
It's you, Lee Donghae

3 years later

Taeyeon’s POV

I smiled till my jaws hurt at seeing Seoul for the first time in three years. I spent one year in Spain with Siwon, another year in Los Angeles and we just returned from a year in London. What can I say? I surely missed this place! I missed the authentic Korean food that I’ve been craving for so many years!

I felt a pair of rough hands cover my eyes and my smile widened some more. I pulled the hands off and turned around, intertwining my fingers with them.

“Choi Siwon, the ‘never’ in never coming back here was only three years, huh?” I sarcastically said as he gave me a peck on my forehead.

I have to say, I don’t get what Jessica couldn’t see in Siwon but saw in Donghae. I didn’t expect this kind of ending between us but it just naturally came to us. At first we didn’t like each other, I often neglected him but then I realised I was playing another Donghae and he was playing me. It was wrong and it was mean for me to treat him like that, especially when I understood how he was feeling even if we didn’t like each other that way. We then became friends and then friends with benefits and started to become attached with each other and eventually… well, it’s obvious.

In a time span of three years, I wonder if anything has changed. Of course feelings for Jessica and Donghae still lingered amongst us, but we can live. We can get through it together.

“So, did you manage to get Sunny, Seohyun or Hyomin’s numbers and addresses?” I asked as we walked towards COEX, hand in hand. It had been ten years since we last met, and I really missed them.

“If I managed to dig out so many secrets, what makes you think I can’t get that sort of simple stuff?”

I shrugged.

He always had his way with things, and even though I didn’t know how he did this stuff… I’m sure he only used them for good intentions.

“In fact, I actually called and arranged a meeting – and I’m sorry to say, they will be there too.” Siwon said with a cheeking smile plastered on his face. I laughed in return. “So when is it?”

“Right now!” He stood behind me and rushed me towards the closest Korean restaurant and waved to a couple of familiar faces. The rest of the restaurant was empty though, they probably reserved it for only us.

It was them all. The old crew and some fresher faces that I still recognised. Eunhyuk, Seohyun, Kyuhyun, Sunny, Donghae, Jessica, Shindong, Hyomin, the two Tiffany’s, Sooyoung, Changmin, Yoona and Hyoyeon. There were also three unfamiliar faces. One was a teenage girl, couldn’t be older than 13 years old, another was a baby, maybe two or three old? And a man, which I supposed was the teenage girl’s dad because he seemed… old.

We approached them and Siwon pulled out a chair in front of Sunny for me. He tucked my chaired in as I sat down and took the seat beside me before they all popped the party poppers.

“Taeyyyyyyyyeeooooooon! It’s been so long, we missed you so much!” Sunny screamed with overwhelming aeygo with Hyomin. I laughed at her never changing childishness. I really missed her.

“How can you guys of have just left us all hanging like that?” Eunhyuk said, banging on the table as he attempted a scary face but it turned out relatively adorable.

“Whatever, our leave worked out well,” I said as I indirectly spoke about Donghae and Jessica who sat side by side two seats away from me on the other side.

“Okay, let’s forget the past! We met each other, well most of us, when we were seven and then we drifted when we were seventeen, and finally we meet when we’re all twenty seven. Okay, minus the few… old people who had to just be twenty eight and ruin it all!” Hyomin eyed Shindong and Donghae and we all laughed as the three got into a glaring battle.


Changmin and Yoona just began dating around two months ago. I did get an iffy feeling that he still liked me but he reassured me that he was in progress or trying to forget those feelings and he probably succeeded because he didn’t feel anything more than excitement to seeing a friend in so many years.

Hyoyeon and Minho told us about this little fling they always had with each other since they both met at the office and thanked me in a way for “indirectly setting them up” even though I don’t recall how I did that. But then again, it was an indirect set-up, how was I suppose to know?

Seohyun and Kyuhyun were still the sweetest of it all and apparently Kyuhyun had ignored Seohyun for a whole two months for being intimate with a new doctor called something like Kim Yonghwa… or Jung Yonghwa. He was Dr. Kim’s, Kim Jaejoong’s nephew. Dr. Kim was the other unfamiliar face that I saw, he was a friend of Jessica and Siwon’s that I didn’t know of. The young teenage girl, as I guessed – was in fact his daughter, Hana. The baby girl that was with them was Kyuhyun and Seohyun’s daughter, Hyosun and she was two years old. She was definitely going to grow up beautiful like Seohyun, smart like Kyuhyun and with the help of her aunt Sunny, cute too.

Eunhyuk was still the funniest awkward monkey. He sat there complaining about how I disappeared into thin air and didn’t contact him for 10 years and in the end, had Siwon contact him to arrange this. I spent probably a whole hour trying to apologise to him, but I did succeed in the end… with Siwon being slightly jealous at me giving Eunhyuk all my attention for that whole hour.

