I walked across the street to the local restaurant.  Its one of those pretty nice restaurants…the ones where only the rich and famous go just to grab something “light and simple”.  Normal people would just drive in to a Mcdonalds and grab a cheeseburger, but the rich need to go to a restaurant where a small piece of tuna is $50.
“Hello, welcome to Marble!  Do you have a reservation?” asked the hostess.
“Yes…um…it should be under Park.” I said shyly.  I feel awkward just being in a restaurant like this.  I know that I read about these restaurants and had fantasies of sitting at a table here with a nice cup of coffee and basking in the sun outside, but I’m not rich.
“Park…..Ah Yes! Here we go.  Perfect.  Please follow me…your table is right over here.”
She took me to a small area with a nice table for two.  It was slightly Parisian with a modern twist.
“Your waiter will be with you in a moment.”
“Thank you.”
After a few moments, a waiter comes over to take my order.
“Hello. My name is…..Amelie?!”
I looked up to see why a person with a man’s voice would be named Amelie when I saw that it was….

“Hey!  Here for lunch?”
“Wha- Why- Who….Hi.”  I was lost for words.  I didn’t know what to say.  Didn’t he say that he was a financier?  There is no way he would just “part time” as a waiter.
He laughed gently, “Sorry about the lie.  I work here as a waiter.  I’m not a financier.  I just said that because I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to dance with me.”
I returned his laugh“….but you know…Jiyong?”
!  I said his name again.  Wasn’t I trying to forget about him?  
“But…we kind of grew apart.  After he got famous.”
“Oh.  I see.  I’m sorry.”
“No. Don’t be.  He was just busy.  So what do you want to drink?”
“uh..  Just a water please?”
“Of course.”

After a couple of minutes he came over with a glass of water, and he couldn’t stay any longer because he had to go take other people’s orders.

But our short conversation was nice.  I felt really comfortable around him.  He seemed like a very nice guy.  And I felt a..warm..aura around him.
Its been about 30 minutes, but Char still hasn’t come.  I didn’t really mind though.  It was nice being in the restaurant.
Eddie would once in a while come over and fill my water cup and smile at me.
I waited for another 10 minutes….when…

I looked up from the table and I saw that it was ….him.
 “am I doing here?  I would like to ask you the same thing.  I was supposed to meet Char here to talk about a photo shoot. And the hostess brought me to you.”
Great.  No wonder Char was asking me about Jiyong and I.  God. Why does this woman HAVE to make my life so wonderful? (HEAVY SARCASM)
“I’m sorry.  Char probably made some kind of mistake.  I’ll just go and remind her that she has a meeting with you.”
I got up, ready to leave.
“No. Stay.  We both know now that there was no meeting. …. Did you eat yet?”
He made a gesture to a waiter nearby for the menus.
“What would you like?”
“Uh….”  I really need to work on my talking skills.  For some reason I forget how to speak when I’m in front of him.
I just looked at the menu, but everything was very expensive.  One dish here was the amount I spent for a whole month for food.  
He gestured over to the waiter again and asked for two club sandwiches.
“They have sandwiches here?”
Okay.  That was awkward.  I asked a question.  He answered with a simple yes.  Which makes me have to start the conversation again with some interesting topic.
I just really wanted the food to come out then, even if he just ordered a minute ago.
I started to take great interest in my water glass then and just planted my eyes there.  I just need to wait until the food comes out, eat it, and then just leave.  I didn’t need to talk to him.  My last words were at the ball.
.  I wasn’t expecting him to start talking to me.
“I…just…wanted to ….thank you…too.”
“Excuse me?  Did you just thank me?  For what?  What are you talking about?”
Apparently my chubaca spell went away for a moment.  I was kind of caught in surprise and words just spilled out.
“I want to thank you for everything that you have made me feel while my stay here.”
I didn’t say anything after that.  Because I didn’t know what he was saying.  What did I make him feel?  And why was my heart aching when he said “while my stay here?”
I knew he was going to leave in a week.  That was why I felt that I could survive.  That if I just avoided him for a little bit, I would never have to see him again.  I could forget about him as if it was all a dream.
“Jiyong.  When are you leaving for Korea?”  It wasn’t me who was speaking this time, but it was Eddie.  He had two plates of food and stood there looking at Jiyong.
“I’m leaving soon.  You won’t need to worry.”  Jiyong said coldly.
For friends, they sounded as if they hated each other.  I can understand why Eddie would be mad at Jiyong, but not Jiyong.  He was the one that forgot about Eddie when he got famous.  Right?
“Of course, I’m not worrying at all, but it seems as if Amelie wants you to leave.  She looks very uncomfortable.”
I was uncomfortable, and a part of me did want Jiyong to leave, but…I…don’t know.
“I don’t think it’s for you to judge whether or not she wants me here.  You can just leave now.  We don’t need you to watch us eat.”
“Of course.  If there is anything you need Amelie, please let me know.”  He then looked over at me and gently patted my shoulder.
I shuddered under his touch.  I didn’t feel comfortable under all this tension.

It was quiet for a while and we just played with our food.  Neither of us was hungry.
“Do you want me to leave Amelie?” He broke the silence for the second time.
I looked at him then and I saw that his eyes were pained.  He tried to hide it, but I could see it.  He truly seemed like he was pained to see me want him leaving.
I didn’t know what to do.  I wanted him to stay, but I wanted him to leave too because I don’t know how this would work out for me.  I was already hurt.  I don’t know if I can get hurt anymore.  And he was leaving soon.  I won’t be seeing him anymore.
“If you want me to leave Amelie, just say it.”
I couldn’t look up at his eyes.  
I had to tell him.  I know that he probably doesn’t have the same feelings as me, but I knew that I didn’t want him to leave.  Just yet.  By a week, I’ll be ready.
I breathed in.
“Jiyong.” I exhaled.
I looked at him.
“I don’t want you to leave.  I know that you’re going to leave in about a week, but as of now, I don’t want you to go.  I know that I may not be the girl that you want.  And I know that I would never be as close to you as I want to, but if you would let me, I would want to just be with you for only a week.”
My no-talk handicap has gone out the window.
And I wanted to shoot myself in the face.  Why did I just say that?  I basically told him that I have a major crush on him.  And if he would “let” me, I would like to be with him.  WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH ME!
I was looking down at my water glass again waiting for him to reject me, but…
“…..For only a week?”
I looked at him ,puzzled, and then saw that he had a huge grin on his face.
He accepted.
He would allow me a week.
Even if it’s just a dream, even if this would be gone after a week, since a very long time, I was so happy.
I felt that I made the right decision.

We left then to somewhere we both didn’t know.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: This story is so beautiful
supjiyong #2
Chapter 34: this story is really lovely and funny like seriously HAHAHA yea keep continuing to write stories :-)
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 34: Omg~ really brilliant story~!! Amazing! I love it.. Really nice story.. So sad it ended now.. It gives me all the emotions I need and don't really need.. Seriously too good~
such a beautiful story, it got me all teary-eyed.<br />
I want to experience a love like that in my life too! *sniff*<br />
Thank you for writing something so amazing!
pixieGD #6
i loved it!:) SEQUEL!!!:))
wow this was such a great story i really liked it a lot!!!!! i thought it was really cute! XD
this such a great story ^^.
seems like a great story!!:)