Zelo's Secret

Don't Call Me Like That, Jung Daehyun!


Zelo take deep sigh for nth times that earlier morning. He was sat on his car on the hospital’s parking area. It was still early to visit Taeri, even maybe now Taeri was thinking about the scene few hours ago in the warehouse.

After back in the warehouse, he also Daehyun drove back to Daehyun’s apartment which the rest member already wait for them.

They still schock at the reality that times. How can his closed friend would be in that scene. Usually they would save some stranger that didn’t recognized them, but no this time.

“Should I kill her?” It was the first words from Youngjae. The rest of member was understand, it was riskfull if someone know their  secret, and it was often when they fix it with kill the one who recognized them.

“NO!!” Zelo squealed instantly. Even they could be heartless murdering around, but it was Taeri they was speaking of. Taeri was his bestfriend for quite times. Zelo can’t imagine Taeri’s dead body covered with blood and especially it caused of them.

“But, she could told Sunyoung what she saw a while ago anytime. We can’t let it happen” Daehyun the one who spoke up.

Zelo stare at his cousin in horror. He thought Daehyun would understand his feel, but seems like it was wrong. “How can you say that?! She’s my friend after all!” Zelo squaled again as he ran his finger through his tousled hair in frustated.

“He have to be heartless when it come murder, Zelo” Himchan tried to pursue him.

“Yeah” Zelo chuckled bitterly. “What if the girl in the scene was Bora-noona? Or Sunyoung? Could you be heartless?”

With that, his hyungs lowered their head. For the first time in his life, Zelo regret his life as a murderer. How can he would be clumsy and blind about the risk that haunted people around him. And he wasn’t one of MIB agent that could easily fix this kind of problem with memories removal.

After the couple of minutes in silence, Zelo was the one who spoke up “I’ll make her closed ” Zelo stood up before added “Never tries to laid you finger on her. Let me fix this myself” and before his hyung can complain or said more words, Zelo walk outside and slam the door closed.


After drove around like a mad man, Zelo called Jongup and asked him to track Taeri’s position. Just in few minutes Jongup called him back and told him Taeri was in hospital. There’s no doubt about Jongup’s ability with computer, he could hack the camera around the city just for tracking someone.


Zelo turn his eyes slighty on his watch, 8:24 AM. It was more than six hour he stayed and thinking. He pulled his jacket off and tried to fix his hair before step out from his car to the building where Taeri was at, Hospital.

When he step in the room that the nurse lead him in, he found Taeri wasn’t sleep nor doing anything. She was sat on the white sheet of bed with white medical patient attire, looking through the window.

Taeri was busy with her mind. Not just because she was being a victim of kidnapped for two days, but because her parents not even make a time for atleast worried about her instead paid for some guys to take her.She was upset.

She tried to called her boyfriend for hundred times that morning, but he never picked up. How can a boyfriend didn’t pick up her after she was disappear for two days.

And what eat her mind up was the sight of Zelo who held her close in the darkness while they tried to runaway from the warehouse to his car. At first Taeri though it was delusion, but no. That was real. The shocked expression in his face after recognised that the girl was her, the backseat in his car was full with weapon, and the sound of gun shot in their back before Daehyun appear with two guys who take her; that was real for sure.

The crack sound of the door made her turn her head before found a giant boy with his usual tousled hair, the cheerfull eyes replaced with tired stare, and the white skin become paler; Zelo.


Zelo sat on the chair night stand and hear to her breath. After six hour thinking what he should say to her, it was forgotten. He didn’t even know how to started.

The heavy atmosphere wasn’t like them. Their usual laugh and playfullness wasn’t there.

“There somethings you want to told me?” Taeeri was the one who initial the dialogue. She tried to catch his eyes, but seems like Zelo avoid her gazed. She wait patiently for a few minutes before talk again “If there’s nothing. You can leave now”

Taeri was clearly see Zelo struggling with his mind before open hi lips.

“where’s your parents? They already left?” Zelo treid to loosened the tension.

“As you see, they aren’t here. But they not left, they didn’t come up yet” Her words were quiet friendly, but her tone was intimidating.

“Ah... I see” The boy rubbed the back of his neck “How about Myungsoo hyung? He didn’t came?”

“He was too busy to take care of me. Why you asked about them? Didn’t you asked aboit me?” Taeri tilted her head.

There was long paused before Zelo spoke up again.

“Sorry” He whispered.

“Why you’re sorry?” She asked sarcasm.

Zelo turn his head up and stare in her black eyes. He almost drown in that deep eyes. Usually her eyes would covered with blue contac lens, and hever never know her eyes was dark and deep.

“Sorry for what you see in this earlier morning. You’re not supposed to know... Please, I beg you... Forget about that and don’t told anyone about that”

Just as he finish his words, Taeri jump from her seat and pushed Zelo to the floor. All the thing he could think was the pain in his torso and the back in his head because of sudden attack. He closed his eyes as he felt her slap in in the cheek.

He was anticipating with that reaction. He already know her reaction would be violent. But never expect the sound of her sob of cries.

Zelo peek his eyes open and found Taeri on top of him and cried in his chest.


She was tired of her life. Her parents was too busy with their bussiness instead of her. The last time she saw her mother was couple of month ago before her depature to the fashion week somewhere in Europe, and her father was never even glance at her. She already tried her best in study, dance, music, just to take their attention but failed.

Her boyfriend in the other hand wasn’t a sensitive one who can easily understand what she wants.

All the things she want was attention.

She almost felt happy when some of thug kidnap her. She though her father would atleast come to ransom, but insted come himself he paid someone else.

“Out of everyone, why it has to be you... why Zelo?” He almost can hear her whisper between her sob. He pushed Taeri to sitting postion along with him before hug his bestfried tightly.

He was the one of mere people who care about her along with Sunyoung. He was the one who  easily made her chuckled becaused of his cute personality. He was the one who called to asked if she was okay in storm day. He was her last hope.

“Sorry Taeri... I’m sorry...”

But she saw him in the scene, held the gun in the darkness. Murdering the thug. How can she would be around him when he was a crime. How can she trust him when he earily murder people.

But in the deepest place in her heart. She didn’t to lose him.

“I... I scared...” Taeri whispered against her cries.

Zelo pulled her out from his embrace and held her cheek makes her stare at him.

“Even I wasn’t a good boy, even it was risk to you to kept our secret. I, Choi Junhong, promised you to protect you as long as you closed your lips”

Zelo can feel she was trembling in his arms, but then she carry herself to nodded, even her eyes was insecure and red because of the tears.

“Good girl” a smiled curved in his lips as he wiped her face which wet and slightly red before take her back to his arms.

And there he was. Hugged the girl that he had secretly loved for long time.

Not love as a friend but love as a man.

Yay!!! ^^ an update here!

It was the longest chapter i ever typed for DCMLTJD >

I found out Taeri’s side was quite interesting, shall I made a story about her? Ah... forget about that -_- I was promised too much without ability to do that.

In last chapter I got few comment which said about what would happen after Taeri was found out Daehyun (B.A.P)’s secret. And there it is. If you guess Taeri would separated Sunyoung from Daehyun... Yes she would. And I mean that kekeke ><


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[201013] wow !!! 20chapter, 2200review, 2upvotes, on 20 october >< good number ~


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MaknaePikachu #1
Chapter 22: TBC... dont u want to continue this story? We have been waiting 4 ur upd... UPD soon :))
Hannah93 #2
authornim when will you update??... I am still waiting :)
Chapter 22: Dang it... Prince Yoo.. whewwww~~
Chapter 22: OH MY GAHD! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! XD PLEASE! update soon Author-nim
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 22: omo....daedae go save her...
Chapter 21: please don't separate the sweet couple...they good together..,.,please be positive thinker.....daehyun love sunyoung too much..... <3
Chapter 21: Taeri-yaaa please don't seperate them , but please wake Daehyun and his gang up, please Taeri be with Zelo instead and forgive him TAT *desperate*
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 21: omo...andwae...taeri...wae...please let them together...