How does it feel? (So it's a date? Part 2)

I love you Wookie

>>Will be fixing any errors later on in the week!<<


Well half way through the movie, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun decided to be bastards and scared the crap out of the couple in front of them. When the killer was about to slash the person in the closet the two behind them decided to scream like they were being murdered.

Sungmin about punched both of them in the face until he felt a certain someone's hand grab his arm so tight he felt the circulation cut off. He turned to Ryeowook to see him hiding his face desperately in his jacket, eyes screwed shut.

Sungmin glared at the two behind him, thankful that Donghae was back there to keep them straight. "Shush Wookie it's alright. It was just stupid old, Hyuk and Kyu." He said knowing Ryeowook doesn't like him to cuss.

Eventually he got Ryeowook out of his jacket, "Do you wanna go and see that Disney movie we were talking about earlier?" He asked, smiling at the other as he nodded his head.

He stood up with the other, walking him out of the movie just as there was another scream coming from the screen. Ryeowook flinched hearing it, before they walked out. He sneaked them into the showing for their movie.

Needless to say they enjoyed it a whole lot more than the slasher film. Sungmin hadn't even realized that Ryeowook was still holding his arm.

Ryeowook still covered his eyes whenever something scary happened though. At the end of the movie Sungmin turned to his crush blushing, was the time right? Is he ready for this? He asked himself, scared.

"U-um, Wookie... T-there's something I've been meaning to tell you." He said nervously. Ryeowook seemed to be happy as he smiled brightly, "Oh sure, but there has been something I wanna tell you too. Can I go first?" He asked cutely.

"E-eh, sure." Sungmin said smiling. "Well, I've had this on my chest for quite a while, but haven't been able to figure what exactly it is. But lately I have been able to see a little bit clearer." He paused for a second, Sungmin was so nervous about what the other was about to say he almost blurted out what he was going to say.

"A-and..." Sungmin noticed the pink blush starting on Ryeowook's face. "W-well, I think I might like someone in our friend circle ." he finished, blushing harder than ever.

There is was all his hopes and dreams smashed right in front of him. "Alright I'm glad I got that off my chest, so what did you want to tell me Sungmin-ah?" He asked smiling. "A-ah, all I wanted to say is that I am happy you are my best friend." he said lying, looking down.

If he would have looked up he would have seen the grimace on his friend's face. "Hey, why did you guys ditch us for?!" They heard Eunhyuk scream at them. Sungmin just sighed before moving to their group with Ryeowook in tow.

He pushed past them and went to the car. "Hey Minnie are you alright?" Ryeowook asked, concerned. "Fine just f.i.n.e, fine." he told the other.



When the 6 jib-bers attacked this is what I was like:


Then I stayed that way XD

My Wookie is so scared D: It's okay baby, Mama's here! My poor crushed Minnie, Mama's here for you too baby!


Mekosinsanity: XD *starts crying* They grew up too fast! Did you see them in  y, Free, and Single MV? They are mighty fine >///< Minnie is my biased it and he lived up to it, dem foxy eyes. XD

SuperJunior713: ^^ Welp like I said EunHaeKyu is never a good combination... why did Minnie allow them to come? Yesh it really helped a lot -v- like a lot a lot. >.< I try!

FubukiHell: XD They really don't, they think they are just teasing. By the end of this chapter I am probably going to say Gulliver since it is my favorite BUT I will try and pick something more... Hyuk like. I KNOW. I keep going back and forth from Rockstar, SFS, and Gulliver.... my will never calm down.

yuesan: Aegyo >.< Sungmin doesn't even try and it comes out like that XD I know I love Wookie's voice and Minnie's, but SM just doesn't give them enough parts v.v I feel the same ^^ MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW KING! 

WierdA: I miss you D: 

AND lastly thank you all for commenting >.< It means so much to me!

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook