A day with two Angels

Traveler's Love

When ______ said to Kyuhyun that she had something urgent to catch up, she didn’t say it for an excuse. She was told by her sister to go home very soon because their grandmother was waiting for her in their house. When she got home, she was surprised that her grandmother was not alone. She thought her sister would be at home, but instead of her sister her grandmother was with a cute 3 years old girl. The little girl was actually _____’s cousin from her aunt whose name is Cheonsa.

(I use my own niece, Ara, as Cheonsa..)

“Cheonsa~  Baby Cheonsa.. Aigoo~ How can you be so cute like this..” ______ carried the little girl and tossing her to the air, making her giggles in excitement.

 “Grandma.. Why did you bring her here?” she asked her Grandma.

“Your aunty, her mom, is hospitalized right now. She’s having appendix surgery..”

“Jinja?! How’s she doing now?”

“I don’t know, the surgery hasn’t started yet but I think she’ll be okay..” she sighed, “But she’s alone in the hospital, the only one who can keep her company is me.. But I have to take care of Cheonsa too since her dad is busy working..”

“But Grandma.. You can’t bring a toddler into a hospital..”

“Dae, you’re right. That’s why I want you to babysit her for today, ______-ah”

“Mwoh?!! Me?! How?! I can’t!!”

“Oh, yes you can! She’s not a baby, you just have to give her food, take her to bath, and make her sleep..” her Grandma handed her a big pink bag which is filled with baby needs like milk, clothes, toiletries, etc. “Here, you can find all her needs here”

“But, Grandma.. I never babysit a child before… And I’m alone too!”

“Your sister will be here at dinner. Please, help Grandma, would you? I have to hurry, ______-ah.. Your aunty really needs Grandma now..”

“Aaahh~ okay.. *sigh* I’ll take care of her..” ______ smiled to her cousin and kissed her cheek, “We’ll do a lot of fun today! Right, Cheonsa?”

“Fun! Fun!” Cheonsa shouted happily.

After her Grandmother left the house, ______ brought Cheonsa the living room and played a Barney DVD that she found inside the baby bag to make her entertained. Fortunately, Cheonsa is a nice girl. She didn’t cry even if she wasn’t with her mom, she laughed a lot, and didn’t nag too much. She’s too cute yet really smart! She’s only 3 years old but she could memorize Barney’s songs!

“I love you~ You love me~ We are happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you~ Won’t you say you love me too?” She sang along and hugged ______ at the end of the song, just like they do in Barney’s.

“Aigoo~ Cheonsa is sooo cute!! Onnie really loves Cheonsa~” ______ said as she gave kisses on Cheonsa’s chubby cheeks.

Suddenly her door bell rang. She walked to the door hand in hand with Cheonsa to open the door. Cheonsa walked jumpily and swung their hands excitedly.

“Nugu, nugu, nugu?” Cheonsa said excitedly as _______ opened the door. ______ was really amused by Cheonsa’s cuteness, but her smile disappeared when she saw the man who’s standing in front of her.

“Kyuhyun oppa.. What are you doing here?” She was so surprised to see Kyuhyun.

“I’ve told I wanna talk to you..” Kyuhyun said with a grin, “Can I come in?”

“Dae.. But I don’t think I can talk now.. I have to…”

“Onnie, who’s he?” Cheonsa’s head popped out behind _____’s legs.

“Omo! Who’s this cute girl?” Kyuhyun kneeled down and pinched Cheonsa’s cheek, “Is she your daughter, ______-ah?”

“Oppa! She’s just my cousin. You know I haven’t married!”

 “I’m just kidding..” Kyuhyun chuckled, “So, what’s your name?”

“It’s Cheonsa~ Cheonsa~”

“Cheonsa? Aigoo~ You’re really an angel..” (A/N: Cheonsa means Angel in Korean)

“Cheonsa, this is Kyuhyun oppa, call him oppa, arrachi?” ______ said to Cheonsa.

“Kyuhyun oppa~” Cheonsa chirped. Her aegyo successfully affected Kyuhyun and ______. Both of them hugged Cheonsa and gave her kisses on her cheeks.

“Oppa, come in, come in.. Cheonna wanna dance, Cheonna wanna dance..” Cheonsa said as she pulled Kyuhyun into the house.

