Too late to go back

If you were not here...............

The next day


Bomi's POV


People say love is a power. I didn't believe it but I believe it today.

After Chorong unnie and I became more closer last night, some unseen power ran into me. That must be why everything is ok today.

We had a meeting with medias and explained that everything is just a rumor. With the help of our partner, Kim Company, it is settled easily.

Now we are sitting in the office and talking.

" Wow, that's a relief. "

" Yeah. Everything went ok."

" That's because you help me, Suho."

I said and the handsome friend of mine shook his head.

" Ahh, there is nothing I helped you. You have been good guys for these years. That's why they can't find any evidence."

He said while smiling. That's why I like him. He is so friendly and a helpful friend.

" But I owe you, Suho-ya."

" You can always repay me."

" Huh?? How?? "

I ask and he looks at me.

" I want a blind date with your friend."

He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. He means unnie??

" Who?? "

" Come on, Bomi-ya. Don't pretend. The friend coming to the party together with you. Park Chorong."

He said and I stiff at that spot. Is he really? No, he can't. He can't.

" You interested in her??? "

" Yes. She is so pretty."

He said and my high mood goes down suddenly.

" Can you?? Can you?? "

" Umm?? I don't know. I have to ask her first."

" Ok. Call me if she agrees. Wait, where does she lives?? Can I know her address or her phone number?? "

" Umm... well... I don't know her number. Address is umm... somewhere you don't know. Ask her by yourself next time when you meet her."

I said and he nodded.

" Fine. Fine. I m going now. I have to go back to work. Call me when she says yes."

" Ok, friend. Take care."

" You, too."

He said and left the office. I sighed in relief as he belief in my lie and doesn't ask further. It is bad of me that I lied to my friend who just helped me. But I can't give him my unnie.

Yes. My unnie. My beloved unnie.

Ahh, she told me that I have to come home early today after work.

Hmmm, we have to celebrate since everything went ok again.



Chorong's POV


" Really?? So it's ok now?? "

" Yes, unnie. I am very happy now."

" That's a good news. Congratulation."

" Aww, there is no need to. The share prices are not still rise yet. We have to wait and watch till everything is stable again."

" Immm. I don't understand. "

" Ha ha. Yes. Yes. Oh, unnie. What do you want for evening?? I will buy."

" It's ok. I came back from the supermarket at the end of the street. I have got all the ingredients. Just come back home."

" Ok. "

" Go back to work now. It's been fifteen minutes we are talking. I have to prepare dinner too."

" Unnie will be tired. "

" It's ok. Now go to your office. Go. Go."

" Arasso. See you, unnie."

" Imm."

I said and I hang up the phone.

" It's a relief. Bomi is ok again."

I walked into the kitchen. I have bought for dinner. I want to cheer up her whether her business is ok or not. Now, it gonna be a celebrating party.

I cooked and put all the curries I made on the table. Hmmm, nice. But what if she doesn't like.

I thought and worried all of a sudden. I don't think I can cook like a professional chief fron restaurants that she usually eats.

But I tried my best so everything I can make is hope. I went to shower before she comes back and changed into comfy clothes and waited for her.

I felt I am like a housewife. I go to supermarket, cook for dinner and wait Bomi to come back. That will be so great if it is true.

At that time, I heard the doorcode and know she has come back. How should I greet her??? Will it be weird for her???

But before I can hide into the bedroom, she enters the house with a wine bottle in her hand.

" You are home."

" Unnie, are you waiting for me?? "

" Umm?? No. I am- Just... walking around the house."

" Yes?? "

" Stop talking. Go shower and let's eat. I'm starving."

" Oh, right."

She gives me the wine bottle and ran into the bathroom, Cute. Always running around in the house like a kid.

When she comes out from the bathroom with all fresh and new looks, she smiles at me.

" I am done unnie. Let's have dinner now."

" Ok."

She ran into the dinnibg room and when she saw the various curries on the table.

" Wow. That's cool. Unnie, you made all these by yourself??? "

" Yes."

