Goodbye. Thank you for your love.


We spent the rest of the week together.  One day we would go everywhere.  We would go to the amusement park and eat at all of the best restaurants.  Another day we would do absolutely nothing but stay home and enjoy the company of the other.
When all of this was happening however, I felt that time was going too fast.

I wasn’t ready to leave him.  I didn’t want him to leave.  

But today he was leaving.
He wasn’t coming back.  Not until a very long time.
And our relationship was to end because the week was over.
Reality came back.

When we woke up that morning, we didn’t say anything to each other.  In fact, we didn’t say anything at all.  Not even when we were alone.  Not even when he was packing.  Not even when we drove to the airport.  Not even when we were waiting for the plane.
I couldn’t bare to look at him.  I knew that if I did….I would break.  I was cracking….little by little…and only a small poke would leave me shattered.  Just one look at Jiyong would make me disintegrate.
I was staring at the ground…trying to pull back my tears from flowing…
That warm voice that I heard every day of this week seemed like a sword to my neck now.
I couldn’t look up at him.  I just continued to look at the ground.
He cracked a little too.  His voice sounded dry and tired.
“I’m leaving now.  I-“
He didn’t say anything after that.

And he didn’t have to.
Even if he didn’t love me as much I loved him, he didn’t have to speak in words.  I already knew what he was trying to say.  I already knew what he was thinking.
He didn’t have to tell me because it was already hurting so much.  It was burning a hole into my chest.  It was shriveling my heart to ashes.

I had to look at him then.  Even if I shattered….I needed to look at him one last time.
I looked up and I saw that he was looking at me too.  He was yearning for something.  He looked pained.
WE both smiled a little then because it was hard for the both of us.  

It was going to end.

He took out his hand.  And I took it.  We shook hands as if it was the first time we met each other except we were both crying a little then.  Well…I was.  I couldn’t see clearly and I was biting my lip until I tasted blood.
I released the shake and turned away.  I didn’t want him to see me like this.  We were supposed to end it clearly.  This was supposed to be something that made me forget about him.  So I would stop thinking about him.
But I….can’t.
I’m too attached now.
Don’t leave.
I turned back to see him and I saw that he was already walking away.
He was leaving.
I wanted to call him.
Tell him ….beg him to come back.
Maybe just for one more day.
Just one more day would make this all better.
Just be with me for one more day.
One more day.
One more hour.
One more minute.

But he was gone.
Already out the double doors, heading for Korea.  A place where his life was.  A place where my life wasn’t.
He was gone.

Then I finally talked for the first time this day.
“Goodbye.  Thank you for your love.”

And then I left.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: This story is so beautiful
supjiyong #2
Chapter 34: this story is really lovely and funny like seriously HAHAHA yea keep continuing to write stories :-)
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 34: Omg~ really brilliant story~!! Amazing! I love it.. Really nice story.. So sad it ended now.. It gives me all the emotions I need and don't really need.. Seriously too good~
such a beautiful story, it got me all teary-eyed.<br />
I want to experience a love like that in my life too! *sniff*<br />
Thank you for writing something so amazing!
pixieGD #6
i loved it!:) SEQUEL!!!:))
wow this was such a great story i really liked it a lot!!!!! i thought it was really cute! XD
this such a great story ^^.
seems like a great story!!:)