
If you were not here...............

Bomi's POV

I walked around in my office. I have something to do about Park Chorong. I can't let her to go aorund and get kidnapped by Kris' men.

* knock   knock    knock *

" Come in."

I said and the two managers I called ealier entered and bowed to me.

" Boss, do you call us??? "

" Yes. Come here."

I said and they followed me to the table. I sat on the chair and they are waiting for me to speak.

" I have a special project for you."

" Yes??? "

" You have to go to my house."

" Ummm?? "

" Why Boss??? "

" Why we have to go there?? "

The talkative sisters of me asked me again. I looked up them and they are now giving me confused looks.

I sighed and explained them.

" You remembered Chanyeol???

" Chanyeol oppa? "

" Immm."

" Yes. Remember."

" His sister is my fiencee and she is now living with me."

" What!!! "

" Yah, Hayoung-na, you have to say formal in front of Boss."

" Ooh, sorry Boss."

The younger girl bowed me and I stopped them with my palm.

" Awww, it's ok. We have been sisters for years already. It's no need. And where am I?? Ah, remember. She is now living with me."

" What is related us with her??? "

" Yesterday, she went out alone and I was worried for her. So I want to employ bodyguards for her."

I paused and looked at them.

" But this will make her more uncomfortable when she is together with black suited wearing guys that she hates so I want the two of you to look after her."

" Us??? "

" Boss, it can't be. We are not good at words."

" Ummm?? I am not good at words too. I am worse than you two. You have been to foreign country and you meet many people so you will be better than me."

I said and they shake their heads.

" Ahh, kids. Help me. I want to be friends with her but I don't know what to do. You two go and talk with her, stay with her, make her feel unlonely."

" Boss, that is- "

" I, don't love anyone in my life. She is the first one for me to feel like this. But I don't know how to take care of her. I'm afraid I might hurt her instead of protection. Please help."

I said and the two kids seemed they felt sorry for me.

" Namjoo-ya, Hayoung-na. Can you go and stay with her??? "

" But boss, what about our works??? "

" You can always work at the house. I will find a better way soon so please help me for a while."

" But - "

" Arasso, boss. We will go. Come on, unnie. Let's go."

" But Hayoung-na, - "

" Come on!!! "

Hayoung pulled out Namjoo from the room and they both left the office after they bowed to me.

I sighed in relief as the two kids agree to go andstay with her. I can't trust anyone except Eunji, Namjoo and Hayoung who were together with me from the very start.

If they can stay with her, I don't have to worry for Park Chorong. She will be alright.


Chorong's POV


*  Door bell ringing  *

I am watching TV in the living room while someone press the door bell. I walked to the door and opened it.

" Hello, Miss. It is nice to meet you. "

There are two girls standing at the door like statues, they bowed 90° to me and said in unison. I am afraid now. Who they are??? May be Yoon Bomi's people???

" Ummm, hi. But your boss is not at home. So come back later."

I said and I was about to close the door but they stopped me.

" No, Miss. We are here to take care of you. Boss sent us to here."

" Me??? "

I said while pointing to myself. They bowed to me again and said in unison.

" Yes. It's right, Miss."

" Ummm... Umm... come in."


They said in unison again in gangster style. Uuh oh.

I'm not use to that kind of things. But they bowed to me and entered the house.

All the day, they made me to sit at the coach only. They sat down on the floor and use the table as their working table. Why they have to do their work in my house, I mean, in the gangster's house????

When I want to go to bathroom or to the kitchen, one of them will always follow. Aish, they are so annoying. They make me feel uncomfortable.

So I decided to talk with them.

" Ummmm, excuse me? "

" Yes, miss?? "

They both turned around while knelt in front of me from sitting.

" I, I , what's your names?? "

" I'm Kim Namjoo, Miss."

" And I'm Oh Hayoung."

" Ok. Namjoo and Hayoung "

" Yes, Miss."

" I , I don't know how to tell you but first of all, don't call me Miss."

" Why, Miss??? "

" We call you Miss because you are our boss soon-to-be wife. Miss is Miss. If not, what should we call you, Miss??? "

" Call me unnie or something."

" No, we can't Miss. "

" If boss knows, she will kill us."

" Kill... Kill you?? "

" No, Miss. She means Boss will scold us. Boss will not really kill us."

Namjoo explained to calm me down. I really thought that Yoon Bomi will kill them. That's a relief that she will not kill people.

