Waking up to a beautiful sight, and what ruins it.

I love you Wookie

Lawls... no MinWook that's for closed doors we had this discussion last time... Of course you did not heed me and I recorded all of your y times.... Yeah I'll stop now :D

Sungmin woke up to Ryeowook and his small snores. He smiled, he still found those small snores hilarious. Mainly because you wouldn't expect him to snore.

Sungmin snuggled into the other, hoping to go back to sleep. His hopes and dreams were smashed as he heard the door pretty much being broken down.

"MINNIE ARE YOU DECENT?!" He heard Heechul scream through the door. Sungmin rolled his eyes before smiling at what he and Ryeowook had down last night.

"No Chullie me and Wook are just in the because we want to be." Sungmin said sarcastically. Well he had woken up in the middle of the night and dressed them both just a little.

Heechul walked in with a big fat smirk on his face. "Sooo did you do it?" He asked, as Sungmin rolled his eyes remembering that stupid skit he had to do.

"Don't tell me you were stalking us again.... I thought you said you would give that up?" He asked confused. After the last time Heechul and Hangeng stalked him and Ryeowook, and got caught might I add, they promised to give up their stalking ways, mainly Heechul.

"Well.... I'm bored and you two were screwing like rabbits yesterday so I couldn't help myself." Heechul said as an excuse. Ryeowook slowly started waking up because of the two talking, his small snores turning into sleep mumbles.

Sungmin was trying to let him get more sleep so he started to hum a soft lullaby. "Aww you two are way too sweet even if you two weren't so innocent last night." Heechul said, wagging his eyebrows.

"Chullie!" Sungmin whispered harshly trying to get the other to be quiet. "Min, just let him wake up. I mean he needs to get used to moving with a sore bum." Heechul said again giggling as he dodged a pillow to the head.

Ryeowook opened his eyes and looked up at Sungmin and smiled, "Morning Minnie." He said pecking the other on the lips as a good morning.

Sungmin smiled returning to the kiss before giving him a eskimo kiss. "Morning Wook, are you feeling alright?" He asked, concerned for his bird.

"I'm a little sore, but nothing I can't handle." He told the other as he tried moving a little, Heechul was over in the corner rolling his eyes at the cute scene.

"Forget what I said earlier, you two are sickeningly sweet. It's even worse then when Min is drunk." He said, leaving the room.

"Wanna try and go to breakfast?" Sungmin asked Ryeowook as he started getting out of bed. Ryeowook smiled at him and nodded as he tried to stand up.

There wasn't much pain, but since Ryeowook was not used to it he had requested Sungmin's help. Sungmin had accepted grabbing the other's hand, and scooping his princess into his arms.

Ryeowook blushed and covered his face as he was carried into the dinning room. The other's in the room that had bothered to wake up, had small smiles on their faces seeing the sweet couple come into the room.

Sungmin turned to Ryeowook, "I love you Wookie." He told the other, blushing softly. Ryeowook had uncovered his face a big smile on his face, "I love you too, Minnie." He replied.

Mew guys... mew. v.v I finally finished this one, it's kinda short but I hope you guys enjoy. Love you guys as always!

Boy I know I am v.v

Not for long.... *steals them all*

Ohhhh does it now *y face*

Lawl no Sungie it's a bunny.

I'll gladly take your place Teukie D: 


Mekosinsanity: >.< They are still my sweet couple, I don't know I can't see them being erted ALL the time.

SuperJunior713: It's fine dawl face ;P *shot* Lawl, my MinWook is just the sweet couple though they will have their moments rest assured. :D

yuesan: *bricked* I do too :D Lawl Wookie is never top. So I shall do it one chapter. Lawl thanks I try.

IFeelSoCool: Lawl I love how you put that fluff , most definitively. Thank you for being so sweet!!  My babies are not ready for yet! D: I wanna keep them at fluff for probably forever.

WeirdA: Still my fluffy couple, Well I am too so XD I try :D I love my couple too much to let their name down.

Alvin_a33: Thank you, you sweet person of fluff. Hope you enjoy this chapter too!

FubukiHell: Lawl, don't feel bad. I've been longed in since the beginning and still never comment on anything. I don't really like those words so I try and keep it between, need, length, and the people's names. :D  That's MinWook for you! :D

And as always I love you guys and hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Thank you!
Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook