Is this it?

I love you Wookie

>>I love Super Junior's dorkiness and if you do to you should watch SNL Korea ^^ I'll have it in the author's note after this chapter. Also last chapter! D: But no worries I'll have some fluffy HaeWook (per request) up after this chapter ^^<<


Sungmin and Ryeowook were cuddling on the couch contempt with how things went. They were watching one of Ryeowook's favorite movies, The Titanic, though Sungmin was tired of chick flicks he still would do anything to make his lover happy.

"Minnie! We should do that one day!" Ryeowook said as he pointed to the scene where the guy was holding Rose by the waist on the tip of the boat. Sungmin rolled his eyes before smiling, "Wookie, I think we should do that scene where the girl was the guy to "paint her like those french girls."" Ryeowook blushed and hit him lightly on the chest.

"Don't be a , Minnie." He told the other pouting. Sungmin smiled, "Well you weren't the one not knowing what you guys were talking about."(Will re-word this later.) "You're still mad about that Minnie? I'm sorry it was just to tease you Min." Ryeowook bantered back.

"I know, Wookie I was just teasing you back. How about this we go out to eat tonight just me and you after Sukira, okay?" He asked feeling a little bit guilty of making Wookie mad at him.

"I would like that." Ryeowook answered as he hugged the other tightly. They heared a scoff soon enough scaring the both of them, "Damnit Kyuhyun if you can't keep your scoffs to yourself so help me I will use my ing nunchuck moves on you!" Sungmin yelled at the other.

"Min!" Ryeowook scolded him for cussing. Sungmin sighed still waiting for Kyuhyun to show himself, "Whatever hyung, you two are even more cornier then Eunhae, and that is saying something." Kyuhyun said as he popped from behind the couch.

Sungmin rolled his eyes, "Your just mad cause Mimi isn't here." He told the other still a little mad at him. "Well I don't know Min you too are a little corny." Heechul said popping up out of nowhere.

He knew better than to fight Heechul on this. Plus he knew Ryeowook would be a little mad at him. "Come on Wookie, we are going to be late to Sukira." HE said holding hands with his love.

"O-okay." He answered as he was dragged off to the car. After Sukira they went to a nice little cafe.

"Two please." Sungmin said smiling, his hand still intertwined with Ryeowook's. "You know Min, I'm really shy about this but... how long have you, you know... liked me?" He asked blushing.

"Well I think I really started to like you when you know we kinda broke off for a bit. I realised how much I really needed you in my life, and I guess I realized I love you." He answered thinking a little.

They had gotten into some petty argument that ruined their friendship but not even a day after they were best friends again. "O-oh, I liked you a little before that." Ryeowook said blushing, no he wasn't mad that he liked the other longer, just... that they could have had this out of the way years ago.

"Really?! Man are we dense." Sungmin said as he placed his order. "Ah, could I just have one of these?" He asked pointing to a oreo ice cream. Ryeowook just smiled and ordered just plain vanilla.

"You're Mister Simple." Sungmin teased. Ryeowook blushed and kicked him lightly underneath the table. "Shush Minnie, you weren't by some insane chick." He said pouting.

Sungmin grinned, and leaned forward to place a small kiss on his love's lips. "How about I erase all the touches, and replace them with mine." Sungmin told the other. Ryeowook blushed a deeper red, "Sungmin!" He scolded again.

Their orders soon came and right when Ryeowook was about to place a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth Sungmin, tutted at him. "What?" He asked as the other took his spoon away.

"Here." Was all Sungmin said as he fed Ryeowook the spoonful of ice cream. "Min, we are in a public place." He squeaked. "Then feed me too." Sungmin said in his best aegyo voice.

"Your lucky I love you Min." Ryeowook said before feeding the other. "Love you too, Wookie." He said smiling as he was fed.


THE End...... D: I'll miss this fic! But not to worry per request I'll be adding another chapter! But it will be for the HaeWook fans ^^ If you want any other couple just tell me. Like really...


Mekosinsanity: Now that I think about it it was probably Wookie XD Nah in mine he scolds/shouts Min.

wookiebear: Lol, I love minwook love ^^ That's partly why I am sad v.v

SuperJunior713: I'll make sure to do that ^^ And thanks I can't do angst >.< I don't know why I just can't. So most of mine will be cute and fluffy XD I feel like I do that too much also and this ^^ too.

FubukiHell: I knowww together they shall take over the world with their cuteness! I shall make a Haewook one too ^^ and okay dokie ^^ You shall I promise!

*nurses the keyboard* XD It's fine, I'm a fluff monster unfortunately.

WeirdA: Lol, Yay!!!! :O I knoooowww it's adorable... *le sigh* It brings me back to the days where Wookie "accidently" kissed Minnie in the card game.


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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook