Crazy pink

If you were not here...............

Bomi's POV

Everyday is a love day!!!

I wake up with a wide smile on my face. Last night, unnie and I slept late. We sat down in the living room and talked till dawn. We need to learn more about each other.

Unnie and I became together is like a dream. When I wake up, I think it is just a dream but when she walks out from the kitchen with a smile, I am sure this is not a dream. We are together for real.

" Unnie, I'm going."

" Be home early."

" Ok. Call me and tell if you need something."

" Arasso."

She sent me to the door and the smile on my face can't wipe off.

" Bye."

" Bye."

She said and waves at me. I awkwardly stand there and rub the back of my neck. She smiles and close the door.

Aish. Something is needed there. What should we do when she sends me off to work??? I will ask it to 2eun later.

I enter the car the drive off. Hmmm, what a lovely weather!! That's so so beautiful. Everything is so romantic!!!

" Umm?? What's happening to the traffic?? "

I mutter when I saw the trafic light. What?? When did the 'stop' light change to pink???

" That's funny. But that's so romantic. Imm. Romantic traffic. Nice one. Nice one."

I drive again and when I enter the company, I am so surprised. Today is a Pink day?? Why everyone is wearing pink?? Ahhh. Today must be love and romantic day so they all choose to wear pink. Ha ha.

" Hi boss. Everyone is in the meeting room and waiting for you."

" Hi, Mrs.Nam. Let's go there. By the way, Nice pink dress."

" Yes??? "

She was surprised but I ignore and go straight to the meeting room. We enter the room and the meeting starts when I sit down at my chair.


What are they talking about?? I think Eunji will explain about the condition we are facing now but all the slides she shows are just heart shapes. Colourful heart shapes. Lovely:)

" What do you think about it Boss?? "


" Boss?? "

" Huh?? Oh, yes. Yes. I like it. I really like it. The pink one is the best."

" Boss. What are you talking about?? "

Mrs.Nam said next to my ear and I remember that I am now in the meeting room. I cleared my throat and smile at the directors.

" Aham. I mean I like Director Jung's idea."

I notice that Eunji is glaring me but I just ignore and pretend that I am watching her explanation.

When the meeting is over, I am about to go back to my office, Eunji pulls me into her office.

" Yah, Eunji!! What are you doing??? "

" What is happening to you, Bomi?? "

" Oh, you are in pink too!!!."


She shouts and hit my head. Ooh. I rub the spot and look again at her. Oh, right. She is wearing white shirt and black pant.

" But Eunji-ya, the traffic light changes to pink, you know?? "

" Yah, Yoon Bomi. Don't say nonsense. There is no pink light in the world. It's only you who see eveerything in pink."

" Umm?? "

So I am imagining things all the time?? Ah, I change into a love fool. How sweet!

" Tell me the truth. You have something to share with me, right?? "

" Hee hee."

" Stop laughing like a fool and tell me."

" Well, last night, unnie and I became official!!! "

" What!!! Really??? "

" Yes."

" OMG!!! How did you confess??? "

She asks and I was silent.

" Actually, it is her who confessed. Not me."

" Yah, pabo-ya!!! "

" But I say I love you too. I don't have courage to confess but she did first. Unnie is so lovely. I so damn love unnie!!! "

I said and hug her.

" Yah, Bomi-unnie. What are you doing??? "

With the voice, I was pushed off from Eunji with rough force. No need to ask who it is. Son Naeun the black witch, with her full black costume, from head to toe.

" Who do you love?? If it is my Eunji, back off before I kill you."

" Naeun baby, she is not in love with me. She has her own girlfriend."

" Who??? "

" Who else?? The most beautiful girl in the world, my Park Chorong."

" Omo!!! Chorong unnie and you??? Ahhhhh. That's a surprise news."

" Stop shouting Naeun. There is no strange or weird. "

" Ok. Whatever. I m here to meet with my girlfriend. But there is Boss already so I have to go. Bye."

" Go. Go. I have to talk with Eunni more."

" See you at night, baby."

Eunji sends Naeun to the door and they shared a deep kiss. Then Naeun goes amd Eunji close the door before she cones back to me.

