’s question.

‘Hmnm?’ Chaerin shrugged, smiling at Donghae again..

‘U look pretty with that smile of your….’ Donghae continued….

‘Can sing it with me one more time?’ Chaerin turned her blushing face away from Donghae and started playing the song again.

[全体]幸福上演剧情微甜*Happiness is just like a drama, with a mildly sweet storyline
[全体] 我轻尝你的脸开心明显Happiness is obvious as I tasted (pecked on your) cheek

 Donghae feel so much tempted to kiss her cheek…

[觅,东海] 完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新Everything is perfect, our love is (just like bread which is) fresh from oven
觅,东海] 轻咬下永远, I took a light bite, marking down forever….

Donghae leaned over and pecked at Chaerin’s cheek at the last note…..


**幸福微甜(Love is sweet) from SJM

***I simple adore this song, very meaningful… Sorry, I think I did not bring out the real spirit of this song, this is the closest translations I can find with some alternation to make it closer to the meaning….

***** Sorry again Hanuel..... Runs away~

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10