
I love you Wookie

Yeah... food :D

"Jello?" Sungmin asked as he looked at the other, who was holding a jello packet. "Yeah Minnie! Don't you think it will be fun?!" Ryeowook asked excited.

"Sure...?" He asked unsure if he would be hit if he didn't say 'yes.' Ryeowook smiled and pecked the other on the lips. "But don't worry Minnie, you are sweeter than any jello!" He said smiling as they went back into the kitchen.

Sungmin smiled and Ryeowook as he followed the other. He heard the other gasp, "Minnie you know what we should do when we make it?" He asked excited.

Sungmin decided to take the road that was less erted, "Eat it?" He asked as the other turned to him shaking his head. "Nuuu, Minnie we should make a jello cake!!" He said as he started looking for a pan.

Sungmin looked curious at his boyfriend, "A jello cake?" He asked. The other nodded in his direction, his high in the air as he was still searching for a pan.

Sungmin had been staring at it for quite a while before Ryeowook came back up smiling as he found the right pan he wanted. "Yeah it's this thing I found on Pintrest! It looked so cool!" He said turning to the other again.

"Pintrest?" Sungmin asked still so confused. Ryeowook just nodded as he kissed the other again. "Yeah, now get me two measuring cups." He said.

Sungmin nodded back, and searched for the thing he was asked to find. Finding them Sungmin came back to his bird, "These are fine yeah?" He asked making sure everything was right.

Ryeowook hummed a yes as he looked over them. "We are doing a rainbow jello cake so gather a red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and purple packet of jello~" He sang smiling as he filled the two measuring cups up with water.

Sungmin did as he was asked as he watched the other boiling a cup of water. Sungmin then walked over to the other and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you~" He whispered in the other's ear, kissing it and going down his neck. Ryeowook squeaked but did nothing to stop Sungmin from doing what he was doing.

Sungmin down Ryeowook's neck before nibbling on a visible part of his neck. "Minnie~ Stop you know that is going to leave a mark." He whined, though it didn't stop the other.

"Those people need to know who you belong to." Sungmin said, though not knowing that Ryeowook would get his revenge weeks later when in public.

Ryeowook moaned as the other sunk his teeth into his skin, leaving a nice red mark. Sungmin pulled back when he thought it looked good enough.

"Why did you stop? I was enjoying the show!" Heechul asked from behind them. Sungmin and Ryeowook jumped away from each other, blushing brightly.

Heechul smirked, "You little horn dogs, who would've ever thought you two would do it in the kitchen?" He asked as Sungmin came up to him looking like he was about to murder.

"Heechul, you better be lucky Ryeowook is here because I would have torn you limb for limb by now you !" He said through grounded teeth.

Heechul just smiled and pinched the other's cheeks, "Aww even when you are ing pissed at me you are adorable!" He had practically squealed.

Ryeowook frowned as he took his hyung back, giving him a passionate kiss in front of Heechul. "He is mine hyung! I own every part of him." He said, though blushing madly as he serparated from Sungmin.

Sungmin and Heechul looked shocked, Heechul recovered the fastest. He whistled, "Damn Min, you have trained him well." He said smirking.

>.< I hope you guys don't mind... it's just getting late over here and I really need to go to bed, but I wanted to update. I'll fix it later where it has a macro story, but anyway. My Piggy knows what revenge I am talking about ^^ and you can check my twitter too to see what it is. I am again @AiliThePanda 


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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook