Slow Motion

Traveler's Love





“So what can I do to make it up for you?”


______ was drying her wet hair, she was just finished taking her shower when she got the call from Kyuhyun, not to her surprise. In fact, she’d been waiting for his call once she got home. Just as she expected again, Kyuhyun immidiately apologized to her. It wasn’t that hard to ask her for apology. She’s not a type who’s holding grudge for longtime, and her day ended really great too thanks to Heechul and Leeteuk. But Kyuhyun insited to do something for her, eventhough she already said so many times that she forgave him.


“I don’t know. I’ve told you, you don’t have to do anything..”


“No~ I feel bad if I don’t make it up for you! Please, just tell me to do anything, I’ll do everything you tell me” He begged.


“Just.. Don’t do it again....” she sighed, “You should thank Heechul oppa, he defend you all the time, he said you didn’t mean it, so I don’t have to take it hard”


“I didn’t mean it, really! I’m so sorry, ____-ah.. Jeongmal mianhae...”


“Yeah, I know.. Like I said, you should thank Heechul oppa, he made me not angry with you anymore”


“Why is it always about him?” He grumbled, “Are you in love with him or what?”


______ couldn’t believe what she’d just heard,“Excuse me?!”


“Nothing.. So.. Mind to tell me about tonight’s Youngstreet? I heard you caused some dramas in Youngstreet this night..”


“It was all because of Heechul oppa, he revealed it all of sudden without even asked my permission, do you know that they even have my pictures on the net?”


Kyuhyun chuckled nervously, “Welcome to our world..”


“Thanks,” She said sarcastically, “But I think everything’s okay, I haven’t get bashed yet..”


“You won’t ever get bashed. I promise you that..”


“Ehm.. Well, thank you..” She felt her cheeks turned hot by Kyuhyun’s sweetness, “eerr..did you listen to Youngstreet at the time?”


“I didn’t, at first.. But then Victoria texted me and told me about that..”


“f(x) Victoria?” ______’s heart flinched a little when he mentioned Victoria’s name. She wondered why he mentioned her a lot.


“Dae, she said Sulli was listening to YS and suddenly shouted your name like crazy, when she was about to scold her, Sulli..”


“You’re really close to Victoria, huh?” She cut his sentence.


“Yeah, Victoria, Changmin, myself, and some other guys are bestfriend. Wae?”


“Nothing, it’s just that.. What’s up with you and these WGM’s wives? Seohyun and Victoria.. Are you close to Gain too?”


Kyuhyun was silent. He noticed that she sounded strange, sounded like she was a bit..jealous. “Victoria is my very best friend, like a family. I’ve told you, there’s nothing between me and Seohyun..”


“I knew it oppa, you don’t have to-“


“No, listen!” Kyuhyun demanded, “Even when I was with Seohyun, I never ever love her. It was a mistake from the start. I NEVER love her” he emphasized the word never, to make sure _____ trust him.


“Okay, I get it. You never love her. It doesn’t matter to me, tho.”


But it does matter to me. I don’t want you get wrong idea about me,” He uttered, “I love you.. you know that, right?”


_____ was taken back with his confession. She already knew that he loves her, but hearing it once again from him still made her fluttered.


“______-ah?” Kyuhyun called her when she didn’t respond and kept in silent.


“Dae oppa?”

“Can you go outside?”



“Just go outside...” with that he hang up the phone.


_____ got up at once, she immediately ran to the door. After he ordered her to go outside, she was thinking some possibilities why he told her that. She opened the door once she reached it, and there he was standing in the terrace, causing _____ nearly jumped in surprise by his presence.


“Oppa! How-..!” She stopped her sentence and then pulled him in to the house, then closed the door so no one would able to spot him there.


“What are you doing here?! It’s dangerous to go here, paparazzi might be around!”


“We’re inside now, it’s okay” Kyuhyun casually said

“Leeteuk oppa will kill you if he knows you’re here, what’s on your mind, really?!”


______ was about to scold him more, but Kyuhyun suddenly pulled her into a hug. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and embraced her tight.


“Ya-yah.. Kyu-kyuhyun oppa!”


“Mianhae....” Kyuhyun murmured between her neck. His hot breath made her shiver down her spine. She pushed him lightly on his chest to let go of him, but it’s useless since Kyuhyun hugged her really tight and she herself didn’t really want to got out from his hug.


“What are you sorry for, oppa?”


“Everything..” He pulled out from his hug a bit, just to face her right in her eyes, “Most of all because I’ve made you hurt by mocking you. I’m sorry..”


“I’ve told you it’s alright..” she looked away from him, trying to avoid his gazes. But Kyuhyun lift up her chin lightly to make her looked at him in the eyes.


“Yes, but am I forgiven?” he asked her.


“You’re forgiven,oppa.. I forgive you..” ______ answered sincerly. A happy smile appeared from Kyuhyun’s face, he kept staring at the girl in fornt of him with full of love, causing her to blush. She awkwardly played with his shirt’s button and didn’t even pulled away from the hug. They kept in the hug position for a while. Any of them wanted to break the hug. They’re just enjoying each other’s presence.


“______-ah...” Kyuhyun called her softly, more like a whisper. ______ stopped playing with the button and lift her head.


“What are we?” Kyuhyun asked her. The question popped in his mind


She raised her eyebrows in confussion, “What do you mean what are we?”


“Look at us, we hug, we kiss..” _____ blushed when she reminded at the kiss,  “..we went on dates, I called you at night and sang you lullabies.. Aren’t they suppose to be done by couples?”


______ just stared at him in silent, didn’t know what to say. Seeing her didn’t give any respond, Kyuhyun continued, “I’ve told you I love you.. I love you, _____-ah. But the question is do you love me back?”


His question was taken her back. Instead of giving any answer, she pushed Kyuhyun on the chest lightly to pull away from the hug.




“It’s late, oppa.. You should go home now”


“You don’t answer my question, _____-ah. What are we?” Kyuhyun asked, more demanding this time. But the girl juststared down to the floor and didn’t answer him. When Kyuhyun stepped forward to reach her, she stepped back.


“Don’t.” She sternly said as she held her hand on the air, “I won’t say a thing about it, It’s time for you to go home”


“You don’t love me, right?” ______ immidiately looked up when Kyuhyun said that. She stared at him disbelievingly while Kyuhyun stared at her with painful eyes.


“Don’t say that!” She emphasized, “Don’t think that I don’t... I’m not interested, it’s just...”


“Listen,I don’t wanna mess with your pride nor heart.. I know that you- you’ve been calling me for a decision, but-but..” she was so confused that she stuttered everything she wanted to say, “You have to know, I’m happy when you..conffesed, but..”


“But you don’t love me?” Kyuhyun questioned straight to the pint with boring look.


“I didn’t say that! Stop making assumptions!” She was pissed and frustated.


Both of them remained in silent. The floor seemed like an interesting view since they just staring at it the whole time.


Suddenly tears rolled down on her cheeks, she sighed heavily, “Oppa, why can’t you let me take my time to love you?” with that she walked away to her room and left him dumbfounded in the living room.


He was about to chase her, but his action was stopped by Hyeonmi, who came out from the next room, “Let her be, Kyuhyun-ah..”




“Trust me, it’s not the time. Let her be now, you can talk to her when she’s calm” Hyeonmi patted his back and led him to the door, “Just go home, Kyu. Your hyungs may be worried”




Hyeonmi gave him a goodbye hug and patted his shoulders for encouragement. The boy in front of her looked like a lost puppy and she pitied him,


“Don’t rush her, Kyu..” Kyuhyun lifted his head, “Take time slower, let her take her time, then she’ll love you back in slow motion. Trust me”


Kyuhyun smiled thankfully to her before finally left the girl’s house and go home.






I’ve been listening to Karina Pasian “Slow Motion” for repeated times..


So much about this crazy game they call love
That I'm trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind

Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I?


I still can’t get this part. Why should you love in slow motion?



This is the song, Slow Motion by Karina Pasian (Covered by IU and TomTom. I love the cover version more XP) This song is really great!

Hi ^^ So I thought the last chapter "Guardian Angel" is not such a good chapter, so I decided to post a new one tonight. Finally this story is about to end. 3 chapters more, maybe? idk..

And I've been thinking to write a fanfic about the other member after this story's finished.. Which member should I start? Leeteuk? Hyukjae? Donghae? Or even three main roles at once?

So! Do yu guys have twitter? Mention me your twitter name, I'll follow you ^^
Mine is @raindropsaudi..

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Dodoisone #1
Chapter 67: I can't believe I finish this story in 4 straight hours
phineasandferb #3
Ceritanya bagus bangeeeet :'') bikin lagi ya cerita cerita kayak gini
NoeRod #4
Yaaaaaa I loved it ! ♥ Gomawooooooo ♥
kay-el25 #5
author- I got two words for you.... YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! I love it very much!! XD
Gaemgyu4ever #6
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i super love this story... i can really feel it hahahah i cried hhahahah ^^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR :) KYUHYUN I LOVE YOU <3
choseoyoung #8
@shiname hello, new reader! ^^ yes, I'm Indonesian too~<br />