First Date

Maybe I Love You...


Skip a couple days

Jiyeon's POV:

Wah, I'm so excited! Youngmin oppa is taking me on our first date today. I can finally forget about everything and have fun. He won't tell me where we're going though. I guess he wants to keep it a surprise. I looked at the clock. It's 8:30. Oppa said he would pick me up at 10. I better get going before I'm late.

I took a shower and did my hair and make up. I went to my closet and looked at all my clothes. Hmm, I should wear one of my dresses. But I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. Aish, why is this so hard???

After 45 minutes of deciding I finally found a dress. I looked at the clock and it was 9:45. I still have some time left. I touched up on my make up and redid some of the curls in my hair. By the time I was done I heard the door bell ring. He's here!

I ran downstairs and opened the door. He was standing there smiling at me. "Wahh, you look so pretty!" he said eyeing me. I thanked him.

"Komawo, oppa, you look handsome."

He scratched the back of his neck. "Really? I tried really hard to find something to wear."

I laughed. "Yeah, you have no idea." He laughed too.

"Well are you ready for our date?" he said giving me his hand. I gladly took it and nodded happily. He led me out of my house and we started our date. Our first stop was a store a few streets down that sold a bunch of couple stuff. I went in there and saw a pair of couple rings. I insisted on paying for them, but Youngmin beat me to it. We got the rings engraved. Mine said "J <3 Y" while Youngmin oppa's said "Y <3 J" 

After that we walked to a fancy restaurant and had lunch there. Youngmin oppa and I were talking about a lot of stuff and I found out a lot of new stuff about him. I found out he and Kwangmin had another little brother. I bet he is cute just like the twins. I also found out that every year at our school they have a performance at the end of the year with scouts from different agencies. I could get discovered! After our lunch I wanted to pay, but again Youngmin paid for us. 

"You know, I'm starting to feel bad that you're paying for all this," I said as we walked out of the restaurant.

"It's fine. If you pay then I feel like a bad boyfriend," he said holding my hand. I squeezed it and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You're not a bad boyfriend. You're the best boyfriend ever." He smiled and kissed my forehead. Then we walked to the Han River and played around that area. He bought us ice cream and we sat on a bench feeding each other. People walking around were staring at us. We heard comments like "Aww, what a cute couple~" or "Wahh, I'm so jealous!" or even "Ughh, get a room!" We laughed at the comments people made at us, but we weren't affected by them. We were just happy to be with each other. 

We stayed there for a few hours and just played around. Youngmin oppa was chasing me because I got some ice cream on his face. I was laughing as I was running away from him. "Merong! Try to catch me oppa!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. He eventually caught up to me and picked me up from behind. He was spinning me around and I told him to put me down.

"Not until you apologize, baby!" he said laughing. 

"Hahaha, arasso, arasso, mianhae oppa!" He finally put me down and turned me around to look at him. His grip around my waist tightened as I put my arms around his neck. 

"I love you so much, baby," he said resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you, too, oppa." Then he pulled me into a passionate kiss. It was like the whole world stopped. It was like their was no one else around and we were the only people that mattered. The kiss was indescribable. It was just....... amazing. We pulled away from each other and he hugged me really tight. I felt safe in his arms. Like nothing and no one could hurt me. 

We walked hand in hand along the river and it was really nice. Even though we didn't talk it was nice just to be in each other's presence. We were walking until we heard a voice from behind us say, "Youngmin oppa?" We turned around and saw a girl standing there looking at us.

"Oh crap....." I heard Youngmin oppa muttered. I looked at him and he looked annoyed and mad. 

The girl suddenly smiled and ran up to Youngmin oppa and jumped up to hug him. She just pushed me out of the way. I was pissed. 

Who the hell is this girl?!?!

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 34: omg i loovee ur story soo much that im gonna faint hahahaha its just super duper amazing >.<
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
if you do more make sure the girl is with youngmin or kwangmin
love this story, and i'll definitely be supporting your sequel, but...JIYEON AND YOUNGMIN MUST STAY TOGETHER!! i don't care if they breakup in the middle of the story and whatnot, bt in the end, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!
the ending is kinda more like fluffy than sad, I LIKE IT!
minkwang #6
yeahh, i want the sequel to be about her debut and training! :D:D
well idk for the sequel i might do something about them breaking up but im not sure.... and it wont be all about her entering SM. that would be boring :) and seriously im not good at angst hahaha im a fluffy person ;)
if the sequel is about her entering sm entertainment, i kinda dont want to read the sequel since i have a feeling jiyeon n youngmin will break up, even tho i no its gonna b good i cant stand some angst stories that are follow ups (sequels) to happy stories...TT^TT im gonna miss this fanfic even tho i can just reread it over n over n over n over again!!!!!
awwwww!!!<br />
update soon pls!<br />
update soon