Unnie..... Help Me~

Maybe I Love You...

Jiyeon's POV:

"Unnie...... I need your help......" 

"Ah, wae?" she said into the phone.

I didn't want to explain over the phone. "Just.... can you come over here? Quickly?" I said a little desparately.

"Oh, arraso. I'll bring ~~~~~ unnie, too. She can help, too. We'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Komawo, unnie, and don't take the others with you. It's kind of..... important," I said quietly. 

"Don't worry. See you in a little bit." And she hung up. I hope she can help me a lot. I seriously need it.......

Skip to later

I opened the door and hugged them. "Bomi unnie! Chorong unnie! Thanks for coming. I seriously need some girl help now."

They hugged me back and laughed. Bomi unnie ruffled my hair and said, "Aigoo, anything for our little dongseng. Now tell unnies your problem."

We went up to our room so I could talk to them. I told them everything. Kwangmin, Jinyoung, Youngmin, everything. I know these unnies could help me the best because I'm closest to them out of all of APINK and they are really understanding. I let everything out and I teared up a couple times. I finished the story and they just looked at me. 

"Wow, Jiyeon-ah, I'm so sorry," Chorong unnie said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I didn't know Jinyoung was like that. And the whole twins thing...... what are you going to do?" Bomi unnie said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. 

"Unnie~ that's why I called you over here. I don't know what to do! I mean Kwangmin is nice and caring. Jinyoung oppa just turned into a monster all of a sudden, and Youngmin..... I don't even know about him," I said looking down.

Bomi unnie and Chorong unnie sighed and sat on both sides of me. "Look, Jiyeon-ah," Bomi unnie started, "I understand your problem, but this isn't something unnies can help you with. What is your heart telling you to do?" My heart? What is it telling me?

"Aish, molla~ My mind is telling me to go with Kwangmin because he actually cares for me.... but my heart....... I don't know what it's telling me."

"Okay then. Let's try this then. I'm going to say a name and you tell me how you react to it. Arasso?" Chorong unnie said. I nodded and she started. 

"Okay then. Jung Jinyoung," she said looking at me. I paused and I felt absolutely nothing.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Okay then, he's out for sure. Then let's try Jo Kwangmin." I paused and I felt a little flutter.

"I felt a little flutter, but nothing big," I said looking up.

"Okay then, there's hope for him. Now finally... Jo Youngmin." My heart started beating out of control. It was going faster and faster by the second.

"Unnie, it's beating like crazy. Is that bad??" I asked clenching my heart. It was still beating like crazy.

She started smiling at me and looked at Bomi unnie. She was smiling too. "I think we have our answer," Bomi unnie said looking at Chorong unnie. I looked at both of them confused.

"Well? What is it??" I asked a little impatiently. They smiled. 

"Jiyeon-ah, you're in love with Youngmin," Bomi unnie said smiling at me. My eyes widened. No I can't be!

"A-andwae! I-I can't be in l-love with Y-youngmin! A-andwae! I-it's not p-possible!" I stuttered while shaking my head. This can't be happening again. It's like the first day with Minwoo all over again.

"Jiyeon-ah, stop denying it!" Bomi unnie said patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, shes's right," Chorong unnie said, "It's so obvious that you love him. I mean, your heart beats like crazy when we mention just his name, when you guys kissed it beated even faster, and based on what I can tell, you're jealous when you see him with Naeun." I thought about what she said. Is she right? Am I..... in love with Youngmin?......

I shook my head again. "Andwae, I can't be in love with Youngmin and he can't be in love with me. He already has Naeun and I can't take him away from her."

Bomi unnie sighed. "Jiyeon-ah, don't worry about Naeun. Trust me, I'm sure she'll be fine. See the thing with Naeun, if she and Youngmin break up she'll probably mope around about it for a day or something, but then she'll move on. The point is she can live without Youngmin..... but can you?" Is that true? Naeun can live without Youngmin..... but can I? 

"But what do I do about Kwangmin? He confessed to me, too and I can tell he meant it. And I don't have the heart to turn him down," I said quietly. I felt bad for him.

"Kwangmin can take care of himself. He's a big boy. What you need to worry about is getting your man before its too late," Bomi unnie said with a smirk. 

"But what about-"

"Don't worry about Jinyoung. We got your back. We won't let him get to you," Chorong unnie said patting my shoulder. I smiled. These girls know me too well. 

"Komawo, unnies. I really owe you one," I said hugging them.

"You don't have to owe us, dongseng-ah," Chorong unnie said smiling at me.

"Yeah, all you have to do is go catch Youngmin's heart again," Bomi unnie said winking at me. We laughed after that. 

She's right. I have to go get Youngmin. Jo Youngmin, I'm coming for you.


ok kinda bad since I was in a rush but its the best I could do. oh and please ignore eunji in the picture. I couldn't find one with just bomi and chorong :}

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 34: omg i loovee ur story soo much that im gonna faint hahahaha its just super duper amazing >.<
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
if you do more make sure the girl is with youngmin or kwangmin
love this story, and i'll definitely be supporting your sequel, but...JIYEON AND YOUNGMIN MUST STAY TOGETHER!! i don't care if they breakup in the middle of the story and whatnot, bt in the end, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!
the ending is kinda more like fluffy than sad, I LIKE IT!
minkwang #6
yeahh, i want the sequel to be about her debut and training! :D:D
well idk for the sequel i might do something about them breaking up but im not sure.... and it wont be all about her entering SM. that would be boring :) and seriously im not good at angst hahaha im a fluffy person ;)
if the sequel is about her entering sm entertainment, i kinda dont want to read the sequel since i have a feeling jiyeon n youngmin will break up, even tho i no its gonna b good i cant stand some angst stories that are follow ups (sequels) to happy stories...TT^TT im gonna miss this fanfic even tho i can just reread it over n over n over n over again!!!!!
awwwww!!!<br />
update soon pls!<br />
update soon