“Aigoo~ It’s Cheonsa.. Not Cheonna..” ______ corrected her. “She can’t speak properly yet”

Cheonsa pulled Kyuhyun into the living room, followed by ______. She made them sat on the floor and told them to watch her. The little girl played a song in ______’s iPod (Yes, that 3 years old girl understands iPod), which was Gee by Girl’s Generation.

“What is she going to show?” Kyuhyun whispered to ______.

“You’ll surprised, oppa.. Just see..”

As the song began, Cheonsa sang and dance along. She sang with her toddler’s language, jumping and spinning around, or what she called with dance. Kyuhyun who was surprised with her cuteness was clapping all the time, giving applause for the little girl’s performance.

“Gee,gee,gee,gee, baby,baby, Gee,gee,gee,gee,baby,baby!” Cheonsa chirped, singing the only lyrics that she got. “Yaaayy!!!”

“Aigoo!! Daebak, daebak! You did great, baby Cheonsa!!” ______ cheered her and pulled her into a hug. “High five!” Cheonsa tossed her hand to ______’s.

Kyuhyun gave out his hands to Cheonsa, “Oppa too, High five!”  She tossed her tiny hands to Kyuhyun’s

“High five!!!” She chirped.

“Give oppa a kiss, Cheonsa” Kyuhyun leaned his face closed and tapped it with his finger and then the little girl gave him sloppy kiss on his cheek.

“Yah, Cheonsa, you can’t easily give kisses for men after they ask it! Don’t be such an easy girl!” ______ joked, only to earn confused look from Cheonsa and laughs from Kyuhyun.

“I didn’t ask you, but you’ve kissed me before” Kyuhyun mocked at ______.

“Oppa! Don’t talk about it! You kissed me first!” ______ slapped his shoulder.

“But you didn’t refuse the kiss. You kissed back! You pulled me and kissed back!” He said with a grin that really made ______ wanted to slap him on his face. But she always found that boyish grin as his appeal charm.

“You kissed? Oppa kissed onnie?” Cheonsa suddenly beamed, “Kiss now! Kiss! Bobo, bobo, now!” ______ was so embarrassed, her face was red but she couldn’t say no to her little cousin.

Kyuhyun laughed at her, he was thinking to , “Should I kiss you again?” ______ didn’t answer his question and blushed more. “I take that as a yes, ______-ah…” Kyuhyun more and leaned closer. She was startled that Kyuhyun was leaning closer to kiss her, her reflects was so fast that she abruptly pushed his face away.

“Yah! Oppa! What are you doing?!”

“Cheonsa told me to kiss you, so I was going to kiss you..” He said innocently.

“Dae, onnie~ Kiss her oppa!” Cheonsa demanded.

______ was about to protest about the kiss again but Kyuhyun immediately shut her off by gave her a peck on her lips. “Bobo!!” Cheonsa clapped her hands and giggled.                                                                                                     

“Gotcha!!” He suddenly lifted her from ______’s lap and held her tightly in his arms He stood up from the floor and ran away from ______ with Cheonsa in his arms “Palli, run! Run! Run!”.

“Wha- Yaah! Oppa! Stop stealing a kiss!” ______ shouted as she came back to her sense, “Aish!! Kyuhyun oppa!! Where are you going?! Yah!!” 

“We’re playing hide and seek, ______-ah! You have to find us!” Kyuhyun shouted.

“Hide and seek? What are you? Five years old? You think you can hide from me in MY HOUSE?!” She shouted back and giggled, “Do I have to count too?”

“You have to!! Count until ten and find us! If only you can find us!” Kyuhyun shouted from their hideout which was under the kitchen counter, “Sssh! We shouldn’t make a sound, don’t let _______-ah hear you and find us here, ‘kay?” Kyuhyun whispered to the little girl who was giggling excitedly. Cheonsa nodded and put her finger on her tiny lips to assured him.

“7..8..9..10!! I’M GONNA FIND YOU BOTH!!” ______ shouted out loud. She started looking for Kyuhyun and Cheonsa. She looked around the living room and walked to the kitchen after making sure that they weren’t in the living room.

She walked slowly and tiptoed to the kitchen, “Cheonsa~ Where are youuu? I’m gonna find youuu~”

Hearing her name being called, Cheonsa couldn’t help but muffled a giggle. ______ definitely heard that and sure that they’re hiding under the counter, but she let it and waited a bit longer to break-in their hideout.

