
If you were not here...............

" Chorong-na, here's your money."

" Thanks ajjusshi."

" No. No. I have to thank you indeed. You are a hardworking girl so it is very convinient to have you in the work. And there are many male customers come to here because of your preety face."

" Ajjusshi, don't make a joke."

I said and I bowed to him before I went out from the shop.

" Wait, Chorong-na."

" Yes??? "

" Take this. You haven't eaten lunch, right??? "

" Thanks you, ajjusshi."

I bowed again to him as he gave a pack of the favourite food of my life, the chicken feet.

I took the food and walked back to the house. Like always, there is no one in the house. I carried the small table and put the chicken feet in one bowl.

" I hope Ajjuma keft some.rice for me."

I thought and opened the rice cooker. To my relief, there is enough rice for me and I put it in a bowl, took a spoon and walked back to the living room.

I sat down at the table and some memories reflex into my head.

My oppa. He is my everythibg to me. He is the only one family I have. We lost our parents since we are young and we were sent to an orphange.

When our uncle appeared and took them from there, our nightmare starts. My uncle is a good man and he looked after us like his own children as they didn't have any child.

But the aunty is an evil woman. She always made us to do all the work in the house while she was going out to do some gamble.

Uncle, who was a worker at the ship construction, died in an accident when I was only in high school. At that time, oppa joined to a gang as he needs money for my school.

Starting at that time, he became distant from me. He was always on the way and he never came back home early. He was like the bad guys day by day and I hate that. I lost my innocent oppa.

One day, he came back home in the middle of the night and told me that his big boss is died and his daughter became the new boss. And she chose him as her bodyguard so he has to stuck with her all the time. And he was worried for me as he has more enemies these days.

So he took me and Ajjuma to the harbour and put us on a ship and sent to China. Since that day, I haven't heard from him for almost a year.

One day, a guy called Tao came to my house and told me that my oppa has died in a fight between a gang and their gang. He died because he had to protect the boss. He took the bullet for her and so he has to let go of his life. Before he died, he gave him the address of us and sent some money for us.

From that day, I knew I lost everything of my life. I lost the only one treasure in my life. I have lost my oppa. And that was because of the person called 'Boss'.

At the same time, ajjuma was in debt and we have to run back to Korea again. I worked many works at the same time. I send newspaper and milk before dawn, went to many schedule works as much as I can and find money for my colledge.

But all money I find are used by the ajjuma. She always takes problems and troubles to me again and again. I have to pay for her debt everytime.

Last month, a person called 'Boss' came here and gave us money. I wanted to throw that money back to that person's face but ajjuma took it and she  used it again.

I never wanted to meet that person's face again. The way she talks coldly, the way she looks at people with her blank eyes, the way she walks with confidence. All these things made me to run to her and beat her down. She is the reason of my brother's death.

" Chorong-na, are you home."

I heard the unusual voice of ajjuma and put the spoon back on the table. Then she entered the house with three men. What again???

I looked at them and she smiled to me widely.

" Chorong-na, it's good you are home. I want you to meet with someone."

I furrowed my eyebrows when a man in a black suit and looked like a bad guy went near to me with a smirk on his face.

" What are you doing, ajjuma??? "

" Ahhh, this is Boss Hwang. The one who supports me with some money."

She explaines when he was looking around me. He was about forty. He was checking me out from top to toe and I don't like his stare. That's so ert.

" She is perfect, Mrs. Park."

" Chorong-na, I have something to say you."

He said and she pulled me to the outside.

" Release me. What are you doing??? "

" Chorong-na, ajjuma took some money from him."

" And it is not related to me. I've said that I will not pay for your debt anymore. Go into the jail by yourself."

" No, Chorong-na. I made a contract with him. If I can't give him back the money within two months, I will have to- "

" You will have to what??? Please be quick. I have to go to another work."

" I will have to give you to him."

" What!!! "

I was surprised. What did she do to me??

" No. I mean he has a club and you will have to work there. You know singer or bartender girls."

" Ajjuma!!! Why I have to listen to you??? I don't know about anything. And I can't go with him!!! "

I shouted and the eipke in the house went outside too.

" I think your niece is a stubborn girl, Mrs. Park."

" No. No. She will work for you."