I decided to stop the talk with them because whenever I started a talk, they replied me with some weird tone in unison.

How can I talk to the people who treated me like their boss??? I hope Yoon Bomi will come home soon so that the two little gangsters will go back. At least, Yoon Bomi doesn't bother me like them.

*  Door bell ringing  *

I heard the bell and I jumped from the coach in happiness. The two gangsters stood up from the floor and they prepared themselves to greet their boss.

The door open and Yoon Bomi appeared at the door. The two girls in front of me bowed to her and said in unison.

" Are you home, Boss??? "

" Imm. You are going well with her?? "

" Yes. We did, boss."

" Good. Thanks you. You can go back home now."

" Yes, boss."

They said and they bowed to her 90° again. Then they left the house with all the papers on the table with them.

I still sat on the coach and she walked towards me.

" How is your day, Park Chorong?? "

" Ummm, I... I'm ok. "

I whispered and she smiled widely. Ahhhh?? How can a gangster like her can be so cute when she smile???? Yah, Chorong. She is not cute. She is so scary. She is a scary gangster who caused your brother to die.

" That's a relief. I was worried that they made you uncomfortable. It's great that you like them. It's great."

She said and I don't know how to answer. I really don't like the girls who came here today. Yoon Bomi doesn't know what to say next as I kept silent and don't say anything. She then rubbed the back of her neck and said.

" I, I will go shower now. Have you eaten??? Order something for dinner. "

She said and about to go to the bathroom. But I have to tell her.

" Ummmmmm, wait."

" Yes?? "

She quickly turned around.

" Can you please don't send these girls again??? "

" Why??? Are they playing around??? Aish, I have to punish them for real. "

" No. No. They are very good to me. But I don't like the way they talk to me. This is so formal and scary."

" Scary??? "

" They are talking like they are in action movies and they treated me like their boss."

"' Don't you like it??? "

" No. Definitely not."

I said and she rubbed her temple with her index finger.

" Arasso. I will not send them anymore."

" Don't send people like them."

" People like what??? "

" Gangsters."

I said and she kept quiet. After about a minute of silence, she nodded.

" Fine. I know what to do. "

" Good."

" Ummm..."

" Yes??? "

" Is there anything to say more??? "

" Nope."

" Ok."

She said. Why her voice sounds so much like disappointment??? But there is nothing for me to care.

She stood there for a.few seconds and entered the bathroom to shower. I grabbed the phone to order the dinner for us.

Ummmm, it is not too bad to live with her. She is.... strange.



and interesting.





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Chapter 30: Right, I am BAWLING in my heart oh fk.. but the comments are right in saying that this is “painful but beautiful” and “satisfying” as an ending, especially with all the danger that was hard to get out of. Mm, I forget angst can be this way. I feel for Eunji in this.. Her loyalty to Bomi is amazing and their friendship was so admirable. Ah, another fic of yours I can now say I’ve finished, and still there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 28: Damnnn! I did not expect that. whoa. So that’s how Chorong got taken in the first place. Gosh, this revelation makes it so much creepier. Spies and betrayal…
Chapter 27: Oh geez it happened, the bad has happened argh. I’m so nervous for this!
Chapter 26: I was freaking out every second of this because I was paranoid that something bad would happen sjksafdk- I swear that box and Chorong’s curiosity almost gave me a shock. I thought it was all a trap! The situation and the emptiness of Bomi’s workplace at night, plus Chorong moving around even with the gang men protecting her, it’s all a recipe for anxiety and disaster.
Chapter 25: Eunji’s loyalty is amazing. ahh how will they get out of this..
Chapter 24: god this is intense!! I’m on the edge of my seat for what will happen ahhh! Bomi protected her, awwww man that’s so heroic and my heart is crying asdfsafdas. I love the scene with them uniting in the centre of the road.
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh kay, Bomi is so cool asdasfsg hehe. I wonder if this is 2eun’s set up plan for them. Most likely yes, but I’ll have to see.
Chapter 22: Ahh so this is the path we’re taking, I see.. I get it I get it *tears rolling down too*
Chapter 21: OOhh it’s getting scary now. mm.. how will Chorong be protected? euhh something bad is bound to happen oh no ><
Chapter 20: uwu the kisses~ they’re so lovey awww <3 I’m loving it! Oh and the pink everything had made me laugh inside hahaha. Suho seems like a looming issue but the problem with this one is that he’s a nice friend of Bomi’s and they just haven’t told him yet. I wonder how that’ll go..