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A Demon's Love

Your P.O.V

" S-seh--" before I could say anything he flew away. Damn him and his powers. He likes me YAY! I've got to tell Mi Hi. I was sad when I saw that Mi Hi had already packed. " So you're leaving?"

" Yh guess so you know how busy I am with all those stupid work."

" Yh I know." I said sitting down on the bed and she joined me aswell.

" I'll be back soon and then you can tell me more about those 2 hotties!"

" Haha sure, anyway do u know that Sehun likes me, its amazing right!" I was expecting her jump in excitement like me but all she did was sit there with a sad expression. " Are'nt you happy for me?"

" Wish I could be, but Sun hee you can't like Sehun and he cab't like you."

" W-why we already like each othere so, wht's the problem."

" Its because demons can't fall in love with human, thats the forbidden rule which has the ultimate punishment."

" W-what's the punishment?" By now I was on the verge if crying. " Mi Hi tell me please."

" Okay, Its kinda long so listen carefully. Demons have more than 1 soul the most we can have is 10 and only the demon king can have that much so, basically the higher the rank the more soul you have. But humans only have 1 soul so, when a human is given to a demon like you were given to Sehun, the human's soul is divided into 2, half remains with the human and half with the demon. and if the demon and human love each other and can't get rid of theiir feelings then..*gulp* the soul that the human has in his/her body is taken away which causes them to d-die and the remaining half of the soul of the human is taken away from the demon with his/her own soul and this can cause death.  Sehun won't die though cuz he has 9 souls, but he would never let you die. And plus whts the point of going through all this if you don't even end up together."

" So, we can't be together." i said and she nodded. Knowing that was like being attacked with thousands of needles in my heart. I sobbed loudly like that was the only thing I could do. Hot tears were streaming on my cheeks and I fell on knees. i pulled up my knees near my fave hiding it and sobbing.


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Once I have 50+ subs then I will do double chp update! ;)


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Chapter 27: The ending is awesome. No need to mention it. You did a great work over there, author-nim. :)
iluvjaejoongie #2
New to this story but it seems really interesting! Hwaiting author-nim <3
Is this hana to akuma..? Are you inspired by it or is it the same?
White_tigeress #4
can i be ur co-author???
Chapter 1: Haha LOL I really like the first chapter. It was funny and random. I also liked Sehun's personality!
White_tigeress #6
Chapter 8: Lol tao...
ChoiSookhyun #7
Chapter 8: LOL!!! Is Tao gay? OMG that phrase!
ishiphunhan4eva #8
Chapter 8: Updaate soon when u can authorssiii
White_tigeress #9
Chapter 7: I feel really sorry for lulu...