Leeteuk sudden decision

Traveler's Love


It was 5th July, the saddest day for ELFs and Super Junior in Super Junior history. Kangin was entering the army. Finally after hiding from public for months, Kangin made appearance in Super Junior Fan Meeting, last 28th May. And today, 5th July 2010, Kangin, Super Junior and ELFs gather again for releasing Kangin to the Army. ______ was there too, as Kangin asked. She was standing with the staffs and managers, quite far from the crowd. She watched Kangin was talking to ELFs, thanking them all and then hugged Super Junior one by one before finally they made a group hug and leave the crowd. They walked to ______ and the staffs. Kangin hugged the managers and staffs one by one then bowed to them. Then it was ______ who was the last to be hugged. Kangin ruffled her hair and hugged her. The others chuckled and smiled seeing Kangin hugged _____ because Kangin was so big compared to ______.

“______, we’ve just met not so long but I already thought you as my sister” He released his hug and smiled warmly to her, “Take care of my Teukie, okay?”

“Okay.. Kangin oppa, comeback soon, okay? You take care yourself too..” ______ said. She couldn’t help but shed her tears. Leeteuk came to her and embrace her face to his chest, letting her crying there.

“What can I do without you, Youngwoon-ah? Leading these kids alone..” Leeteuk said with a weak smile.

“That’s why I’m asking ______-ah to help you, hyung” Kangin answered and forced to smile, while his eyes were tearing, “So.. I’m leaving now.. You guys take care, ‘kay?” Kangin said to the boys and then they started to make a group hug again. Soon after that Kangin leave them and walk in to the building. Super Junior, ______ and the others were just standing there in silent, watching Kangin leaving them until they didn’t see Kangin anymore.

“______-ah..” Kyuhyun called ______’s name when they’re walking to the car with the others. ______ turned to look at him. She somehow felt something strange towards Kyuhyun at the time.

“Dae, oppa?”

“Are you going home now?”

“Yes” ______ answered coldly

“With who?”

“Leeteuk oppa”

“Oh..” Kyuhyun scratched his neck and felt awkward with the silence. It’s obvious that ______ didn’t really want to talk to him. “Listen, about the last time we met, about Seohyunnie.. er.. I..”

“______-ah!!” Leeteuk shouted and cut Kyuhyun’s sentence. He was about to get into his car, “Come on!”

“Ah, dae oppa! Coming!” ______ shouted back. “Kyuhyun oppa, I have to go now. Talk about it later..” She muttered to Kyuhyun and leave him frowned alone.

Leeteuk drove the car back to ______’s house to take her home. They were not talking in the car. The atmosphere was really gloomy. ______ understood that Leeteuk’s heart must be broken because his best friend was leaving him for years to the army. And how he must thought that he’s the leader of Super Junior but his dongsaeng went to the army before him. They’d arrived in front of ______’s house but ______ hasn’t got out from the car yet. Suddenly Leeteuk pulled the engine and drove the car back.

“Oppa, where are we going?” ______ asked worriedly but Leeteuk didn’t answer. Finally ______ realized that they’re actually heading to their grandparent’s house. Leeteuk stopped the car and park it in front of the house.

“Jungsoo-ah ! ______-ah!” their Grandma who’s sitting on a bench in their house yard, shouted in surprised when she saw her grandchildren ran towards her, “What’s going on?”

Leeteuk didn’t say anything but hugged his grandma and crying in sudden. He was crying in pain, more like mourning than crying.  Their Grandma looked at _______ with questioning look but ______ just shrugged. Their grandma sighed and then her grandson’s hair,

“What is it Jungsoo-ah? What makes you crying like this?” She asked with her soft and warm voice. But Leeteuk didn’t answer her and kept sobbing in her chest, “It’s going to be okay, my Jungsoo, Everything’s gonna be alright…”. Their grandpa who was inside the house walked out the house because he heard someone’s crying. He’s surprised when he saw it was his grandson who’s crying and asked ______ about what’s going on with Leeteuk.

“I don’t know, grandpa. We just got back from sending his friend to the army, and the he ran out here and crying…” _______ said.

“Oh, well.. Go inside and take some water for him..” ______ walked inside the house just like her grandpa ordered, took a glass of water, and gave it to Leeteuk.

“Oppa, drink some water first..” ______ said. Leeteuk was still sobbing as he grabbed the glass and drank it. He didn’t cry anymore but still hiccupped. ______ hugged Leeteuk and comfort him. “Okay, come on let’s go inside the house and tell us what happened..” said their Grandma.

They went inside the house and sat in the living room. ______ help Leeteuk to explain the conditions before they went to their grandparent’s house. That Leeteuk was really down and broken hearted to see his fellow members yet his best friend ever went to the army before him. Leeteuk then said that he felt how useless he is for being a man. He thought that maybe if he was a better leader and could manage his dongsaeng better, Kangin wouldn’t enter the Army this early. We all know that Kangin got into trouble so many times that he finally decided to make amends by entering the army.

“It’s not your fault, Jungsoo.. If he decide to enter the army, it means he’s being a man and an adult to make amends like that..” Their Grandpa said wisely, “All men in this country go to the army. So did I. And you too, someday you’ll enter the army too, Jungsoo..”

“Yes, I know that, grandpa.. That’s why I made this decision..”


“Yes, I know that, grandpa.. That’s why I made this decision..” Leeteuk oppa said. What decision? Why did it sound so bad…

“What decision, honey?” Grandma asked.

“I’m going to enter the army next year” Leeteuk oppa said out loud. HE’S WHAT??!! No! He can’t! He can’t leave Super Junior, ELFs, his Family, and me!! He can’t leave us that soon!!!

“Andwe! Oppa, you can’t!”

“Why? I’m old enough to enter the army, besides, if I go next year, I’ll be out in my early 30’s, so I can continue my job..”

“But, but, oppa! We just met again after years! We haven’t met for so long! And then you leave me?”

“______-ah, don’t say that.. Just respect Jungsoo’s decision..” Grandpa said. Great now Grandpa is agree with Leeteuk? Tsk. “Now Jungsoo, did your parents know about this?”

“No.. I just made my decision on my way here.. Do you thing umma and appa will concern my sudden decision?” Leeteuk asked back worriedly

“They’ll okay with that. I’ll help you talk to them..” Grandpa said. How come Grandpa’s on Leeteuk oppa’s side now? Am I the only one who didn’t want him to go so fast? Ugh! How can I convince him to stay a little longer?

“Oppa! Don’t you want to get married first? Come on, you said you really want to get married!” Okay, Leeteuk oppa is always bragging about how he really wants to get married. Maybe marriage will postpone his enlistment.

“Of course I want. But later, after I get out from the army. I plan to get married when I’m 32..” He answered. Ugh! Doesn’t he realize that it’s too old to get married on his 30’s??

“What about Super Junior? Do you want Super Junior got disbanded?” my voice was raised as I felt my eyes a started teary. Leeteuk oppa didn’t answer my question, he just looked at me with painful look, and that made me feel guilty for asking him that.

“So.. Have you eaten yet? Grandma cooked a lot for lunch..” Grandma broke the silence and changed the topics. I could see Leeteuk oppa smiled a little to her.

“I always have some space in my stomach for Grandma’s cook” He said as he rubbed his stomach.

“Aigoo, my grandson really knows how to sweet-talk, huh?” Grandpa patted Leeteuk oppa’s back, “Come on, let’s eat first”

I was staring to my room’s ceiling, I was thinking a lot tonight. Most of it was about Leeteuk oppa’s decision to enter the army. I’ve talked about that to Audrey, just the time when I entered my house, I straightly called her and told her about this. She’s as surprised as I was, but she had different opinion about that. She thought it was the best for Leeteuk oppa, since he’s mature enough to go to the army. I’ve talked to InYoung onnie, Leeteuk oppa’s big sister, in a conference call together with Audrey, and all she responded was that her little boy has grown so fast and became a real adult man. Geez. Like I’ve said, maybe I was the only one who disagrees with Leeteuk oppa’s decision. Wait.. I know who I should talk to.. His band mates! Maybe I should call Kyuhyun oppa.. nope. We haven’t talk to each other since that ‘SeoKyu’ incident.. Maybe I should just call Heechul oppa!

“Yoboseo?” Heechul oppa picked my phone after the third beep. He sounded tired and sleepy.

“Oppa! Are you sleeping?”

“______-ah, is that you?” I answered yes, “You never called me this late before, what is it?”

“Oppa, I was asking you first, answer me, are you sleeping?”

“No..” He lied. He really sounded sleepy.

“I’ll just call you tomorrow morning, okay? You just continue your sleep..”

“Yah!! You called me in my middle sleep, and then you wanna hang up? Do you wanna die?” Sigh. That’s so Kim Heechul. “Tell me what’s going on or I’ll sneak in to your room and disturb your sleep!”

“Dae, dae, dae! I’ll tell you, don’t ever try to sneak here, okay? My sister mastered martial arts, you know!” I heard him chuckled. Pabo Heenim, “It’s about Leeteuk oppa…”

“What happened to my Peter Pan, yeobo?” Peter Pan. That’s one of a lot nicknames he made for Leeteuk oppa. And I don’t know since when did He call me yeobo.. But I’m used to it now and get along with him.

I sighed, “Your Peter Pan is a grown up man now, yeobo. He just decided to enter the army next year.” I heard no respond. Heechul oppa was silent. I guessed he was shocked, “Oppa?”

“Why?” He asked weakly. I told him the story about this whole afternoon I spent with Leeteuk oppa, about his sudden and shocking mourn, his stubbornness decision, and about how hard for me to agree with his decision.

“It’s too fast, too soon, right Heechul oppa?”

“Yes, yes.. But.. I think he made the right decision..” What?! “Maybe I should go with him too..” DOUBLE WHAT?!!! Not him too!

“Great. Why doesn’t Super Junior go to army together? It will be fun!” I scoffed.

“You’re so childish, you know.. Don’t be like this. Don’t you think Jungsoo or I will miss you too if we leave you? And think how sad he will if you don’t support his decision..” Heechul oppa said seriously. I was silent. Thinking about what he said, “Jungsoo must be really confused now. Leaving his beloved friends and family isn’t easy things, you know..” I nodded weakly, even though he won’t see that, “You should apologize to him, okay?”


“So..  There’s something bugging my mind off now..” Heechul said. His tone changed into a serious tone.

“What is it?”

“In our SPAO photoshoot, what happened with Seohyun, Kyuhyun…. And you?” Shoot. Why should he ask this? He surely has sharp eyes, huh? He must realize something wrong with us that day.

“Nothing happened to me that day. I don’t know about Seohyun and Kyuhyun, though..” I lied.

“Don’t lie to me. I smelled something fishy.. And it wasn’t Donghae.. Why don’t you tell me?”

*sigh* “Oppa.. why don’t you mind your own business?”

“So there was something happen? Tell me.” I hesitated to tell him at first, because I was afraid he’ll think something bad about me, but somehow I really wanted to share this with someone. So I tell him the whole story that happened at that day. About the photo shoots with Kyuhyun and about Seohyun who cried because of it.

“Seohyun might think you’re Kyuhyun’s girlfriend… She still loves Kyuhyun, that’s why she cried after seeing you both.. so intimate..” Heechul oppa said


“And you were shocked and upset, because Kyuhyun left you for Seohyun. That’s why you’re angry with him” He added

“Angry? I’m not angry!” I denied his statement. Hell no! I’m not angry!

“You are.. “

“I’m not!”

“You are…”

“I’m not! Stop pushing me! So what if I angry?!”

“Such a stubborn *sigh* So..! After seeing Seohyun and KimKyu, you called me and asked me to take you home..” His voice became softer and then he asked, “Why me?”

I didn’t answer. Why him? From all men I knew in that place, why must him? Why not Leeteuk oppa, my own cousin?

“I.. I don’t know..” I gulped my saliva, thinking again before answered, “I just thought of you.. You’re the only one who came crossed my mind the time I saw Kyuhyun oppa and..Seohyun…”

“*chuckled* I’m not. I’m actually happy. Knowing that I’m the first one you called when you need something” I thought about it first, he’s kinda right. I called him a lot when I’m in trouble, or confused, or even bored. “Now why don’t you sleep? It’s late…” Heechul oppa said as he let out a yawn.

“You’re sleepy, right? *giggles*”

“I’m sleepy.. Please. Hang up the phone. I wanna sleeeppp” Heechul oppa whined.

“*giggles* Okaaayyy. I’m gonna sleep too, then. Thanks a lot, oppa. I’m so relieved now, after talk to you..”

“I’m the great Kim Heechul, after all.” Sigh. Why must he always so self-praised like this? But this is really the Kim Heechul I know. I bid my goodbye to him and hang up the phone. I should just sleep now, and apologize to Leeteuk oppa tomorrow. Talking to Heechul oppa was really great. He could wash away all my worries.


New chapter... finally!

I'm so sorry I'm so slow updating this story.. I was having mid semester exams this week. I hv to sudy and study.. *sobs*

Thanks for the comments guys! I really appreciate it! And for new subscribers.. Kamsahamnida~ *bow*

I've seen the poll results, and it seems the main character has to end up with KYUHYUN. The difference between Heechul and Kyuhyun is soo... different. LOL.

Sooo... I've made this new story.. Not a sequel, but it still related to 'Traveler's Love'..

In the new story, Heechul will be the main character.. It's about how's his life after this 'Traveler's Love' end...

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Dodoisone #1
Chapter 67: I can't believe I finish this story in 4 straight hours
phineasandferb #3
Ceritanya bagus bangeeeet :'') bikin lagi ya cerita cerita kayak gini
NoeRod #4
Yaaaaaa I loved it ! ♥ Gomawooooooo ♥
kay-el25 #5
author- I got two words for you.... YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! I love it very much!! XD
Gaemgyu4ever #6
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i super love this story... i can really feel it hahahah i cried hhahahah ^^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR :) KYUHYUN I LOVE YOU <3
choseoyoung #8
@shiname hello, new reader! ^^ yes, I'm Indonesian too~<br />