So what Jiyong said was right.
The song was released to the mass market.
But the good thing was that it wasn’t under my name.  Instead it was under “Mystery YG girl.”  Which is good.  I would have killed Jiyong if my name were released to the public.
And of course, Fairy was furious.  I think she even spat at me on purpose the other day because of that.  I was just eating some food and she came over and just spat at me.  I was quite surprised, but it didn’t really bother me that much.  I had worse things done to me before.
Apparently, this song did even better as time passed.  I didn’t really understand why it was so popular.  The song was good, but the…singer?  Goodness gracious no.  The singer wasn’t even a singer.  It was me. An imposter.
And then there was even a celebration for my new “single”. Which totally made me feel more uncomfortable.

“Noona!  I never knew you sang so well.  You actually sound like…” Seungri said when Daesung interrupted him.
“Let’s stop saying that she seems like Amelie.  She’s better.” Daesung smiled.
“Thanks.” I said. Glad to hear that they are still thinking about the old me.

Mr. Yang spoke up, “As you all know now, Myung, our stylist, has recorded a song that has become a hit for us.  We knew that she was talented in fashion, but we never knew that she was a singer.”  He rose his glass.
“To Myung.”  
And then everyone rose his or her glass to me.
“To Myung.”

I am completely uncomfortable.

“Congratulations.”  Jiyong said as he approached me.
I was in the corner of the party because I was getting pretty tired of all the compliments.  They weren’t supposed to be happening.  I didn’t know what to do.
“I hate you.”  I said to Jiyong.
“Why?  I made you famous.” Jiyong said with a huge grin.
“You know why.  You just needed a demo to give to Mr. Yang.  Why would you agree to release it publicly?”
“Because it was too good to let go.”
“You’re doing this to completely make a laughing stock out of me aren’t you?”
“Nope.  I told you before.  You sing well.  You need to be more confident.”
I grunted.  I need some liquor to numb my irritation.  I saw the bottle of champagne, poured myself a glass, and then drank the whole glass of champagne and then just started chugging the bottle.  All of this recognition I wasn’t comfortable with.  This isn’t supposed to be happening.

After that, the party was shortly done and over with.  I stayed behind to clean up.
“You shouldn’t be here cleaning up.  This was your party.  Go and have fun outside.  The night is still young!” Sally came over and hit me on the back while I was picking up some of the trash.
“Ow.  I want to stay and help clean up.”  I said.
“No. No.  That simply will not do.  Jiyong!  Can you take Myung home?”
“No…that is absolutely not necessary…I’m just going to …”
“Yeah. Sure.  I’ll take her home.”  Jiyong came over from what he was doing.
“Ready to leave?” He asked.
“Not with you.”  I growled.

 I wasn’t going to let him loose this time.  He always got what he wanted.  This event even happened because of him.

“Too bad.”  And he grabbed my wrist and wouldn’t let go until he pushed me inside of his car by force.
I was so angry that I was flaming in the car, but I didn’t think to get out of the car at the moment.
“I don’t understand why you are so angry.  You’re benefiting from this.  Some people would kill to be in your position right now.”
“Right.”  I said under my breath.  But I still refused to talk to Jiyong.  I don’t really know why I was so angry with him in the first place, but I was angry.
“Fine.  What would make you feel better then?” He asked.

I looked at him, surprised that he asked this question.  I was angry, but I didn’t know what would make me feel better.  If I think about it, no one knows that the singer behind the song was me except for the yg family, and I was getting was money and praises from it.
I shouldn’t be angry.

“Hm?  What do I have to do to make you feel better?” He asked.
“I want to go to an amusement park.”

I don’t know where the hell that came out from, but I wanted to go to an amusement park.  I loved going to them when I was in America, but I never got the chance to go here.
Plus, I wanted to have some fun from all of this work and nonsense.  I needed to let out some stress and steam.
He looked at me puzzled as if to why I would want to go an amusement park all of a sudden.

“Do you have any other requests?” He frowned a little.

Oh right.  I forgot that he was a celebrity and going to an amusement park for him was nearly impossible.

“No. Not really.  It’s okay.  You don’t have to do anything for me.  I’ll just go there some day by myself when I have time.”
He laughed a little then.
“You know my secret.” He said.
“I go to the amusement park sometimes wearing a mask.  I go there to let out stress and have some fun.  Being a celebrity limits my freedom, but sometimes I like to go to the amusement park secretly to feel free a little.”
I didn’t know that at all.
We have something in common.
“So your request is to go the amusement park.  And this will make you feel better?” He asked with amusement.
“Fine.  We’ll go tomorrow.”
“But-…you have a schedule tomorrow.”
“And…you can’t get out of it.”
“Yes I can.  Besides.  I’m not needed.  I was planning to get out of it and work on some producing anyways.  Now I have a better reason.”
“Are you sure you can do this?”
“I can.”
“Where do you get your confidence from?” I asked.
“Without confidence, you’re not going to go anywhere in life.” He said.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: This story is so beautiful
supjiyong #2
Chapter 34: this story is really lovely and funny like seriously HAHAHA yea keep continuing to write stories :-)
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 34: Omg~ really brilliant story~!! Amazing! I love it.. Really nice story.. So sad it ended now.. It gives me all the emotions I need and don't really need.. Seriously too good~
such a beautiful story, it got me all teary-eyed.<br />
I want to experience a love like that in my life too! *sniff*<br />
Thank you for writing something so amazing!
pixieGD #6
i loved it!:) SEQUEL!!!:))
wow this was such a great story i really liked it a lot!!!!! i thought it was really cute! XD
this such a great story ^^.
seems like a great story!!:)