You are my one and only

I love you Wookie

Lawl you guys make my day, especially when I get a new subscriber or a new comment on my story from said new subscriber it just makes me smile thhhiiiiisssss big :Lawl.

Weeks later Super Junior was going on their journey to Taiwan. Sungmin couldn't help but be excited, Ryeowook was too but not as much as the bunny.

"Wookie! Can you believe it? How many fans do you think there will be? A lot? Not as many as other place-" He was cut off by his bird's lips on his own.

He smiled as he kissed back, Sungmin felt the other's tongue pushed through his lips. He was about to welcome it into his mouth when he heard someone clear their throat right behind them.

Ryeowook had pushed him away surprised, he blushed brightly. "As much as we like to see you two being sweet still too much will make us puke." Kyuhyun said snuggling up to Zhou Mi.

"Kyuhyun, you know when we first dated we were much the same." Zhou Mi said looking down at the other smiling, as he blushed.

"Mi! They weren't suppsed to know that!" Kyuhyun said hiding his face from embarrassment. They all shared a laugh as Kyuhyun blushed more.

"You all are jerks!" He said, lifting his head and glaring at them. "Just you wait for my revenge... especially you Mi." He said as he gave his love a more erted evil look.

Zhou Mi swallowed hard as he looked towards the others to help him. They all just faced away from him, acting like they knew nothing.

Sungmin snuggled up to Ryeowook too, "But really Wook, are you excited too?" He asked smiling, Ryeowook smiled and nodded his head. "Of course Min."

Sungmin started smirking by now, "We should do some fanservice! I already know one thing I will do! I'll say "ELF you are my one and only!" Only when I am saying it I'll be facing you. They will eat that up." Sungmin said.

The other started blushing by now, Kyuhyun popped his head smirking just as big, "And what would you do if I stole that from you? And said it to you so we have even more fans?" He asked Sungmin knowing their fanbase was huge.

Lawl I know it ends suddenly, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible! I love you guys and hope you can withstand the short updates that are to come... stupid school v.v Anyways hope you enjoyed!!!!


IFeelSoCool: Lawl, most people would probably look over at me and be like "How the hell do you make fluffy?" And me just over there going like "*shrugs* It's MinWook?" Lawl. Everyone loves Heechullie. Oh and it's not that it is hard to think of it's just... MinWook. Lawl, if it was Kyumin I wouldn't have such problems :P Kyu is such a evil gamer XD And no problem :P I don't know how I just go on google and search for macros for hours. And thank you for always commenting and reading my fail stuff!

Mekosinsanity: :O I should do that for a oneshot! I shall actually!  <---- Lawl read your comment wrong XD I read "Make Min or Wook be a pet and the other take care of it." But either way I might do both, though your's would go here. Thank you my dear! <3

SuperJunior713: Well compared to others... fluffy XD

WeirdA: *runs and tackles with arms wide open* :D  Thank you!!!! I'm glad you liked!

Alvin-a33: I know Wookie... if someone hates him they should be shot v.v Thank you!!!

maria18adam: :DDD MinWook shippers unite!!!! Thank you so much, I am so glad you like it!

yuesan: I'm lucky I know that sign is a heart lawl. ^^ XD It shall happen one chapter! Promise! And thank you happy you enjoyed!

And again I really love you babies! :D You make my bad day into a good one. XD And I promise an ultra long macro story next chapter! So see you guys next week! .... Hopefully >.> Damn school.

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook