It's not too late

I love you Wookie

>> *dodges tomatoes* I sowy time got away from me >.< I just I don't even know anymore. I was watching Kimi to Boku, >.< Not much of an excuse but hoping to have this chapter out by tomorrow!<<

So it had been a few days, Sungmin being so awkward with Ryeowook the others could sense it from miles away. Eventually it got to the point that Kyuhyun was annoyed by it and was going to solve it himself.

"Sungmin, why the hell are you so awkward around Wookie?! I thought you guys were hitting if off really well at the movie theater with your endless flirting." He said trying to get to the point in which Sungmin turned away from what he was doing and looking at Kyuhyun surprised.

Sungmin blushed, embarrassed that he showed he sad he was that the other (kinda) rejected him. "Well, I was about to tell Wookie me feelings, and then he said he liked someone in our group. I know its not me cause if it was wouldn't he tell me?" He told the other holding the tears in.

"Really Minnie this is what you are upset about." He heard Kyuhyun groan. "Listen, for all you know it can be you he never said anything about it not being you. Also you shouldn't be critizing someone like that when you yourself are hiding from him, right?" He told his roommate.

He saw Sungmin nod his head just a tiny bit, "I guess your right..." He started. "In fact that shouldn't keep me from trying to pursue him. It should strengthen it!" He said getting his confidence back. He smiled over to Kyuhyun before rushing over to him to give him a friendly kiss.

Ryeowook just chooses the test times to walk into their room though. He blushed not sure on what to say, finally he choose the simpliest one, "I-I'm so-sorry I di-didn't mean to intrude." Before he ran out the room, tears in his eyes.

"See Min this is why I tell you, you shouldn't share a kiss with your friends. People- Damnit Min!" He said as the other was already chasing Ryeowook down.

"Wookie! Hold up!" He yelled after the other as he ran down corridor after corridor. "No! Just go back and be happy with Kyuhyun!" His crush yelled. Sungmin paused, Ryeowook was jealous?

"Ryeowook come on, if you slow down I'll explain." He said calmly. Then he heard a door slam, great Ryeowook locked himself up in the bathroom. "Come on Wookie, please if you let me explain then everything will be better." He tried, then he heard it the soft sounds of Ryeowook crying.

"Wookie please don't cry, I can't stand to see you sad." He said truthfully. Finally the door opened revealing a red eyed Ryeowook. Sungmin hugged him as he came in,"I'm sorry, me and Kyuhyun are just best friends. We don't share any kinda romantic feelings for each other. I was just thanking him for helping me understand something." Sungmin explained.

"B-but you two look so good together and if it-" he paused realizing he was about to say something he shouldn't. Sungmin smiled, "If it were who Wookie?" He asked. He pulled back to look at Ryeowook, he smiled even bigger seeing the other blush.

"Aww, Wookie your so cute!" He told the other kissing his cheek and then pinching it. "You can tell me anything you know that." He told the other again. Ryeowook nodded before he started talking, "If it were me and... you, it's just I see us just being said as best friends instead of a couple." He said blushing.

"Does Wookie like me?" Sungmin asked, happy that his feelings really might be returned. "W-well, I don't necessarily like you." Ryeowook started, he saw the sad look in Sungmin's eyes so he sped up, "B-butthat doesnotmeanIdonotloveyou." He said in one breath. It took Sungmin a moment to gather what was said before he swooped down to kiss the other.

"I love you too, Wookie." Sungmin said smiling brightly before pecking the other on the lips again.


Lol, everytime I listen to Rockstar the "HEY!" somewhere in that song just scares me half to death. It's just so randomly placed and high pitched.

Too cute ^^ And next chapter will probably be the last! I don't know I might have some filler chapters after that chapter of the other couples like QMi and Eunhae, and whatever other couple you guys might want me to do!


Mekosinsanity: Well Minwook finally got there! XD D: Really?

SuperJunior713: XD A lot! Though I'm one to talk, I used so many in my story. Yay for same reactions! Lol, I hope this chapter answers your question ^^

nur267: I hope this chapter answers your question. ^^ And also Hello thank you for commenting!

FubukiHell: I LOVE that color on him too, though at first I didn't like it, it grew on me ^^ YESH Disney movies ftw! I made them watch Brave XD Hope this chapter answers your question XD That is the main question ^^

wookiebear: Ikr D: But everything is crystal clear now ^^ XD Just the opposite ;D Hoped you enjoyed!

WeirdA: Yay! Don't worry Minnie got it back from his talk with Kyuhyun. Aren't they though D:D

yuesan: Major misunderstanding ^^ And yes! Oh I found the same gif a few days back and Wookie was just jumping on into the middle, and it was so funny. XD

And lastly thank you all for commenting hope you enjoy the next chapter!!!! <3

Ps: I like using the ^^ Too much XD

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook