Thank You.....

Maybe I Love You...

No One's POV:

Jiyeon, Jinyoung, Boyfriend, and APINK were hanging out by the Han River. All of them became good friends and they started hanging out everyday. This was just one of their normal hangout spots. Jiyeon and APINK were sitting under a tree talking about girl stuff and Jinyoung and Boyfriend were playing football a few feet away. Everything was going great when Jinyoung over threw the football and it hit Jiyeon on the head.

"Owww.... YAH! WHICH ONE OF YOU THREW THAT?!" Jiyeon yelled at the boys. All of them had scared looks on their faces as they all pointed to Jinyoung. Jiyeon glared at her best friend as he stood there and awkwardly smiled at her. If looks could kill, Jinyoung would be dead by now. 

"Hehe... mianhae, Jiyeon-ah," he said nervously. Jiyeon was still glaring at him. The twins pushed him forward so that he could go and properly appolegize. Them and Boyfriend then huddled in the back. He turned around and gave the guys a help-me look. In turn they gave him a you-dug-your-own-grave-you're-on-your-own look. He sighed and walked towards you slowly. Even APINK was giving him looks for hurting you. He reached where you were sitting and you looked up and gave him a death look. He then he did the one that could come to his mind.

He dropped down on his knees and bowed his head down. "I, Jung Jinyoung, promise never to hit Oh Jiyeon with a football or any type of object again. i admit my fault and I deserve to be punished." He looked up and saw Jiyeon smiling at him.

"Huh?..." he said looking at her and APINK smiling at him. Just then the girls burst out in laughter. They were all holding their stomaches and leaning on each other for support since they were basically passing out of laughter. Jinyoung and Boyfriend were shocked. Earlier the girls were giving death glares, but now they're laughing their heads off like there's no tomorrow.

"Hahaha~ Y-you should've..... seen the...... l-looks on y-your faces!" Jiyeon said between her laughs. 

"Will someone explain to me what's going on?" Jinyoung said, getting up from the ground. 

"Yah! Jung Jinyoung, you don't know your best friend well enough? You know that I wouldn't get made from something like this," Jiyeon said smiling. Jinyoung mentally slapped himself right there.

"B-but you looked so mad earlier! All of you guys!" Youngmin said pointing at all the girls.

"Haha, and you should know us well enough to know that we don't get mad that easily," Naeun said laughing at her boyfriend. He just sighed as Kwangmin patted him on the shoulder, giving him the I-feel-your-pain-bro look.

After all that was settled Jinyoung received a text from B1A4. They were supposed to meet today. 

"Sorry guys, I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He waved to all of them and left after that. After a while all of them dispersed and Jiyeon was left walking home alone. 

Jiyeon's POV:

Wow, it's late. I didn't realize I was staying out that long. And it's dark already. I always hated walking home alone when I was little, but I got used to it now that my family moved to Japan, leaving me here to finish my studies. Well, might as well take the short way home since it's late. 

I walked through the alley that lead to my house. It was dark, but I could still see. I was walking when I heard a sound behind me. I froze in my spot for a second. Aniya, I'm just imagining things. I continued walking, but a little bit faster. I heard that sound again. I turned around slowly and saw 3 guys walking towards me with smirks on they're faces. This can't be good. 

"Looky here, boys. We got ourselves a hot one tonight," the first one said. The other two just laughed ertedly. I backed up slowly and before they could get to me I ran for it. But I wasn't fast enough. One of them grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall. My head hit the wall and it hurt. I looked up and I saw the guy that talked earlier. "You know, hot girls like you shouldn't be put to waste," he said coming closer to me. His breath smelled like alcohol and his hands were touching me in places that should not be touched.

"Y-yah, don't you try anything on me!" I said trying to sound brave. He just laughed and put his face closer to mine. The other two guys just stodd there waiting for their turns. Before he could come any closer I kneed him in his lower region and broke free of his grasp. 

As he was groaning on the ground in pain he said, "You shouldn't have done that, ." I tried to run again but the other guys grabbed me again. Both of them were grinding against me as the "leader" stood there and smirked at me. They were touching me all over the place. I felt so violated. I started crying. I struggled to get out, but their hold on me was too strong.

"Yah, just do what we want and no one gets hurt," one of the guys growled at me. I didn't listen because I was still trying to break free. Just then I felt a stinging slap on my cheek. Tears just flowed down my face as they started to rip my clothes. 

"ANDWAE!! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I  screamed at the top of my lungs. I got another slap after that. Someone help me....

Kwangmin's POV:

I was walking home after going to the store when I heard someone scream "ANDWAE!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" Wait, that sounds like Jiyeon's voice. I ran to the nearby alley where I heard the scream and I saw Jiyeon being attacked by 3 guys. And they were trying to her.

"YAH! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled running in and kicking the guys. 

"Aish, this bastard. Let's get him," one of the s said. Not so fast big boy. I threw a punch at the guy that lunged for me. And I kicked the other two down there. Since they were on the floor I kicked all of them in their stomaches. 

"You guys better not come here again," I said in a strong voice, "Now scram! If I ever see your dirty faces again I swear I'll rip you to shreads." They fled after that. I turned around and saw Jiyeon on the floor crying. I walked towards her and hugged her. I could see that her clothes were ripped so I gave her my jacket. She continued to cry against my chest as she hugged my waist. "Shh, it's ok. I'm here. You won't get hurt." I know this isn't the right situation, but my heart fluttered as she hugged me.

She looked up at me with tear filled eyes and said, "Komawo..." Then she passed out in my arms. 

Jiyeon-ah, I'll protect you from now on. I promise....

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 34: omg i loovee ur story soo much that im gonna faint hahahaha its just super duper amazing >.<
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
if you do more make sure the girl is with youngmin or kwangmin
love this story, and i'll definitely be supporting your sequel, but...JIYEON AND YOUNGMIN MUST STAY TOGETHER!! i don't care if they breakup in the middle of the story and whatnot, bt in the end, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!
the ending is kinda more like fluffy than sad, I LIKE IT!
minkwang #6
yeahh, i want the sequel to be about her debut and training! :D:D
well idk for the sequel i might do something about them breaking up but im not sure.... and it wont be all about her entering SM. that would be boring :) and seriously im not good at angst hahaha im a fluffy person ;)
if the sequel is about her entering sm entertainment, i kinda dont want to read the sequel since i have a feeling jiyeon n youngmin will break up, even tho i no its gonna b good i cant stand some angst stories that are follow ups (sequels) to happy stories...TT^TT im gonna miss this fanfic even tho i can just reread it over n over n over n over again!!!!!
awwwww!!!<br />
update soon pls!<br />
update soon