" What!!! No. I will not work at a club!!!! "

I yelled and he smirk.

" What are you talking little girl??? Whatever you are saying, I will have to do with the contract. If you can't return the money today, I will take you."

" No. No."

I was frightened and about to run away when the two men beside him grabbed me.

" Yah!!! Release me!!! "

" Shut up!!! "

The men shoited and tears started to run down on my cheeks.Why she had to put me in her own problem???

" She will be a good girl soon. I have to give her a good lesson today. Take her!! "

He said and he ordered his men to take me. They dragged me to the black car which is stopped in front of my house. I was trying to escape from their grip so they find it difficult to put me inside the car.

" Yah!!! "

I take a chance when the grip on me loosen and I ran towards the street.

" Yah!!! Don't run!!! "

" Get her!!! "

The men began chasing me and they are so near as I am not a good runner.

" Ahhh."

I fell onto the ground in the run and they are about to get me. The three men stood up around me and Mr.Hwang smirk.

" You really need a great lesson. You are a stubborn girl. Huh??? "

The men went to me and about to pulled me up again when a shadow fell onto me and make kick them in face.

" Don't hurt her."

I once heard this voice before. But the owner of the voice stood in front of me.

" Who are you, girl??? Mind your own business."

" This girl is my business."

She said and I furrowed my eyes. When she turned her body to me, my anger once again boiling.

" I am Yoon Bomi. If you ever heard about me, it is the best for you to run immediately before my people are here."

" Yoon... Yoon... Yoon Bomi?? "

" Yes. The club you are running will be closed tomorrow if you lay a finger on her. Understand??? "

" Yes. Yes."

" Go now."

" But I have contract that her aunt made. If they can't return the money today, I can take this girl."

" According to your contract, if they give money today, you can't take her. I will give that money for her."

" What!! I don't need any of your help. There is no need for me to get your pity."

I shouted to her but she showed no expression.

" What are you talking about Park Chorong??? Don't you know you are mine starting from today??? "

" What?? "

I was surprised by her words.

" Your aunt told me to buy you this morning and I agree. So from now on, you are mine and only mine."

" That's no way."

" Yes way, Park Chorong. And remember one thing. I am not buying you. I will marry you."

" WHAT!!!! "

No. That gangster must be crazy.


She will marry me????





I hate her from the gut and how can she marry me???


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Chapter 30: Right, I am BAWLING in my heart oh fk.. but the comments are right in saying that this is “painful but beautiful” and “satisfying” as an ending, especially with all the danger that was hard to get out of. Mm, I forget angst can be this way. I feel for Eunji in this.. Her loyalty to Bomi is amazing and their friendship was so admirable. Ah, another fic of yours I can now say I’ve finished, and still there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 28: Damnnn! I did not expect that. whoa. So that’s how Chorong got taken in the first place. Gosh, this revelation makes it so much creepier. Spies and betrayal…
Chapter 27: Oh geez it happened, the bad has happened argh. I’m so nervous for this!
Chapter 26: I was freaking out every second of this because I was paranoid that something bad would happen sjksafdk- I swear that box and Chorong’s curiosity almost gave me a shock. I thought it was all a trap! The situation and the emptiness of Bomi’s workplace at night, plus Chorong moving around even with the gang men protecting her, it’s all a recipe for anxiety and disaster.
Chapter 25: Eunji’s loyalty is amazing. ahh how will they get out of this..
Chapter 24: god this is intense!! I’m on the edge of my seat for what will happen ahhh! Bomi protected her, awwww man that’s so heroic and my heart is crying asdfsafdas. I love the scene with them uniting in the centre of the road.
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh kay, Bomi is so cool asdasfsg hehe. I wonder if this is 2eun’s set up plan for them. Most likely yes, but I’ll have to see.
Chapter 22: Ahh so this is the path we’re taking, I see.. I get it I get it *tears rolling down too*
Chapter 21: OOhh it’s getting scary now. mm.. how will Chorong be protected? euhh something bad is bound to happen oh no ><
Chapter 20: uwu the kisses~ they’re so lovey awww <3 I’m loving it! Oh and the pink everything had made me laugh inside hahaha. Suho seems like a looming issue but the problem with this one is that he’s a nice friend of Bomi’s and they just haven’t told him yet. I wonder how that’ll go..