Ad Interruptions

I love you Wookie

So guys I just watched this and I was like that is so sweet, and then ideas formed so, here we go! I really have no idea what i jsut wrote. It's Wookie's POV this time.

So they were in Sukira and of course you know they play around together. During one of the ads playing Ryeowook smiled as he turned to his hyung.

"Minnie, I love you." He said, since he knew nobody could. Sungmin not expecting this raised his eyebrows and blushed pulling his head down so no one else could see.

Ryeowook smiled again first rubbing the others shoulders, before doing something more risk, he hugged Sungmin. He brought his head to wear he was facing Sungmin's chest.

"... I love you too." He heard the other whisper in his ear. Ryeowook's smile only became bigger as he started rubbing the other's arm and shoulder.

Ryeowook kinda wished he could feel the other's moobs again, they were so soft and his head pressed up against them felt so nice.

He knew the other might not appreciate that like the first time he did it in Sukira, Sungmin had pushed his hand away, gasping at him.

Of course he had laughed back then not wanting it to look awkward between them two. Though then again he kinda wanted Sungmin to do his yoga again like a few moments earlier.

Okay so he was really a ert, he couldn't help it when he had Sungmin in front of him... the other was just too... ual? Yeah let's go with that.

Of course he was still kinda mad at the other for staying with Kyuhyun when they were at the beach... but he will get his revenge later when he was sure of a plan.

He looked over to Sungmin again to find him pouting out his bottom lip. He rolled his eyes and softly started punching the air right beside the other's cheek.

Unfortunately the show ended all too soon and h and Sungmin were soon packing up and getting in their van. While in the van, Ryeowook decided to do what he had wanted to do since Sukira started.

He grabbed Sungmin's moob.

Yep.... To be honest I have no idea what I just freaking wrote XD

And this is what happened when they got home:


And half way there Sungmin did this:

Alright I am done with my macros :P 

REPLIES: (I think this is where I am in comments >.<)

Chapter 14

WeirdA: lol thank you! I know I feel bad but I hope this makes up for it.

IFeelSoCool: Yay :D I love it when they are sweet.

aednat011: Aw, thank you so very much I am happy that you like my dear!

SuperJunior713: I do toooooo!!!! *tells Minnie to post*

Mekosinsanity: Thank you!!

Chapter 15:

IFeelSoCool: Lol though not for long :P I needed them for Sukira! Nuuu, thank you ^^

Mekosinsanity: Yesh yesh he shall.

GTOPfanforever: XDDD I loved your comment cause that was really how it went down. I laughed my booty off when watching it!

yuesan: So many feelings just way too little words... well that me anyway XD

Chapter 16:

Mekosinsanity: ^^ Glad you liked.

yuesan: Super Monkey Glue? Maybe that's why it was Eunhyuk that walked in :P IK!!!!!

SuperJunior713: Minnie is the... cutest? I don't know they both are plenty cute. I know I saw it and was like so happy all that came out was squeals. I think it was about 12 something when I updated...

IFeelSoCool: Thank you for reading!! ^^ Lol That's so many words for one :P

FubukiHell: Thanks you soooo much! D: The sad part when you don't know what your reader means >.<

WeirdA: You know, Girl ;D

Thanks you guys for reading and doing whatever you readers do. I love reading them and I will reply to them as seen as above :P So I hope you guys enjoyed and drop me a little comment ;P

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook