CH 11

Cold Hearts

Author's POV:


It was the day to start the operations melting Cold Twins heart by Kris and Luhan of The King of Seoul High. But they thought it would be easy, well its not, Jonghyun and Jiyong is also making their move to claimed back the heart that once belonged to them.


Its a clash between Kings and Exes. Or so hahahaha.


"Why are you here again?" asked Luhan to the two guy who stand by the main gate. "Waiting for Jessica and Taeyeon. How about you?" he asked sarcastically.


Luhan was pissed, "Same." Kris answered before Luhan could. Jiyong and Jonghyun glared at the two guys beside them.


Everybody that walked past by them scramble faster when the aura was dangerous. As the four keep on glaring at each other, they didn't notice the appearance of Taeyeon, Kai, Jessica and Krystal about 5 meters away from them.


Taeyeon and Jessica stop and look at the four figures standing by the gate. Kai and Krystal look at each other before they aslo turn to look at the hyungs/oppa.


"What are they up to?" Jessica asked, she starts to get annoy just by watching Jonghyun from far away. "I don't know. But lets avoid them if we could." Taeyeon pulled Jessica away and the two together with their dongsaengs went through the back. Never have they thought that they need to climb the wall to enter their school early in the morning. It is all because of those guys.


Kai went off to different direction, pecking his sister on the forehead. Krystal also went to other direction, hugging both her sister and Taeyeon. The two walked off to their class, but never have they thought that they would find the four guys earlier standing by the hall way.


"There they are." Jonghyun points when he sees the two. The twins sigh. Now they can't ran away from them, since this is the only way for them to reach their class.


But as the four walked towards them, they were shoving each other, pushing and pulling.


Jiyong and Jonghyun got past them and ran straight to Taeyeon and Jessica, smiling. "Good morning Taeyeon ah~" Jiyong reached for her hand but Taeyeon stop him from doing so. "Touch my hand and I'll gonna break it." she warned, Jiyong pull his hand back and smile at her.


Jonghyun was running with an open arm, "Sica ah! I missed you! Weekends was crazy!" he wanted to hug her but Jessica slap his hand. "Get your filthy hands away from me! And I said to never call me that." she growls, as she glared at Jonghyun.


Kris and Luhan stood behind them and watch, they even laugh quietly.


"Taeyeon ah, come on, didn't I said sorry to you last Friday? I did said that I want you back in my life, so lets just forget about the past and start a new one. Both of us together." Taeyeon her eyebrow and look at Jiyong. "Start a new life? With you? Hah! Don't make me laugh Kwon Jiyong, I'll never let you claim my heart ever again nor give you a chance to do so." she pushed him away from her.


"Sica ah, let me start again with you. I love you, so I'll do whatever it takes to get you back to my side." Jessica heaved a sigh, "No way in hell Kim Jonghyun. There is no more chance for you to get me back. I've thrown all that back when you left me, so there isn't any place for you in my heart, not even a tiny little hole in it." she scoffed and shoved him away.




The two stood there silently, hurt by their words, when they turn to try again, they see them facing the tall blonde and the baby face guy.


Jessica and Taeyeon again sigh, but its much heavier. "Now what the two of you want. We've said thank you already last Friday and we also said to not ever stick your nose into our problems ever again and just leave us alone. Is that not enough?" Jessica asked, annoyed by Jonghyun and Jiyong, she didn't want to get even more annoyed by these two in front of them.


Luhan tilted his head and stare at Jessica. "Hmm, well we didn't really that happy about it though. You thanked us, yes but then you shoved us after we saved you both from those creepers at your back." Luhan claimed looking up to Jiyong and Jonghyun.


"Exactly. And you think that we'll just leave like that? After you said thank you? Well let me reivise you a little bit, who was the one who cling onto me tightly, wrapping her slender arms around me when that blonde creeper crazy like guy try to pull you away? Tell me." Taeyeon widen her eyes when Kris said that, as he saw her face changes he smirk.


He leaned down to whisper something into her ear. "My thought exactly." Kris smirk after he said that to Taeyeon and straighten himself. Taeyeon starts to turn red as she remember back what he just said.


She did hug him tightly when Jiyong tried to pull her away from Kris, and she spontaneously wrapped her arm around him and hug him so tight! Taeyeon cupped her face and starts to drop her head low, hiding her redden face under her bangs. Kris win this round and smirk at Jiyong like a winner.




Jessica try to help Taeyeon recover herself but Luhan cuts off. "Oh I forgot to tell you. There is also girl that holds me tightly when a guy name Jonghyun try to pull her away too. Like so tight, that I think I was getting suffocated." he smirks down at Jessica who had look at him and blushed.


Now even Jessica cupped her face and hide her face under her bangs as she squat down. Luhan chuckles and look at Jonghyun with a smile.


Jiyong and Jonghyun bit their bottom lips, gritted their teeth. How can they loose to these two guy that their women just met! Hah! Jonghyun and Jiyong is saying that Taeyeon and Jessica is their women, they don't intend to let some newbies they met to grab a hold onto their women even if the girls have claimed they aren't theirs anymore.


"You didn't win anything Kris Wu, Xi Luhan. You were just revising them about what happen last Friday. How pathetic! Is that your way of flirting with them?" Jiyong laugh thinking that was a stupid way to do so.


Kris twitched. Luhan glared. Taeyeon and Jessica both stop blushing as they both slowly lifted their heads back and turn to Jiyong and Jonghyun.


"Thats enough! You guys are just idiots to think that we melt with that mere tricks of yours. What past is past." Jiyong and Jonghyun smiles when they heard that, thinking that they might really give them a chance after all, but they were wrong.


"And I didn't mean by ours, Jiyong ssi...Jonghyun ssi. We will never let that past away. Don't take us lightly." The Cold Twins turned to look at Kris and Luhan. "And you guys are an idiot. You may have caught us but not fully. And you guys have made us late to get to our class!" Jessica hissed, she pulls Taeyeon away to leave the four by the hallways.




After they had left them, the four groans. "I thought it was working." Luhan claimed, he sigh when the plan was flopped. Kris look at him, "It did work Luhan. If they didn't think about it then why did they blushed?" Kris claimed, Luhan blinks then nods. "Ah, you're right. They blushed."


"Exactly." but only that its hard to really break that barrier protecting them. Jiyong and Jonghyun might won't be able to break that barrier but maybe they will. It will be hard to battle againts those guys but Kris will do anything to claim that heart which he desire the most. Kim Taeyeon's heart, he just want her heart for himself, just that he don't whether it is for love or for fun.


Luhan also wish to grab Jung Jessica's heart into his hand and holds it as his. He wishes nothing more but her heart, but he is a bit different than Kris. Luhan wants it because he wanted to know more about her, and maybe love her.


Jiyong is thinking of a way to get Taeyeon's attention to him and not the tall blonde guy. Even if Taeyeon claimed that they are history, deep down he know that she still love him. He swear to make her his again. And so does Jonghyun.




"Stupid bastards jerks! We're late for our first perios, the sunsaengnim is gonna call hell upon us, Taeng." Jessica cursed to those fours bastards.


"Taeyeon ah! Sica ah!" but then someone called their names which is not Jiyong nor Kris nor Jonghyun nor Luhan. The Queens turned their heads to see who it was.


Two guys ran towards them and they are rather handsome. Jessica and Taeyeon smiles to see who it was.






To be continued......



2 guys? Who are they exactly? Did Taeyeon and Jessica just smiled to them?

Woah, then this guys must be someone they know to smile to them..

When they actually despise MEN..all MEN in this world xDDDD

But anyway comments ^^

It yours choice to think about the identities of this guys hahahah

Sorry for the errors if there is any :DD



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Taeyeonismyidol #1
Chapter 28: Waiting for your update^O^
Chapter 29: I'm really suprised and sad too author-nim :( But what can we do? We're just fans. So I decided to continue to support them no matter what happen. By the way please don't make me wait so long!! I miss your stories TT___TT
Chapter 29: Take your time darling. I feel you since I am a sone since 2009 and wished for them to retire together since they are the strongest girl band I have ever seen but we can only cherish the moments we hd nd try to get up and support Jessica
Baekhyeol123 #4
Chapter 29: Me too :'(
maomaodeer #5
Chapter 29: kyaaa I have waiting for a long time ~~~ miss your fanfic too much 😱😱
Chapter 29: I love your and I think the same way as you sooo *that's my style*
Chapter 29: waiting ^_^ Your come back!
Baekhyeol123 #8
Chapter 29: I'll wait!!!!
Chapter 29: Cant wait it. //waiting for it ♡♡
tnsl_sone #10
Chapter 29: Ill wait! Wooooh!