" You must be very tired. I will eat well."

She said and grabbed her spoon. I sat down across her and watch her expression. She eats a little of each curry.

" How??? "

" Immm... How should I say?? "

She said while she is thinking really hard.

" Is it that bad??? "

I asked and she smiles to me.

" No. It's so delicious. I like them all."

She said with a grin and two thumbs up. I smile in satisfaction and take my spoon, too.

" That's great you like them."

" Unnie, should we drink wine?? "

" Sure."

I said and we ate silently. Although there is silent between us, it is not awkwarded atmosphere like always. But instead, peaceful and nice may be romantic atmosphere takes place between us.

" Unnie, you remember the guy we met at the party?? "

" Hmm?? Ahh, Suho-sshi? Yes. I remember."

" What do you think of him?? "

She asks and I wonder why she does.

" Why?? "

" He came to me today and ask for a blind date with you. So I want to know what do you think of him."

I smile as I can sense jelousy in her voice. Oh ho. That will be great to .

" Imm. He is handsome. He is nice. He is funny and he is a gentleman. He is the prince of every girl's dream. In one word, he is the best choice for every girl."

I said and smirk as she is now pouting.

" That's mean you accept his request??? "

" What?? "

I ask and she repeats.

" You just said he is the best choice. So what about meeting with him tomorrow??? "

" Are you serious Yoon Bomi?? You want me with him??? "

" Why are you asking my opinion??? You can go if you like."

" Yah!! "

I said and I want to hit her so badly. She is so stupid. How she can easily send me to that friend of hers.

I stand up from the chair and said.

" I'm full. I'm going to my room. I have to be beautiful for tomorrow. Wash all dishes when you finish."

I said and leave her there with alone.

" Stupid!! Stupid!!! Stupid!!! "

I said while throwing myself onto the bed. Why she has to be so stupid??

She didn't notice what have I done for her these days??

Yoon Bomi is really the world's greatest idiot.

It is my own mistake that I fell for that stupid girl.



But it is already too late to go back.



I love her with all my heart.


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Chapter 30: Right, I am BAWLING in my heart oh fk.. but the comments are right in saying that this is “painful but beautiful” and “satisfying” as an ending, especially with all the danger that was hard to get out of. Mm, I forget angst can be this way. I feel for Eunji in this.. Her loyalty to Bomi is amazing and their friendship was so admirable. Ah, another fic of yours I can now say I’ve finished, and still there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 28: Damnnn! I did not expect that. whoa. So that’s how Chorong got taken in the first place. Gosh, this revelation makes it so much creepier. Spies and betrayal…
Chapter 27: Oh geez it happened, the bad has happened argh. I’m so nervous for this!
Chapter 26: I was freaking out every second of this because I was paranoid that something bad would happen sjksafdk- I swear that box and Chorong’s curiosity almost gave me a shock. I thought it was all a trap! The situation and the emptiness of Bomi’s workplace at night, plus Chorong moving around even with the gang men protecting her, it’s all a recipe for anxiety and disaster.
Chapter 25: Eunji’s loyalty is amazing. ahh how will they get out of this..
Chapter 24: god this is intense!! I’m on the edge of my seat for what will happen ahhh! Bomi protected her, awwww man that’s so heroic and my heart is crying asdfsafdas. I love the scene with them uniting in the centre of the road.
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh kay, Bomi is so cool asdasfsg hehe. I wonder if this is 2eun’s set up plan for them. Most likely yes, but I’ll have to see.
Chapter 22: Ahh so this is the path we’re taking, I see.. I get it I get it *tears rolling down too*
Chapter 21: OOhh it’s getting scary now. mm.. how will Chorong be protected? euhh something bad is bound to happen oh no ><
Chapter 20: uwu the kisses~ they’re so lovey awww <3 I’m loving it! Oh and the pink everything had made me laugh inside hahaha. Suho seems like a looming issue but the problem with this one is that he’s a nice friend of Bomi’s and they just haven’t told him yet. I wonder how that’ll go..