“Hiding under the counter? That’s too easy..” She muttered to herself, “Hmm… Where is Cheonsa? I can’t find her..” She acted like she haven’t find them yet, “Cheonsa~ Cheonsa~ Geez, This girl hid really smart..”

“Cheonsa~” She walked to the counter and found them hiding there, “There you are!!”

“Yaay!” Cheonsa squealed and giggled happily, “Onnie found us!” She clapped her tiny hands.

“You found us! That’s fast..”

“Oppa, you didn’t think it will be difficult for me find you in my own house, right?” ______ rolled her eyes, “Come on, and get outta there, you two! It’s so dusty here” Kyuhyun and Cheonsa obeyed her and got out from their hideout.

“We should hide in better place next time, Cheonsa. So onnie won’t find us” Kyuhyun said to Cheonsa

______ rolled her eyes, “Enough with hide and seek, I have to prepare dinner. You’re dining with us or what?”

“Of course! I’d love to! Besides, we still need to talk, ______-ah..”

“Yeah, yeah, I know..” She murmured but then cheered up, “But we’re dining now! Who want spaghetti?”

“Me! Me! Me!” Cheonsa raised her hands eagerly, “I looove Spaghetti!”

“Great! We’re having Spaghetti for dinner! Now, do you want to help me preparing dinner?” ______ asked the happy Cheonsa


“Okaay~ So Cheonsa, I charge you and Kyuhyun oppa to prepare the table, ‘Kay?” Cheonsa nodded in excitement,

“Oppa, the plates and cutleries are inside that cabinet, and glasses are inside the shelf beside the cabinet..” She pointed the cabinet and shelf to show it to Kyuhyun. “You can help Cheonsa, ne?”

“Dae~ Arraso..” Kyuhyun took Cheonsa’s hand and walked her to the dining table, “Come on Cheonsa~”

Kyuhyun took out the plates, bowls, and cutleries from the cabinet. He handed some to Cheonsa and let her set the table. Meanwhile ______ was busy cooking spaghetti for dinner. It didn’t take so much time for Kyuhyun and Cheonsa to set the table but the food didn’t finished yet so they’re waiting the food by taking photos with Kyuhyun’s iPhone. Kyuhyun took photos of Cheonsa and himself, photos of Cheonsa who posed cutely for him, and candid photos of _____ while cooking.

______ laughed when she noticed that Kyuhyun was taking her candid photos, “Stop it! I’m a mess right now”

“Nope, you’re not. You look stunning!”

“Yeah, right! Stunning while cooking with apron, huh?”

“Uh-huh.. Just like the ideal wife I wanna be with..” Kyuhyun said. His words successfully made ______ flustered really red. He smirked as he saw her face was turning red, “Your heart skipped really fast as I said that, right? It’s true, _____-ah. I think you’re a perfect wife for me"

______ blushed even more, “You’re so cheesy! Now gimme the plates, spaghetti’s ready to serve!”



______ stopped humming a lullaby as she saw Cheonsa had fallen asleep beside her. The little girl was really tired from having fun with ______ and Kyuhyun. After they’d finished their dinner, Cheonsa didn’t stop playing with them. That’s why she fell asleep really fast, ______ didn’t take time too long to tuck her sleep. After she got Cheonsa lay on the bed and hummed a lullaby for her, she immediately dozed off.

______ was pulling the blankets over Cheonsa when Kyuhyun came inside her bedroom with a towel clung on his shoulder, “How’s she doing?”

The view of Kyuhyun drying his wet hair with a towel freshly after showering made ______’s heart beat faster. She somehow thought that his wet messy hair made him looked really hot.

“She..um, she’s sleeping already.. She fell asleep really fast, I guess she’s too tired”

“Of course she is!” Kyuhyun chuckled, “After those dance, laughing, jumping and running around, who wouldn’t be?”

“Yeah, she’s so energetic when she’s awake but look how peaceful her sleep now..” ______ said as she watched Cheonsa sleeping. “Watching her sleeping like this is really amusing, isn’t it?”

 “Hmm.. No wonder her name is Cheonsa.. She looks like an angel..” Kyuhyun caressed Cheonsa’s chubby cheek, “You’ve got a lot of angel in your family, huh?”

“What do you mean?” ______ stared at Kyuhyun with puzzled look.

“Well, Teuki hyung is definitely a fallen angel..” Kyuhyun and ______ chuckled as they remember how Leeteuk called the fallen angel by ELFs, “Cheonsa also an angel and the other angel here is…. You”

“What? Me..? Ah!” ______ blushed after she got what Kyuhyun meant. He said I’m what? An angel? Her heart was beating faster, she stole a glance to Kyuhyun whose face was red as well.

Kyuhyun too, was embarrassed after he said that. He let out nervous laugh, “Geez, that sounded cheesy..”

“Yeah.. I never knew you’re that cheesy..” ______ chuckled too.

“So…” Kyuhyun drifted the subject as he looked around the room, “This is your bedroom, right? It’s awesome. I can see your favorite colors must be white and blue..” He was referring to the walls and furniture inside the room which were all blue or white.

______ smiled genuinely, “Obviously. It’s not so hard to find furniture and curtains in white or blue, but Leeteuk oppa helped me a lot”

“I see.. Teuki hyung’s room is quite like yours, but it’s plain white and no other colors… Yah, are those your photos?” Kyuhyun asked as he pointed a photo board that hung on the wall. It was a big board with so many Polaroid photos pinned on it. The photos stole Kyuhyun’s attention, he curiously looked at the photos one by one.

A photo of ______with several girls in uniforms caught his attention, “Are they your high school mates?”

“Yeah.. My best friends back there..”

“Hmm… And these are your parents?” He referred to a photo of ______ with her family. She answered with a nod, “You look like your Mom..”

“I got that a lot..” She chuckled, “People said Audrey looks like Dad and I look like Mom”

“Hmm.. So you really love to take pictures, huh? You have a lot of pictures here... Ah! You have our photos too!”

“Of course!”

“Omo! How could you get these? I didn’t notice you took these!”

“Well, this one was when you guys are practicing, and remember this? This was at Leeteuk oppa’s birthday, when all of you made a group hug and cried together..”

“Yeah, I remember that.. “

“And this is you!” ______ handed Kyuhyun a photo of him who’s falling asleep with his head on Eunhyuk’s shoulder, “This is when you lunched here with Leeteuk oppa and Eunhyukkie oppa!”

“How come you only take my picture?! Hyukjae hyung was sleeping too! This is embarrassing!” He said as he covered his mouth with his hand.

“Ani~ You’re so cute here! That’s why I took this!”

“Aish! How can you call that cute.. I’m pathetic..”

“Oh,  cut it off! You’re cute here!”

“Whatever,..” Kyuhyun mumbled as he started scanning another photos. One of the photos caught his attention, “Where was this taken from?”

______ was taken back. It was a photo of her with Heechul in Clarke quay, Singapore. They were holding her favorite one-dollar ice cream. “Emm.. That was in Singapore.. When we went there… You know..”

“Aah.. I see..” He pinned the photos back to the board, “You really had so much fun there..”

“It’s not like that.. We had so much fun, but..”

“You have so much pictures here, but you don’t have a photo of us, I mean the two of us together” Kyuhyun cut her sentence. He was staring at the photos solemnly and didn’t bother to look at her.

Somehow ______ felt guilty with the picture of her and Heechul. Little did she knew that Kyuhyun didn’t like to see that photo.

“Yah, what are you two doing here?”

______ and Kyuhyun nearly jumped on their feet that Hyeonmi was right behind them unexpectedly.

“Onnie! You’re home! I didn’t hear you coming”

“Omona.. Don’t come out of thin air like that! You almost gave me heart attack!” Kyuhyun said

“I called you before, but you didn’t answer me so I came here. I didn’t know Kyuhyun’s here. What are you guys doing here?”

“Sssh! Lowered your voice, Onnie.. Cheonsa is sleeping” ______ pointed at Cheonsa who’s sleeping peacefully

“Ah.. Cheonsa’s here?” Hyeonmi said as she came to Cheonsa and gave her a little peck on her cheek, “I was going to scold you both if it was just the two of you here. But Cheonsa’s here, so..”

“You’re not thinking that we were doing something that I think you were thinking of, right?” ______ crossed her arms on her chest, “Because we’re doing none of you think we’re doing”

“Geez, chill out. What makes you think I would think of that?"

"Girls, girls.. Stop arguing.. You both used too many 'think' words.. Let's get outta here.. We don’t want Cheonsa to wake up, do we?”

The three of them silently walked out the room, leaving Cheonsa slept peacefully in her own. Hyeonmi muttered to herself that she’s starving as she walked to the dining room. Then ______ was left alone with Kyuhyun again. She remembered that Kyuhyun didn’t visit her for dinner, he came up to talk to her.


“______-ah..” Both of them spoke at the same time and then laughed.

“You go first..” ______ said

“Ani~ I just want to excuse myself. I think I should go home now, before Teuki hyung looks for me”

“Eh? But you said you want to talk something to me..”

“Aaah.. About that..” Kyuhyun scratched his back head, “I think I didn’t have anything to talk about, I just don’t want you to avoid me. Everything’s okay now..”

“You sure??”

“Yeah, of course. As long as you’re not avoiding me, I think everything’s okay”

______ walked Kyuhyun to the door after he bid his goodbyes to Hyeonmi who’s stuffing foods to . They were standing at the door frame, technically didn’t want to say good bye to each other.

“Ah jjakkaman.. I have something for you..” Kyuhyun suddenly remembered something. He ran to his car and took something from inside the car before finally handed it to _____. It was a small paper, like a ticket.

“Super Junior KRY Japan Concert? What does it mean oppa?”______ questioned him.

“I’ve already asked your oppa, is it okay if you come with us to Japan and watch our KRY concert.. He said it’s okay”

“What?! He said it’s okay?! But how..”

“The concert is two days away.. We’re leaving Korea tomorrow’s night.. I’ve prepared everything, all you have to do is come to the airport with your passport, clothes, and this tickets..”

“What the.. Are you nuts?! How can you prepare all of this without even ask me first?”

Kyuhyun grinned his famous boyish grin, “I’m asking you now, you know.. So you’re going, right?”

“You’re impossible, you know that?” ______ shook her head, “How can I say no if you already bought me this?”

“Yes!!!” Kyuhyun tossed his fist on the air, “I knew you’ll say yes! So I guess I see you tomorrow at the airport, huh? We’re going to Japan!!”

“Ah! Wait, wait! I also have something for you!” _____ left Kyuhyun dumbfounded. She ran to her room and took something that she wanted to give to Kyuhyun.

“You want to give me your Polaroid cam?” Kyuhyun asked her when she got back with her Polaroid cam.

She rolled her eyes, “You wish! I just want to take a picture with you”

“Eehh? Jinja?” Kyuhyun smiled brightly as ______ grabbed his arm and brought him closer to herself.

“Let’s take a picture! Pose and smile!!” Kyuhyun smiled to the camera, so did _____. The photo result came out after a moment. They both took a look at the result. It turned out that the picture was nice. Both Kyuhyun and _____ smiled nicely to the camera.

“Okay, once more!” ______ exclaimed. Kyuhyun immediately smiled to the camera. He didn’t aware that ______ suddenly kissed his cheek as she clicked the shutter. The sudden kiss stunned him and made him blushed while _____ acted calm like she didn’t kiss him before.

“Whoaaa~ This is actually good.. Which one do you want, oppa?”


“Oppa, you’re spacing out. Which one do you want?” She asked him again and showed both photo results to him.

“I want this one!” He chose the photo of him and ____ who kissed his cheek. It clearly written in his face that he was so satisfied with the photo. He also smiled widely at the photo like a kid who was given a big lollipop for the first time. That made ______ smiled, she was right. Kyuhyun was jealous with her photo with Heechul before, that’s why she decided to take a photo with Kyuhyun too.

Both of them bid their goodbyes to each other since Kyuhyun really had to go back home. Before he rode off his car and left her house, he didn’t forget to give her light embrace and a kissed her forehead. ______ got inside her house with a small smile on her lips.

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Dodoisone #1
Chapter 67: I can't believe I finish this story in 4 straight hours
phineasandferb #3
Ceritanya bagus bangeeeet :'') bikin lagi ya cerita cerita kayak gini
NoeRod #4
Yaaaaaa I loved it ! ♥ Gomawooooooo ♥
kay-el25 #5
author- I got two words for you.... YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! I love it very much!! XD
Gaemgyu4ever #6
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i super love this story... i can really feel it hahahah i cried hhahahah ^^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR :) KYUHYUN I LOVE YOU <3
choseoyoung #8
@shiname hello, new reader! ^^ yes, I'm Indonesian too~<br />