Hyomin was single and rolling hardcore! As she said… she was a photographer and often did many photo shoots with well known Korean celebrities. I listed a few and she told me she had their numbers and I ended up begging for their signatures. She offered to give me some newer artists such as idol group members but I refused because I didn’t know of them. I ignored pretty much anything Korean, except Siwon and the food when I was away for the three years. Sunny, too was single but not rolling. She was too busy trying to persuade Seohyun and Kyuhyun to get busy and to give her a nephew.

Yuri and Sooyoung became nuns which was so hilarious that everyone was laughing and banging on the table so hard we almost flipped it over, but thankfully… Siwon and Shindong sat on either side of the table to balance it out again. Shindong had a girlfriend who he met through Yuri and Sooyoung, she was also going to become a nun too but then came along Shindong. How adorable is that?

Shock of the night wasn’t Yuri and Sooyoung but Sunny and Kyuhyun. Those two were actually FBI agents. Like… seriously! Those two? No one believed them until they pulled out their cards and even then we asked if they forged them… we managed to believe them in the end. Apparently, Siwon knew about this quite a while back about one or two weeks before we left for Spain together.


“Siwon, do you think you should tell me what your secret ways to finding out my secrets were?”

“Do you want to guess?”

“Sunny… and Kyuhyun?”

He smiled and turned away but looked back at me with clear, big eyes. “Yeah, but only Kyuhyun. I sort of… bribed him to find out that sort of stuff for me in exchange that I told him how to have Seohyun forever.”

I laughed. “Are you serious?”

He nodded.

End of POV


Jessica and Donghae sat down on the rock they sat at three years ago when Donghae drove them to the beach. Donghae moved closer to Jessica and laid his head on her shoulder.

“Jess, do you ever wonder why Siwon and Taeyeon left? Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t understand Taeyeon at all. I don’t think I ever did.”

“I read right through Siwon. He already gave up before we got back and it just so happened that, that he did allow not only us two to be happy, but himself and Taeyeon to be happy. I don’t think we should dwell on the past anymore.” Jessica said as she played with their wedding rings, she recalled the day where Eunhyuk was even more excited for the wedding than them two.


“I do.” Said Donghae.

The priest repeated what he said before again to Jessica.

“I do…” She said, but another voice said the same thing. It was Eunhyuk. Everyone diverted their attention to him.

“YAH! LEE HYUKJAE!” Everyone screamed and ran in his direction with their fists in the air.

End of Flashback.

They quietly sat down as they recalled what happened ten years ago, this day. It was now the 22nd September, 2013. Ten years ago, this marked the separation of the two, yet now – they were sitting together, holding hands, resting on each other and prepared to spend the rest of their lives together.


Jessica leaned on Donghae’s back as he carried her along the beach on his back. 

“Donghae… we’ve been through a lot, huh?” Jessica said, and Donghae silently nodded.

“Can I thank you for everything?” Jessica slid off Donghae’s back and turned him around. Gazing into his eyes, he did the same. He shrugged with a small smile. He simply slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. He pulled away, leaving Jessica slightly confused. “Thank you, Jessica Jung, Jung Soo Yeon, for the happy ending.” He knew Jessica would have wanted to say something so he just pressed his lips lightly on her as a wave came and soaked their feet, ruining the moment as they quickly ran off from the water.

They both laughed it off and held hands again attempting the moment but Jessica could see something from the corner of her eyes as Donghae inched closer. She put her hand in her face to stop him and wiggled her index finger to a direction. They both looked at there was Eunhyuk, Sunny and Kyuhyun peeking behind a random car, when they saw that Donghae and Jessica saw them, they quickly hid themselves.

Donghae and Jessica ran over to them and chased them around.


“Sing me a song.” Jessica demanded as they walked towards their bedroom. Donghae had only just returned from a business trip with Yoona, who was now his assistant as Jessica was Tiffany’s (her ex-best friend, whom she made up with). It had been almost two months since they both shared a bed because of their busy and inflexible schedules.

“What if I don’t?” He answered with another question.

“You will.”

Donghae ignored her and walked into their bedroom and started undoing his tie. Jessica made a face and Donghae saw it in the mirror. He smiled to himself as he sat himself on the bed. Jessica stood right in front of him with her hands behind her back.

“You’re especially quiet today, usually you have a lot to say.” Donghae could tell that Jessica was slightly upset as she crouched down in front of him.

“I’m just tired, that’s all.” He responded dryly.

Jessica furrowed her brows and pouted as she stood up. “I’ll run a bath for you.” She said as she walked away from him. Donghae watched her walk away and a cheeky smile crept onto his face.

When the water was ready, Jessica sat on the bed as she watched Donghae walk in. She sat and thought to herself for a long time.