I understand now.

" Eunji-ya, I have to go."

" Yah, Naeun has to go because you are here and you are now leaving too?? "

" No. I have lots of work to do. So- I'm going."

" Yah, Yoon Bomi. Yah!! "

Eunji tried to call me but I just ignored and walked back ti my office.

" I understand what we need. We need a kiss."


Kiss means I have to press my lips on unnie's.


How can I kiss unnie?????

Yah, Yoon Bomi. What are you thinking about??? Stop thinking nonsenses and do your work.

I have to forget about the bad thoughts with unnie. I have to.

* phone ringing *

When I saw the caller , I automtically smike like a fool.

" Unnieeeeee."

" Bomi-ya. I have a super surpise for you."

" What is it??? "

" Today, I went to the supermarket and bought some fruits. But there are pink fruits today."

" Pink??? "

" Yes. Pink. It's so strange. So I bought pink watermelon and pink pineapple for us."

" Awesome."

" Immm. Bomi-ya, let's eat at home tonight. I will make dinner."

" Arasso. Miss you, unnie."

" Miss you, too. I am looking at the clock all the time. I hope the time will go fast."

" Me, too. I want to be at home as soon as possible."

" Then concentrate on your work now. I will wait for you. Come home quick. Bye."

" Bye unnie."

" Wait Bomi-ya."

" Yes? "

" I love you."

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! She says it again. She says it again. She says she loves me. Ha ha. My complete now.

" I love you, too."

" Ah, this is embrassing. Bye Bye."

She hangs up the phone and I look at the phone screen which has the photo of me and unnie as wallpaper lovingly. Oh, my dearest unnie. I love her. I love Park Chorong.

I want to shout it so that the people from all over the world can hear. I want to tell everyone that unnie is mine.

Aish, it is not the time to sit down. I have to work fast so I can go home early. I grab the folders on my table and start to work.


Why they wrote on pink papers??? Hmm. It is more romantic and I love. I have to tell Mrs.Nam later that they should use pink papers more.

What a lovely pink day!!! Love is in the air. In everywhere.


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Chapter 30: Right, I am BAWLING in my heart oh fk.. but the comments are right in saying that this is “painful but beautiful” and “satisfying” as an ending, especially with all the danger that was hard to get out of. Mm, I forget angst can be this way. I feel for Eunji in this.. Her loyalty to Bomi is amazing and their friendship was so admirable. Ah, another fic of yours I can now say I’ve finished, and still there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 28: Damnnn! I did not expect that. whoa. So that’s how Chorong got taken in the first place. Gosh, this revelation makes it so much creepier. Spies and betrayal…
Chapter 27: Oh geez it happened, the bad has happened argh. I’m so nervous for this!
Chapter 26: I was freaking out every second of this because I was paranoid that something bad would happen sjksafdk- I swear that box and Chorong’s curiosity almost gave me a shock. I thought it was all a trap! The situation and the emptiness of Bomi’s workplace at night, plus Chorong moving around even with the gang men protecting her, it’s all a recipe for anxiety and disaster.
Chapter 25: Eunji’s loyalty is amazing. ahh how will they get out of this..
Chapter 24: god this is intense!! I’m on the edge of my seat for what will happen ahhh! Bomi protected her, awwww man that’s so heroic and my heart is crying asdfsafdas. I love the scene with them uniting in the centre of the road.
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh kay, Bomi is so cool asdasfsg hehe. I wonder if this is 2eun’s set up plan for them. Most likely yes, but I’ll have to see.
Chapter 22: Ahh so this is the path we’re taking, I see.. I get it I get it *tears rolling down too*
Chapter 21: OOhh it’s getting scary now. mm.. how will Chorong be protected? euhh something bad is bound to happen oh no ><
Chapter 20: uwu the kisses~ they’re so lovey awww <3 I’m loving it! Oh and the pink everything had made me laugh inside hahaha. Suho seems like a looming issue but the problem with this one is that he’s a nice friend of Bomi’s and they just haven’t told him yet. I wonder how that’ll go..