Flavor 15: Enchanted

Ice ♥ Cream
~ Joon's POV ~
It has been three days since my meeting with Gikwang. He printed out the candid pictures of me and Yunhee when we were at the amusement park.
He warned me to stay away from Yunhee for time being. He told me that my fans attacked her at her apartment, splashing her with water and wrote harsh words on the wall.
I really want to see her. I want to meet her. I want to apologize directly. But I know Gikwang didn't tell me to do that just because I'm his rival.
Both for my image on public and Yunhee's safety.
I have called her that night and she said that she didn't mad at me; I do wonder if she ever get mad at someone.
She told me that she will visit me again after the rumors has cooled down.
I've been lectured by all of my members, managers, and President. I told them that it's just a misunderstanding and we're just friends.
I don't lie, do I? We are friends... for now.
And here I am now, at the kitchen, trying to make something for Yunhee.
She told me that a girl will be really happy if I make something by myself so I decided to make chocolates for her. I'm not good at baking, seriously, but it's worth-a-shot.
I hope she will like it. I will give it to her this weekend, when she will give us the finalized lyrics.
~ Gikwang's POV ~
I'm waiting for Yunhee at the cafetaria of Cube Entertainment building. She just met our manager to talk about the lyrics while the rest of other members are practicing for our next performance.
I have asked permission to take her home since she is capable from the attacks from Joon's fans.
The last attack happened two days ago. Someone put boxes of stones in front of her door, making her locked herself in her room until I came to pick her.
Joon took my warning because it's been three days since their last meeting. It's not that I want to own Yunhee for myself but I manage to take care of Yunhee better than him.
Yunhee is well known as my best friend since high school because her photo was announced on one of my interviews and she was well known as BEAST lyricist so there were no such rumors spread out between us.
But actually the attacks has cooled down now. Probably because Joon's agency has announced that the pictures were misunderstood by his fans, telling the fans that the pictures were just taken when Yunhee was trying to discuss about lyrics and want some inspiration.
Even though it is a little bit weird, but the fans and media buy it anyway. Yunhee herself doesn't bother to get mad at the fans even after what they did to her.
I turn around when I hear the sound of her heels clicking. She is wearing the pink casual dresses and pink high heels today, making her beauty and feminine side shine brighter.

This incident makes me think twice before confessing to her again and asking her to be my girlfriend. I'm really afraid if my fans will do the same to her.
Mostly to say, I don't think people who do that are counted as fans. They are more like stalkers or sassy criminals. Real fans will never do that because it can break down their idol's reputation.
I walk her back to her apartment while she tells me about the lyrics. She smiles and laughs as if the attacks never happened.
How I want to treasure her smile.
"I'm good here," she says when we reach her door. "Thank you, Gikwang Oppa."
I nod slightly, "I'll go after you're already inside."
She giggles and then searches for her keys in her bag. When she is already turn the key to open the door, she stops because of a box, put right in front of the door.
"What is this?" Yunhee bends down on her knee to pick up the box.
I can see that something is moving inside of the box.
"Don't!" I try to stop her from opening the box but she already opens it.
She drops down the box after saw what's inside. There are five or six rats in the box. They ran away as soon as the box hit the floors.
Yunhee runs to me and clutches on my shirt; she hates rats. She always hate one. Well, I don't think there is a girl who likes rats anyway, but Yunhee really hates rats.
Her expression only changes when she sees rats. I know it when I was cleaning the school yard with her three years ago. She hugged me and she even almost cried because there were two big rats hiding behind the bushes.
It's just the same now. Even though the rats are running away, Yunhee tries to hop up and down because she is too scared that the rats will come to her.
I pick her up on my arms so she doesn't need to worry about the rats. She squeeze my shirt, closing her eyes and hugs me tight.
"It's alright, it's alright," I comfort her. "We're going inside. There is no rat."
I open the door carefully; lucky me she has clicked open the door with the key. I bend down to take the key without letting her down. She is still hugging me.
I close the door and bring her to her bedroom. I lay her down on her bed and she finally releases her grips on me.
But I still look at her. My face is only inches away from her.
She looks like she wanted to cry.
I smile and lean to kiss her forehead, "It's alright now."
I rest my forehead on hers and try to comfort her by her hair slowly, "You have me here."
Our eyes are locked together and the next thing I know, I am dazzled by her eyes.
I'm enchanted.
My lips meet hers.
And for my surprise, she kisses me back.
I'm sure about it. She even puts her hands on my chest. I wonder if she can feel my heartbeat.
I break the kiss and look at her with my burning cheeks.
"Yunhee ah," I murmur her name vividly.
She gives me a really sweet smile that makes my heart races.
I slip my right hand behind her head so I can bring her face closer to mine. I intertwine my other hand's fingers with hers.
As if the time has been stopped, we kiss.
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She's really innocent and kind, I bet Gikwang is the perfect match for her ♥
this story is sooo cute!!! i just started reading this morning and finished it just now,,it's addicting...i really am a fan! :D
anonymous_runner #4
Kyaaaaa.... Squaeling like crazy i am reading this one..LOLOL.<br />
Its just too cute.. Omg..yunhee really way tooo innocent and sigh.. Glad she's ended with gikwang.. Yup.yup.he's the one who really can handle her innocence mind.oh.. I think it should be clueless mind..haha.<br />
Nice story... Again.. :)
Ashazeki #5
Haha i love it!
Love this story very much .<br />
I can't stop loving your story .<br />
You are indeed one of my favorite writers .<br />
Keep up the gud work ! <3
sakurae #7
love the story. You are my best favourite writers. and i love all your story
It's sooo sweet!! =D
thank youuu~ kekeke~ :D
I really Love the story .. i'm officially now a fan of yours ^_^