“What if he doesn’t like me anymore? He was never like this before... No… he wouldn’t do that.” But she couldn’t ignore that he was slightly cold to her in comparison to before, and how he refused to sing when she asked him to.

She got up from the bed as Donghae walked out. She avoided looking at him as he came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist as he dried his hair. Walking away from him, he went in front of her and threw the towel he had used for his hair in a random direction and put both his hands on Jessica’s shoulders to stop her.

“Let go of me.”

“Why? This is our room.”

“I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”

Donghae let go of her and watched her leave, shortly after, he followed and entered the room. He walked over to her and she tried to get away from him. “What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I should ask you that, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to spend the night with my wife.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and she glared at him, but it didn’t last long when he pushed her back onto the bed and fell on top of her, trapping her below him. She regained her senses and tried to push him off but he wasn’t budging.

“I was thinking of what I should sing to you…” He began as Jessica refused to believe him.

“Well, have you thought of one yet?”

He gave her a smug smile which caused her to try and push him off again but she had no luck.

(Donghae solo in SS2 – Beautiful)

“You are completely beautiful, I just can’t be without you girl. Cause you are so beautiful, let me gasp against your lips to say this phrase, ‘I love you’. Just stay by my side because you belong only to me.” He sang.

“Is that it?” Jessica said, secretly pleased with it.

He leaned in towards Jessica and she closed her eyes, but he didn’t go any closers when there was a few cm’s between their lips. Jessica opened her eyes and Donghae smirked as he pulled the blanket of them both.

“We can finish off the song together.” He whispered under the blanket.


The story has finally ended, moments here and there. I used Taeyeon's POV at the start because it would be best to explain what happened, lol and then to end it with our favourite Haesica. <3

Please comment for the ending, especially if you have been a silent reader! I want to know your thoughts & know your existence! Heh!

By the way, can you guys describe the story in a sentence (or two, whichever suits), please.

It’s been just over a month since I first started writing this story without a clue on how the story would flow but I had the main events in my head (Jessica wanting to meet Donghae, fall in love, Jessica loses memory, meet again and from there onwards) and literally just wrote… and wrote and wrote for my summer. I loved that thrill where I would finish writing a chapter and move onto a next and when I finished that, I’d post my update for the night and be excited to read comments the next day.

I just want to thank you all for reading (and commenting if you did) because without you all, I would not have been able to finish the story. You guys motivated me to finish my homework in order to move onto writing the chapter, haha. Seriously! 

Thank you again for letting me bother you with daily PM’s/email notifications/topping your subscriptions box! …And sorry if I bothered you, lol. 

1. Maranghae01
2. Ann
3. Shainna
4. Whatzitoya
5. Reed
6. Shaisica
7. CraazyFilipina
8. Blahhh
9. Lilly
10. Riyanchii
11. 박 디타
12. Littlemisstoad
13. Peachpigg
14. Hime
15. Justme:D
16. potpot

1. daynasaur.
2. chu david
3. Jenny Dy
4. Smackbee
5. Vega
6. winterlove33
7. izziebell
8. smurfette
9. kiela
10. Munirah09
11. KatieKat
12. sielle rin
13. kimkiyoung
14. Syidah
15. sica_ice87
16. JorrelLagdan
17. Nauzybuzli
18. Highlighter

1. Kyuhyunlover
2. Susu353
3. Lalagrl
4. Sicabias
5. Jarield
6. Iceprincesssica1
7. Heroine
8. Vxsvpraal
9. Mar5122
10. SoshiLove
11. Kawaiipanda95
12. Choki2lovejessi
13. Deborabang96
14. Sneang17
15. Supershineegirls03 (my first reader who commented <3)
16. 861015s
17. alyssa
18. slumberock
& the silent readers out there…

(total: 52 readers)
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yoonjunghae11 #1
Chapter 32: WOW.WHAT AN UNEXPECTED AND HAPPY ENDING !! ^^ YEAY :""""") .omg i just can't describe anything because your story was too amazing :') ,please make haesica story againnn ;;)
yoonjunghae11 #2
Chapter 30: The day you went away ~ aww :')
yoonjunghae11 #3
Chapter 29: Taeng omg. :o
yoonjunghae11 #4
Chapter 28: Rawrrrr the last paragraph makes me :') <//3
yoonjunghae11 #5
Chapter 27: Mess. X'D poor jess.
yoonjunghae11 #6
Chapter 26: This chapter omg xD xD xD
yoonjunghae11 #7
Chapter 24: Are you an indonesian authornim? Because you mentioned bali ,hehe^^
yoonjunghae11 #8
Chapter 20: Taeyeon is hiding a secret? Wow.
yoonjunghae11 #9
Chapter 18: Yeayyy eunhyuk is back ^^ ♥♥
yoonjunghae11 #10
Chapter 17: Ulelelele~ why it became like this :')