An Ice Princess' Rebel by xODarkMistOx

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An Ice Princess' Rebel

by: xODarkMistOx

Genre: Angst, Slice of Life

Main Character(s): Tiffany/Jessica (JeTi) -friendship-

Contains: Straight

Chapter(s): 7 (On-Going)

Summary: Too considerate for her own good, Tiffany goes through the confusion and frustration of the questioning of her friendship with her seemingly best friend Jessica Jung. Jessica being her very polar opposite, Tiffany has had her own fair share of cold feet, and now is becoming the ice princess' rebel.




Title ❀½

I wasn't bothered by it at first, but as I read your story it doesn't make justice to this fan fic. I mean, this is so well-written, so well-explained that this title just fails to give off the necessary vibe, the angst vibe it needs. I felt you could have come with a better title, one that can pull off the theme you are trying to portray. Sure, it does goes well with the fan fic, but I expected more. I expected so much more, that it dissapointed me after I re-read the title after reading your story. 


Description/Foreword ❀❀

This is brilliant! It's short, but intriguing. It makes the reader wonder what's going to happen with their relationship; will they maintain it, or become enemies? Both of them captivate easily, and there's nothing else I can say apart from good job. I can't mark you down because it's well executed, and you have done whatever was in your hands to make a well-written description and foreword. 


Characterization ❀❀

I rarely give full marks for characterization, but this was simply excellent. It's perfectly portrayed; this is how a teenager behaves most of the time. Confused, with too many emotions; betrayed, happy, mad, rebel, etc. I mean, what else can I say? I can write a full-lenght essay about how good Tiffany's characterization is, and it wouldn't be enough. As a student who is taking lots of psychology classes (I know I put this a lot, but hey, I have to memorize and know behaviours/minds), I can say that you nailed it to perfection, and I'm sure that most of people will identify themselves with ther character. Seriously, this was brilliant and I regret not reading this before, you can blame my University though, but that's another story. The important thing here is that I was blow away with your characterization, done. No more words.


Originality ❀½

Well, it's actually very cliché. It has been used lots of times, so that's why I'm taking half a rose. However, I have read plots like this, and there has been only a few like yours who have explained it this amazingly. I don't know what else to say, really. I mean, it's perfect. What else is left to say?

Oh, yeah... That personally, I must tell you that I loved this the most: 

"It seemed like I was the bad guy; the rebel. But really, some people just needed to not be in my life. Sometimes you just meet people at the wrong time."
Oh my God Tiffany, like... Wow! Simply wonderful.
Flow ❀❀❀❀
This is perfect. Not too slow, not too fast. Just the perfect time. Also, I like the way you ended with the chapter's title. That was so unique.

Reader's POV

OH MY ING GOD. Let me tell you one thing... THIS IS PERFECT. It's not something I like to read, but I subscribed and upvoted because this fic deserves it, so yeah... Let me die xD this is one of the most realistic fan fic I have read so far. And that's difficult to say (since I have been reading since 12 and I'm 20). Keep up the good work!

I give this:


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Chapter 24: Thanks so much! And no worries about thelong wait, I do know how life can catch us sometimes >.< I appreciate the work you did!! And definitely the advice. I have been trying to think of an original title >.< And yes typos plague me. >.< So thank you!!! <3
Hi guys! I was just curious if you guys were on hiatus at the moment?
Requested c:
Requested ^__^
I'd like to say thanks before hand XDD
Requested ^___^
Umm why did my story get rejected?
Okay, I have requested for the second one =) Thank you!!!
I have requested a review! I also have a Question; can I ask for another story to be reviewed at the same time?
Also, if the reviewer I chose can't/doesn't want to do it, I honestly don't mind who reviews it. I just would like a critical review please. =)
Chapter 21: Thanks for the review :) I really do agree with all the mistakes/errors that I made & if I had time, I'll edit/correct it :)