CH 21

Cold Hearts

Author's POV:


Chen, Kyungsoo and Xiumin yawned since they have been with Luhan for 5 hours, spending their time with him at his house, trying to help him choose a clothes for the dinner with the Jungs.


"Hyung are you gonna keep on trying your clothes and not deciding what to wear? I mean you have been trying all kinds of clothes for hours, since noon if I may add." Chen whined, hes tired of saying yes or no to all the clothes Luhan showed to them.


Luhan sigh and throw the cloth to the floor and he flopped to the ground. He stared at the mess he made.


"Chen's right. You're like a girl who can't decide what to wear. Come on Lu, pick an outfit already. You have half an hour left before its 5 pm, palli!!" Xiumin shout, forcing him to pick any clothes that fits him best.


"I don't get it. Why do you even have to dress nicely for dinner? To impress her parents?" asked Kyungsoo who is curious.


Luhan shook his head histerically, "No! Just that..I don't want them to think I'm sloppy if I dressed simple or so." he said, taking off his shirt and start changing.


"Yup, you definitely want to impress them. Hoorah, Luhan hyung is gonna meet his in-laws." Chen teased, earning a whack on his head from Luhan.




At the Jungs, Jessica and Krystal were preparing the table. They wore matching dress that is pink in color since their mother told them too, while Mr Jung wore a simple shirt but still look handsome and their mother wore long dress, that looks like a dinner dress.


"Eomma, I don't understand why we must wear this for tonight. Its not like he came to propose or something. You only invite him...anyway why exactly did you want him to come? You didn't told me the reason behind this family dinner."


Mrs Jung laugh like a rich person (you know what I mean right guys?), she flipped the chinese fan open and cover , "You have to wait and see it for yourself, my daughter."


Jessica just roll her eyes and walk away.


The door bell ring and Jessica guessed that its Luhan, so she went to get it. "Nae come in, baby face."


Luhan stood infront of the door, sweating tremendously since he's nervous, while Jessica stared at him in annoyance but then pull him in and slam the door close. "Why are you sweating? Its not even hot."


"N-Nothing." he stammered, making him to slap himself for stammering.




"Eomma..Appa, he's here." she shout walking towards the kitchen with him following her. He felt cold sweats forming again on his forehead, as he look around her house.


Its not like he never been here, but last time he came, the parents wasn't home and its only him, her and her sister.


Now, its totally different since he could feel the air around the house is different.


"Welcome Luhan ssi~" Mrs Jung welcomed him with an open arm. She hug the guy like he was her son, making him breathless. The ice queen just heaved a heavy sigh and took out the plates from the cabinet.

"Ohh, please help her out Luhan ssi. I'm still cooking." she told him to help her daughter and retreat to the stove again. But her eyes watches as they interact.




Luhan stand beside Jessica and offer her a hand, "Here, let me help. Since you said your mother need me to be early so I could help up." he said, taking the plates from her hands. Jessica look at him and then continue with the bowl, then the cups.


"Set them up over there. Ask my sister how to set it up, eomma likes it perfect."


He nods and walked to the table with the plates and all. Krystal was arranging the flowers to make it look nice and see him coming with all the plates in his hand so she went to help.


"Careful oppa, place it here and I'll show you how to arrange it nicely." she smile and starts arranging.


He watch her carefully and later he do the arranging.


Jessica and Mrs Jung watch how he place the plates in the correct position and a smile curved up Mrs Jung's face. "He is a fast learner. I like that kind of person." she smirk from behind her fan. "Yeah, you even like the person who placed it incorrectly but say that its right." Jessica clicked her tongue and glances at her mother with her arms crossed her chest.


Mrs Jung pouts, "So what. He could learn from his mistake."


"Aish~" she ruffles her hair and went into the kitchen again.




Luhan nicely arranged the table in a way that Mrs Jung love and she was impress, while Jessica was annoyed and keep asking herself about her mother's intention in inviting him and evaluating him just now.


Something smells fishy, for sure Mrs Jung is up to something and Jessica could feel it but don't what is she planning.


They starts to enjoy their dinner and it is an american style  food. There is fruit salad, tempura, some potato gravy, lamb chop and so much more. Rarely Mrs Jung cook this kind of food for them to eat, so what is the occasion actually. Jessica glance at her mother then her father.


She sat beside Luhan with Krystal sitting across them and Mr and Mrs Jung sat at the edge of the the table.


"This is great, Mrs Jung. I love the gravy so much." Luhan praised, by the delicious taste of the gravy and all the food he ate.


Mrs Jung smiles happily that Luhan likes her cooking which again another sign that caught Jessica's attention.




Mr Jung open up some conversation, asking where Luhan come from, what is his family doing, how many siblings and more, which Luhan gladly answer it all with a smile.


Everybody was enjoying the dinner except for Jessica. She wan't in her there at the moment since her mind was too busy thinking about her mother's intention.


They all chuckles when Luhan tells joke, and the Ice queen didn't laugh with them.


The dessert is here, served by the maids, Red Velvet Cheese Cake, baked by Krystal and Jessica, and it is actually Luhan's favorite cake. He drools on the red velvet infront of him. Jessica smack him to make him stop droolling.


"Enjoy the dessert. Lets toast first." they all raised their glass of wine up to make a toast.


"A toast to my dear daughter, Jessica Jung in dating such a wonderful man. Who she will get married to! Cheers!"




"WHAT!!" shouted the two of them. Jessica slammed her hand on the table, standing up. "Eomma! I told you that we aren't dating! Who give you the idea about us dating? And what, married? What is that for?!"


She starts to explode all around the place. So that is what this dinner is all about. Is because her mother thought that Luhan is her boyfriend which he is not.


Mrs Jung tilted her head, looking innocently to Jessica. "Ani, you're not dating? But I thought you are since Krystal said you and him kissed. And he even came here before plus eomma thinks that he is cute and handsome. He is perfect for you, Sica ah."


"Bwo!? Krystal!!" she shout, glaring her sister who is hiding under the table right now. "But I didn't say that you and Luhan oppa are dating. She add that part herself, not me! I swear!"


Luhan was blushing when her parents already know about them kissing and even Jessica is blushing but it was mixed with anger.




"Aigoo, then even if you aren't dating each other, but I hope you will in the near future. And then get married and have many mini Jessica and Luhan, so that eomma and appa can play with them. Aigoo, its fun to be a grandparent." Mrs Jung claimed, imagining her older self playing with her grandchild.


Jessica wanted to kill herself since her mother is delusional about her marrying with Luhan. Of all the people why him.


"It will be great if you date him, sweetheart." Mr Jung suddenly speak.


Jessica was so surpised that even her father like him. "Appa! Don't start."


"I'm serious. Luhan is a nice boy, he seems very friendly, helpful and handsome. He is even hardworking, seeing that he gladly help you girls with the set up even though he is a guest. If you date him, appa will support you 100%! Go for it." he smile and wink at his daughter who already slapped her face.




They keep on going until Jessica couldn't take it anymore, but just blushed hard.


Its time for Luhan to go home and he have to admit that her parents are cool and sporty. He like them a lot.


Jessica went to send him off, "So..Thanks for dinner, I enjoyed it and you family is awesome, Sica. They are so nice to me." he praised, looking at her with his smile.


"They always like that. Thanks for coming by the way and sorry for their stupidity in saying all those crap ablout us dating. They werejust playing with you. Take care."


"I don't think they are playing with me, It seems they really want me to be your boyfriend. I'll say this to you..."


Luhan leaned in a kiss her cheek. "I will gladly date you if you agree to go date me or be your boyfriend." he whisper into her ears, it made her turn red by his kiss.


"Shut up Luhan! Go home already." she shoved him away, and look away with her red face.


He only chuckles and quickly lean in again and kiss her but this time on her lip, and before she could hit him he ran, "GOOD NIGHT YEOJA CHINGU!"




"I'm not your girlfriend!!" she screamed loudly, then she touch her lip and slightly smile.


"Aigoo!! You two should get married soon!! Eomma will be so happy!!" Jessica almost stumble on the ground when her mother was watching them and saw him kissing her.


She wasn't alone, even her father and Krystal saw.


"SHUT UP!!!"




To be continued.....


Hey guys I'm back with the latest update ^^

Sorry for not been updating this sooner since I'm busy right now :DD

Working and its tiredsome, so I don't have much time to update my stories//

Since I'm free today, thats why I decided to update hahaha



Sorry if there is any typos hahaha

Love ya~



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Taeyeonismyidol #1
Chapter 28: Waiting for your update^O^
Chapter 29: I'm really suprised and sad too author-nim :( But what can we do? We're just fans. So I decided to continue to support them no matter what happen. By the way please don't make me wait so long!! I miss your stories TT___TT
Chapter 29: Take your time darling. I feel you since I am a sone since 2009 and wished for them to retire together since they are the strongest girl band I have ever seen but we can only cherish the moments we hd nd try to get up and support Jessica
Baekhyeol123 #4
Chapter 29: Me too :'(
maomaodeer #5
Chapter 29: kyaaa I have waiting for a long time ~~~ miss your fanfic too much 😱😱
Chapter 29: I love your and I think the same way as you sooo *that's my style*
Chapter 29: waiting ^_^ Your come back!
Baekhyeol123 #8
Chapter 29: I'll wait!!!!
Chapter 29: Cant wait it. //waiting for it ♡♡
tnsl_sone #10
Chapter 29: Ill wait! Wooooh!