When chick flicks come to life

I love you Wookie

Get ready for fluffy to come back XD Energy drinks! O_O 

Half way through the Notebook, Donghae started bawling even though they watched three times before. "Why does the guy have to leave her like that?!" He asked through his sobs.

Sungmin rolled his eyes, he was never a fan of chick flicks although his love was. "I know right, Hae, the guy is just such a bas- meanie." Ryeowook agreed although not sobbing as much as Donghae still quite a bit. Sungmin smiled and started laughing as he realizes Ryeowook almost cussed.

Ryeowook blushed and smacked his lover, "It's not funny Minnie." He said pouting. Sungmin just smiled again, the other sitting in his lap he snuggled his head into his love's neck, "But you're just too cute Wookie." Sungmin used as an excuse. Ryeowook just blushed more.

Donghae smiled and turned to the two on the couch, "You can always run to my arms Wookie." He told the other, "Or you can-" He was cut off as Eunhyuk sat down beside him.

Donghae frowned and turned away from the other, "Donghae we need to talk... you know in private." Eunhyuk told the other. Sungmin frowned coming up from Ryeowook's neck, "No if you have something to say, say it here." He was still a little mad at Eunhyuk for slapping Donghae.

"Alright, but don't get mad alright." Eunhyuk sighed turning to Donghae again. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I love you and that I know you're in love with Ryeowook." He told the other.

Ryeowook had gasped, Sungmin in turn glared a little at the both of them on the floor. Donghae just had his fish look on, "What the hell are you talking about Hyukkie? I don't love Wookie." Donghae said looking confused.

"W-what you don't?" Eunhyuk wuestioned back. "Bu-but you called his name and you are always talking about him." Eunhyuk fought back.

"I also talk about Minnie a lot but you don't get that jealous. And I really am sorry about that, I really don't know what was running in my head. I guess I teased Wookie a little bit too much last time and I got to thinking about how red his face might've gotten if Minnie did the things you do to me." Donghae explained.

Both Ryeowook and Sungmin blushed at the thought that Donghae just put into their heads. "Donghae!" The both scolded, Donghae looked over to them. "I just want to squish you two, you are too adorable." He said grabbing them into a hug.

Eunhyuk smiled a little before hugging Donghae too, "It's like you two are our children." He joked. "Better not tell Teukie that, he might try to steal my babies! But wait that would make him a grandma! I think he might live with that." Donghae said thinking.

Sungmin once again rolled his eyes, "One of your children is older then you." He pointed out. "Well you know what Minnie, Wookie's age goes over your's so you are both younger." Donghae said satisfied. 

Ryeowook smiled, "I'm just glad you two are back together." He said truthfully, he didn't like seeing Eunhyuk and Donghae fight. Sungmin smiled also and nodded his head.

Eunhyuk smirked and whispered into Donghae's ear, "Wanna make more babies?" Making Donghae blush and nod. The other two rolled their eyes. "Come on Wookie let's go to bed before those two start." Sungmin said, knowing Kyuhyun would switch with Ryeowook for the night.

Next chapter... well you know what I'll put it on my twitter :P Which  just in case you haven't seen is here https://twitter.com/AiliThePanda So follow me for the latest little hints. ^^ I found I can't be angsty teen for long XD


yuesan: I know Donghae's so slow. Thanks for being with me through the HaeWook. 

Meikosinsanity: XD Shown when he smacked Kyuhyun with the hammer in Hello KBS. >.< I brought my love of kyumin here. Sorry, thanks for reading.

SuperJunior713: Lol, I love Minwook cause they are so adorable (I'm starting to sound like Hae XD) It shall stay Minwook, just hints at other pairings ^^

wookiebear: I know he is so slow isn't he? Well his Monkey can't stay away from him for too long. Lol he just loves them like they are his children. Everything has been resolved now :D >.< My Kyumin heart might come between something. XD

WeirdA: Lol, words cannot explain everything I wish to say, except epic comment. ^^ Jealous Sungmin is scary :O But I shall try on behalf of my readers. ^^

FubukiHell: Since I know you did comment I would just like to thank you for that and I hope you enjoyed the HaeWook. ^^

And Lastly thank you readers for being what you are, and please comment for the sake of MinWook. I love you all, and please enjoy my story!


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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook