The end

If you were not here...............

Six months later.......


Eunji's POV


I stop thr car at the start of the bridge. I get out from thr car and ran to the other side to open the car door for Naeun.

We both walked along the bridge while holding our hands together.

" Ah, the weather is so fine."

" Yeah. It is so pleasant."

We went down the narrow path and walked down the small river which is surrounded by flowers and trees.

" It is like a small forest."

" Yeah. I really love this place."

" I hope they will like too."

Naeun said quietly and I nodded as I have no word to answer. We both stop at a gravestone which is made at the bank of the river under a big tree.






" Yoon Bomi and Park Chorong  "






I read the tomb although I have read it again and again already.

Naeun put the flower in her hand in front of the grave and stood beside me.

" Eunji unnie. Don't be like this. Say something."

She said and holds my hand. What can I say???? I have no word to say in front of Bomi. I can't save both of them.

" Unnie, Bomi unnie will be angry if she knows that you are blaming on yourself."

She said. I closed my eyes and tears run down on my face. I knelt down in front of the grave.

" Bomi-ya. I miss you so much. Why you have to be stupid that much???? Why you choose yourself???? You make me feel guilty. You bad girl."

I said and let out all the tears I am holding.

" You can rest well now but what about me??? You can leave me like that??? When I shoot to Kris, I thought I can save you. But - But- Bomi-ya!! "

I cried and wiped the tears.

" But friend, Don't.worry. I am keeping the company for you. Suho is sent to the jail after his brother's death. So no one will disturb us again. And I will take care of Naeun like you said. We are about to getting married in summer. The only thing I need is you. You, Bomi-ya. All I have done are for you but you leave us like this."

" WAE!!!!!! Wae?????"

I said and shouted. Naeun walked towards me and hugs me. I moved closer to her and hug her back. She rubbed my head gently and I send out all my tears that I have been holding this six months.

After about an hour of staying there, we went back to the car. I quietly ask Naeun.

" Naeun-na??? "

" Hmm?? "

" Do you think they can be happy now??? "

She smiles and turns me around.

" Unnie, they love each other. They can give their lives for each other. I am sure that they will find each other after life and they will be happy together again."

" I hope so."

I said and looked up the sky.


" Bomi-ya. I know you are watching me. Please be happy now. I know you two can be together at the end. Bomi-ya. Chorong unnie. I will never forget you. I hope you can be happy together again. "


I smile and walked back to the car. The cold breeze is running around me and I thought I heard some laughters in it.

I am sure that Bomi and Chorong unnie's souls are running and playing around above the sky.


They are peaceful now.










                                       THE    END























                 Bonus part



I opened my eyes slowly.

Where am I???

This is the first thing I can think of. I look around myself but there is nothing except white.

I tried to get up and look at myself. Where are the wonds and injuries I got??? I am clean and my body is like a feather.

I looked down and I think I am standing in thr grass.

With that thought, I saw a green carpet of grass appearing under my feet all of a sudden.

Wow. That's strange. Like magic.

But I still don't know where I am.


" Bomi-ya~~~ "






Her voice. I can't be wrong.  This is definitely her voice.







" Bbom-ah~~~ "


" Unnie??? "

I ask and the calling of my name becomes nearer and nearer.

" Bbom-ah!!!! "

I heard her voice clearly and I turned around.


There she is.

She is standing not far from me like an angel.

Her white dress is flowing in the air and she is smiling at me.

" Unnie!!! "

" Bomi-ya!!! "

I run towards her and she runs to me. We meet at the middle and I hug her tightly in my arms.

" Unnie. Unnie. I thought I can't see you anymore. I thought I have lost you."

" Yah, pabo-ya. Who tell you to follow me this early??? "

She said while moving away from me. I smiled at her and held her by her shoulder.

" But I can't stay a single day without you."

" Bomi-ya. "

She was about to scold me. I have to do something. Yep. An idea got!!!

" Ah, unnie, see. The rings."

I said and cutting off her words. She looked me with confused eyes but I pulled her hand and showed her.

" That's a relief. It is still here."

I kiss on the finger and she looks at me with teary eyes.

" Unnie. I am very happy that we can meet again. "

" Me, too. I thought I have to leave you."

I can't help but smiked widely. I lookad around and there is nothing except grass. I hope flowers will help us.

And to ny surprise, various kinds if flowers are appearing around us and now we are standing in the middle if the flowers.

That's so cool.

" Unnie, you know where are we?? "

" I don't know either. But I am sure that there is only the two of us here."

" Really??? "

" Imm."

" That's great. Finally, I can have alone time with my unnie."

I said and held her hand. Then I interlaced our finger together.

" Unnie, we can name this place heaven."

" Heaven??? "

" Yes. Heaven that only the two of us are here. Bomi and Chorong's Love heaven."

" I love that name."

She said and lean her head on my shoulder. I wish I can have a bench here. At the end of the wish, a bench appeared behind us and we both sat down together.

" Bbom-ah. It's peaceful here."

" Yes, unnie."

She moves more closer to me.

" I love you, Bbom-ah."

She said while looking at me. I pecked her lips and reply happily.

" I love you, too, unnie."

She resumed to lean on my shoulder and I put my head on hers. We stay like this for a long time as we both knows that no one will disturb us anymore.










We are now in our own love heaven.



                                                THE END








A/N  :   Finally I can finish the fic. I tried this story to be romantic and cute. Forgive me if this is not so good.

I hope you will satisfied with the ending. Please give support to my new fiction, Tik Tok. This will give you surprise ending this like fic, too.

Thanks you for reading it till the end^^




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Chapter 30: Right, I am BAWLING in my heart oh fk.. but the comments are right in saying that this is “painful but beautiful” and “satisfying” as an ending, especially with all the danger that was hard to get out of. Mm, I forget angst can be this way. I feel for Eunji in this.. Her loyalty to Bomi is amazing and their friendship was so admirable. Ah, another fic of yours I can now say I’ve finished, and still there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 28: Damnnn! I did not expect that. whoa. So that’s how Chorong got taken in the first place. Gosh, this revelation makes it so much creepier. Spies and betrayal…
Chapter 27: Oh geez it happened, the bad has happened argh. I’m so nervous for this!
Chapter 26: I was freaking out every second of this because I was paranoid that something bad would happen sjksafdk- I swear that box and Chorong’s curiosity almost gave me a shock. I thought it was all a trap! The situation and the emptiness of Bomi’s workplace at night, plus Chorong moving around even with the gang men protecting her, it’s all a recipe for anxiety and disaster.
Chapter 25: Eunji’s loyalty is amazing. ahh how will they get out of this..
Chapter 24: god this is intense!! I’m on the edge of my seat for what will happen ahhh! Bomi protected her, awwww man that’s so heroic and my heart is crying asdfsafdas. I love the scene with them uniting in the centre of the road.
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh kay, Bomi is so cool asdasfsg hehe. I wonder if this is 2eun’s set up plan for them. Most likely yes, but I’ll have to see.
Chapter 22: Ahh so this is the path we’re taking, I see.. I get it I get it *tears rolling down too*
Chapter 21: OOhh it’s getting scary now. mm.. how will Chorong be protected? euhh something bad is bound to happen oh no ><
Chapter 20: uwu the kisses~ they’re so lovey awww <3 I’m loving it! Oh and the pink everything had made me laugh inside hahaha. Suho seems like a looming issue but the problem with this one is that he’s a nice friend of Bomi’s and they just haven’t told him yet. I wonder how that’ll go..