Rawr :3

I love you Wookie

New chapter... DANCE WITH ME! It took me a while but I am doing it!

Sungmin yawmed as he stretched his arms wide above him, he looked at the clock 4 a.m.... perfect. Looking over he saw his beloved giraffe beside him, he smiled softly as he snuggled against him.

Placing small kisses along his face to wake Ryeowook up, and sure enough it did. Ryeowook let out this cute little snort before his eyes fluttered open.

"Min... nie?" He asked rubbing his eyes like a cute little kid, he brought his plushie with him to stretch. "Wh-what is it?" He asked stiffiling back a yawn.

"Wanna go watch some tv?" He asked smiling, not even waiting for a reply he tugged the other out of bed. "Minnie!" Ryeowook yelped as he almost tripped multiple times.

Sungmin grabbed a blanket before moving to the couch. Wrapping both of them up in it he turned the tv on and started to watch strong heart.

"Dam..." He started to say but felt the glare set on him by his nonthreatening bird and changed it quick, "...Darn, it is a re-run." He said.

Ryeowook smiled and cuddled up beside him. "Oh well I can just go back to sleep then." He said closing his eyes, Sungmin whined and started shaking him, "Nuuu, Wookie you have to stay up with me!" He said.

"Minnie, look I am tired, whatever you want I think it can wait." Ryeowook said slightly upset at the other. Sungmin pouted, "No it really can't, just... trust me." 

Ryeowook sighed, well if it was Min then it really must have been important. He looked up at the tv and started laughing, "Min I think that was the best face you have ever made!" He said looking at Min's drunk face flashing on the screen.

Sungmin blushed heavily, "At least it wasn't as bad as some of your actions that night." He said, turning away from the other eyeing the clock, remembering the many moob grabbings of Ryeowook.

Ryeowook blushed and stuck his tongue out before he began watching the show. They watched for another hour, before Sungmin jumped up. "Ryeowook it's time!" He said smiling.

"Time for what?" Ryeowook asked confused as he was tugged out onto the venrada. "Look! Isn't it pretty?!" He asked as the sun started to rise. Ryeowook gasped, and Sungmin place his lips on the others.

Separating he smiled, "I have always wanted to do that. Since we started dating, hell even before." Ryeowook smiled too and blushed.

"Minnie! You are so corny... but I love it." He said as he kissed the other again. "Oh great you two are now doing it were everyone can see?" Heechul said successfully scaring the two apart.

"Damn it Heechul, why are you always stalking us?!" Sungmin asked upset, it's always when they are doing something sweet to each other.

"Cause it is fun to see you two's expression when I screw up the moment." Heechul said smiling.

Rawr! :D Soooo tell me how is it for a author who has been on a major hiatus?! Horrible right, right?! :D 

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook