
Arranged nightmare
I looked at him and then quickly looked away. Why should I even to try to explain? I glanced at Mike for the last time and ran away, hoping to catch the bus and avoid him the best I could. I looked back but he wasn't following me... It kind of made me sad, but then I gave myself a mental shake. I didn't need him! 
      I was able to catch the bus pretty fast and went straight home. I took a scalding shower, washed my hair and then sat in front of my T.V. I didn't feel like studying tonight and plus, I only had the morning shift at the café today. I stretched in my bathrobe and started to watch the season six of How I Met Your Mother. I wasn't able to watch it at all, so I planned to finish it by the week end, but well! Plus, I had some leftovers in my fridge. 
     My fridge was actually packed with food from my aunts. They always gave me lots of food because they thought that I was losing weight. Good for me, but not for them it seems. They also did that so that I wouldn't get too fat either by eating junk food with chemicals in them, since their food was 'safe', as they put it.
     After five episodes, I felt better from all that laughing. Really, my day couldn't have been worst, but it was great now. I felt like it actually got better and I hoped that nothing would change the mood I was in.
Well, hoped. Little did I know that this day really became the worst day of my life... I felt like dying this day, really. Well, part of me really did die that day...
      Just when I was deciding on what to eat, I got a call from my cousin, Nishan. What did he want at this time?
     "I finished all my food..."
     "Liar!" I giggled and he laughed back. "Come in ten? I'll get something prepared!" 
    "I'm bringing wine, prepare glasses." I hung up and went to change and then put some chicken curry in a bowl and rice in a bowl. My cousin did not even knock, he let himself in. I heard the door, so I quickly put the food in the microwave. During all these years, he still thought that I was the one cooking all the food I gave him to eat.  
    "Did you cry?"
   "Was watching something on T.V..." I always cried while watching my T.V shows, so it was nothing new to him. He poured us wine in the glasses on the table and showed me two DVDs. A Bollywood movie and an American movie. Bride and Prejudice and Narnia 2! 
    "What are you cooking?"
    "Oh, I had some leftovers from yesterday, so I'm just reheating it."
    "It's a good thing you always make too much food!" He winked at me.
    "Is your mom aware that I'm the one feeding you?"
   "Yep and she told me to take you to restaurants sometimes to say thank you. She even says she'll send me money for that!"
    "Why didn't we go out tonight then?"
   "Because I didn't want to dress up!" He grinned and I kicked him. "I bet you would've said no anyway!" He was right, but I wasn't going to admit that he was right... My pride wouldn't let me do that. The food was ready, so I put it in plate while Nishan put the DVD and set our glasses and the wine bottle on my coffee table. "Do you really have to put your feet here while I'm eating?" I removed my feet from his laps and sat straight to eat. We both finished the food quickly.
    "Was it good?"
   "It was super good! I have to treat your mom to dinner, not you, brat!" We both laughed hard and then watched the T.V again. Nishan suddenly took my feet and put them on his laps and rested his hands on them.
    "It a way of saying thank you for the food, kiddo." He winked snd I smiled at him. He was being weird today. He took the plates to the kitchen when the movie was over and even washed them. Then, he was always refilling my glass of wine. 
    "Why won't you tell me how you got this apartment? It's amazing," he said, cutting me off with a smile.
    "I can't tell you that, sorry." I sighed. "What's up?"
    "I got dumped today. You're the only one who won't ask any details."
   "Oh," I said softly and then shut up. He was right, I never asked him too much questions, compared to the younger me. We were really close when we were kids and his mom loves me and mine loves him. Both our moms are very close too, which explains why we're both so close. 
    I wasn't tired yet, but I felt like grabbing my phone to check my Facebook and Instragram to check up on my favorite celebrities. When I looked at it, I saw a ton of notifications, all from Facebook. I ha several messages and wall posts. What was up? Last time I had so many notifications was for my birthday!
    I wish I hadn't checked my phone that night. I wished that I had waited for Nishan to leave, but I did not and now I really regretted it...
   I remember running to my room, locking me in and breaking everything while bawling and yelling. It was horrible and ugly. I can still hear Nishan, knocking on my door, begging me to open the door and saying that it was okay. I remember yelling at him and also how he called my mom and his. 
    That's why he came over today... I wasn't supposed to know it yet. That must have been it! He didn't get dumped, as hot as he is! I should've known! My phone kept buzzing next to me while I sat at the foot of my bed, crying my heart out. Phone calls, messages and notifications kept coming in. But my grief had left my body numb...
    Nishan didn't give up on me and soon someone else could be heard. And when I say soon, it was like thirty minutes later. I knew that strong masculine voice. I wanted to open the door and hug him, but my body and head were protesting. My heart ached and it hurt so much that I grabbed my chest and fisted my clothes in my hand, making my cries louder.
    Thirty minutes later, I heard my uncle banging on my door too, begging me to come out. My loved both my mother's brothers and mostly him, her little brother. Somehow, knowing it was him, I found the courage to stop my cries and opened my door. At this moment, he hugged me when he saw me. He hadn't hugged me since fifteen years ago maybe, but now he was. I started to sob and he too, while we held each other for comfort. 
     I looked up and met his eyes.
     His eyes were full of tears.
    As soon as we made eye contact, he looked away and joined my cousin in my room, to clean up my mess.
   How did he even get in?
   That should have been my first thought, but it wasn't. When I had heard him, I didn't want to believe it, but seeing him like that because of me made me feel different. 
   Thank you.
   That was my first thought.
   This was the first sensation I had when our eyes met.
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Challey #1
Chapter 26: I think you updated the wrong story... It should have been under "one way love" right?
jesica27 #2
Chapter 22: Hahaha yes you are my dear ......!jealous hahaha
MimiMilada #3
Chapter 18: her mother died? i am kinda confused too... i think i dont understand last two chapters :/
Phamtastic #4
Chapter 17: I'm a little confused on the last two chapters . What did mike do , and what was so important that it made her go into her room and be depressed ?
Acgoo1999 #5
Chapter 14: Damnn! That's so romanticc! Junsuu <3
MimiMilada #6
Chapter 10: wow after long time i can really enjoy fanfic again... this one is really awesome :) please update soon FIGHTING!!!
TwinBEAST #7
Oh why not taecfany? :(
Acgoo1999 #8
Chapter 4: Omo! Update!