
A Werewolf's Heart

Previously on AWH

"Why were you dancing with that kid?" Sehun asked.

"I told you not come here" D.O scolded.

"You're sick and even if you don't feel like it you still are" Lay added.

"Why were you so intimate with that guy?" Kris asked.

"I can't believe you're my mate" Luhan scoffed.

"Do you even realise that what you do hurts us?" Suho asked.

"We told you that what you do affects us and yet you do it anyway" Xiumin said.

"You were too close to that guy" Kai commented.

"You've hurt us alot more than we've hurt you" Tao pointed out.

"Do you even love us at all?" Chanyeol asked.

"Honestly, you're a bad mate" Chen admitted.

"Why are you even our mate when all you do hurt us?" Baekhyun questioned.

Everything EXO said hurt you pieces by pieces and it hurt you more when you realised that you've hurt them alot. You felt tears about to fall so you stood up but still kept your head down. "I'm sorry" was all you said before running out the venue.

Narrator POV

You ran until you needed to take a breather. You didn't know what to do right now and everything EXO said kept repeating in your head.

You recognised where you were and made your way back home. Home you thought. As if I'm going to call it that now you scoffed.

As soon as you reached the front door, you quickly opened it and rushed to your bedroom. You grabbed a suitcase from under your bed. When you opened the closet you were hesitating, Is this the right thing to do? you sighed as your hands gripped the handle of the closet.

You leaned your head against the closet and thought carefully. EXO's right, why am I their mate? I'm unfit to be one and I've been a bad mate lately.

Without you realising, tears started to roll down and you just let them fall whilst you contemplated. Guilt was bubbling inside but you felt like you just had to leave.

EXO's harsh words had hit you pretty hard and you didn't know what to do except from leaving. You heard the front door open and quickly stood up from your spot and locked your door.

Rushing to the closet, you grabbed your clothes and packed them in the suitcase, quickly but neatly. You started to pack everything that was yours and left nothing of importance behind.

You quickly changed into a winter prepared outfit and thought better than to walk out of the house through the main hallway. You thought of writing them a note but left that for later.

Hearing a knock your door, you quickly grabbed your suitcase and hoisted it over the window. You took a final look over your bedroom before disappearing out the window.

You were cautious about the main entrance, you heard the knock on your door turn into banging and clumsily walked into a deck chair. Hearing your name being called out throughout the whole house made you walk faster until you got out of the house gates.

Releasing a sigh, you walked until you hailed a taxi and told them an address.

Minutes before you left

EXO entered the house frantically, they didn't mean anything they said back there and all they wanted was to take it back after they saw you start to tear up. You could say they were caught up in the non-existent moment.

Suho reached your room first whilst the other members tried to get there breath back, they ran all the way over here for you. Kris tried to go in but struggled and figured you locked it, so he knocked but received no answer.

He kept knocking and was worried. What if she did something to herself? What if... his mind went blank and then he started to bang on the door. He gave up after a few tries and told the others that you weren't answering so the other started to bang on your door aswell but there was still no answer.

"Mina?" Chen called out but you didn't answer so he knocked on your door a few times before calling in the wildcard, Xiumin.

Xiumin used all his strength to force your door open and was shocked by how empty your room looked. It felt empty too. "What the hell happened?" he asked no one in particular. He looked around and none of your stuff were here. Everything was gone. Not even a note he thought.

"MINA!" Chanyeol shouted throughout the house. Baekhyun followed suit, "MINA! Eodiya?!"

The beagle line shouted your name whilst searching fruitlessly. The half-fifty hyung line searched around the house for you. The maknae line called up your close friends but none of them picked up. The other four did their best to find any clues that could lead to where you had gone but that ended in defeat.

"What are we going to do hyung?" Sehun asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we'll find and get her back" Luhan reassured, although he didn't know if he himself could believe his own words.

"Ge, her scent!" Tao suggested.

"Where are we gonna find something of hers?" Lay questioned.

The kungfu panda pouted and sat back down. D.O suddenly clicked his fingers. "Luhan! Do you still have that scarf she gave you?" referring to the Hanging Out With EXO chapter. I make alot of references to this chapter.

"I'll transform" Kai volunteered as Luhan went to retrieve the scarf.

Narrator POV

It feels good to be back here you thought as you got out of the cab and took in the fresh air. You unlocked the door and unpacked your things. You were back in the same house you lived in with your dongsaeng.

You went to take a shower to clear your mind. The warm water felt good against your skin, the complete opposite of what you felt when EXO scolded you.

Getting out of the shower, you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked into your room. You changed to shorts and a tank top then wore your onesie over it.

You went into the kitchen and brewed hot chocolate. When you turned around, you gasped at the sight in front of you. Nearly spilling the hot cocoa, you set it down on to the counter.

"What are you doing here?" the person asked.

"What are YOU doing here? Weren't you supposed to be on a holiday with your hyungs?" you asked back.

"Noona, don't answer a question with a question" he answered.

"Well I just did, where are the others?" you asked.

"We're right here" a deeper voice said. "You're back?"

"I think I'll be living back here for a while" you replied.

"Did you and EXO have a fight?"

"You could say that, but it really depends on how you see the situation."

Himchan sighed. "What happened?"

You sighed too and told them everything that happened today.

"I'm gonna kill them" Jongup said.

"Don't. On another note, why are you guys back so early?"

"School's starting again. Did you forget that?"


"I don't think we should worry about Mina for now" Kai stated, as he trasnformed back to human form.

"Why?" Sehun questioned.

"She's back at her old house and she's not alone" Luhan said.

"They're back?" Lay asked.

"Yes they are."

OMO! I'm so sorry! This chapter is long overdue. I swear each chapter is like this, with me apologising.

On another note, I've got a new boyband that I've liked since their debut.


I want their motorized skateboards!

Anyway, in my opinion, I was going to love GOT7 regardless because he comes from JYP.

I stan JYP Ent, JYPnation and all of it's subsidiaries.

Like seriously, even though Bangtan isn't under JYP but Bighit instead, I love them anyway because Bighit's a subsidiary.



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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 34: Ahhh! Finally you made a decision to rewrite the story! AND YESS!!! I MISS YOUR STORY SO DAMN MUCHH! Hahahaha!! Please Update Soon!!!! :))
Chapter 34: Author-nim, i cannot open the rewritten version... What should i do?
lukaihyun #3
Chapter 33: it's up to you to rewrite or not..but the current story line is good though...will wait for your update! ^^
sabbyexotic #4
Chapter 33: I think it's up to you whether you want to rewrite the story or not. :) I thing the story now is already very good and awesome and it would be best if you could continue writing. Last but not least... Please update soon!
lucky9606 #5
Chapter 33: I think its good and doesn't need to be rewritten but if u feel u don't get the inspiration to continue this story as is then u should rewrite
ultimately it is ur choice
Chapter 33: Nooooo don’t rewrite it, maybe do it after the story’s complete, now just keep going.

Update soon!
Chapter 33: Your story is already good and I enjoy reading it even though you don't update that often^^ hehe.. So please do not rewrite the story and please just update more often ^_^! But if you still decide to rewrite the story I am also fine with that... I will still support your story because I know that your story has a good quality and I know that I won't regret reading it even though you will rewrite it :) thank you!
Sooyong #8
Chapter 33: Just keep doing how you've done authornim. I will support you in anyways!!
Chapter 33: I think your story is perfect just the way it is. Just keep doing what you do authornim~. ^u^
stephani_bap #10
Chapter 32: i already follow you. mind follback me?
thx for update~