Heechul's advice

I love you Wookie

Sungmin shares a room with Ryeowook in their school. During the year Sungmin had noticed he had started seeing Ryeowook as more of a friend. Of course they did a lot of things that might have been described as different. 

Like one time, Sungmin's bestfriend Heechul had found out that he liked Ryeowook, and so when they played truth or dare he dared Sungmin to kiss Ryeowook. They had both blushed, and Sungmin smiled shyly before planting a kiss on the other's cheek. At which Heechul fumed, and had a very long discussion with Sungmin later on about.

The next time had been an accident. They had been playing around, wrestling, and Sungmin had him pinned down. When Ryeowook lifted his head, they had shared a small innocent kiss, in which Sungmin immiedietly jumped off the other and profusely blushed and apologized. Ryeowook had done the same of course.

Once they were able to forget about those incidents, they had been the two for snuggling when watching movies. Of course Heechul always had something to say about them, when they were caught asleep in the same positions.

So today Sungmin decided would be the day that he would tell his friend that he likes him. Though there was only one problem.... he didn't know how. So he went to the first person that came to mind, Heechul.

"Heechul hyung, I need to ask a question." He told his friend. "Oh god, you didn't get Wookie pregnant yet have you?!" He asked taking his friend by the shoulders. "W-What?! NO!" He said blushing before pushing Heechul off of him. "No, I need to ask you how to confess to someone." He said blushing even more.

"Oh, well, that's easy, have you tried pick up lines? If those don't work you should just push him down and-" He was cut off, "Heechul!" Sungmin shouted. "Why don't you ask the most lovey dovey couple in our group?" He said rolling his eyes.

"That's a great idea Heechul!" Sungmin said, before running off. Heechul rolled his eyes before picking up his phone to call Hangeng.

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Gonna update tomorrow :D


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 31: wookie is topping! sungmin is reallly nice . pls update soon really want to know what will happen
SuperJunior713 #2
Chapter 29: Wookie is topping?! > w < ISN'T THAT NEW. . . But I'm fine with that. . . ;D
Chapter 29: Again with the cliffies
WeirdA #4
Chapter 27: How can you leave us hanging like this?
Ryeowook topping? That is both impossible and interesting.:)
Chapter 28: Cliff hanger I hate u
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 27: I'll be waiting~ :) Update soon~ :)
WeirdA #7
Chapter 26: Still cute :3
Chapter 26: Funny yminwook