
Don't Call Me Like That, Jung Daehyun!

hellooo ^^ ~ i'm kinda busy with freshman ceremony in my campus. I type this while sat under a tree in my tablet and edited this a while ago in my laptop. i typed this with listen few random love song like Lee Hi's Rose, Lee Yoon Ji's First Love and K.Will's I Need You. this chapter totally about DAehyun and Yongguk in as cameo. there's no Sunyoung for today, but you still can found her in Daehyun's mind kekeke


Daehyun woke up in dizziness in his head. He barely sleep four hours ago after driven away from Sunyoung’s place and cold shower in early morning. He was ready to sleep peacefully in his bed, but thenhis eyes catch his cousin; Zelo roamed around his apartment with his jacket coreved with blood. Daehyun scream almost wake up entire condomonium’s cliff dwellers if Zelo didnt jump and closed his mouth forcefully. Daehyun didn’t like when his flat smells like rotten fish because of dried blood, so he wait for ensures Zelo take his shower first before get into the guest room.

Daehyun laid his back on the bed and stared to the ceiling, made a note in his head to bring his car to car washer for makes sure no red spot or smells in his car before he would catch Sunyoung to school. He didn’t want to makes her curious about what happened in his car a night before.

He felt so restless and decided to stay in his place all day long before start school tomorrow. He didn’t want to looks sleepy when he deliver speech in freshman ceremony... he snap his eyes open as he remember about ceremony and jump out to kitche to check the notes in refrige door.

“buy flower to mom, shopping for fill his refrige, ask the maid to change his curtain and bed cover, prepare the speech, buy a new shoe....” yeah prepare the speech, it’s hidden under the other paper. Daehyun take a deeep sigh also run his finger in his messy hair. He forgot about the ceremony. The principal was raised him as president council as he was successed the fest. Yongguk already told him what-to-do list but the mission last night distracted his attention.

Daehyun open the refrige and took a can of milk, tried to gain an enery to got inspiration. He open the cap and bring nearer his mouth while glance at the clock on the wall before suddenly burst the milk from his mouth. Five minutes to one in afternoon. He tought he was felt dizzy because didn’t enough sleep in in the truth he was sleep too much.

He check the guest room take Zelo up, but he was already left. Daehyun sigh again ‘he didn’t even woke me up first’

After took shower, he walk to the restaurant near the building to get take-away meal. He choose to lived here because the neighbourhood is an apathetic person. They never care about what he was doing and why he was home in early morning with blood covered his clothes. Youngjae’s family own the entire building a long the street, he already asked about what kind of job the cliff dwellers have and makes sure there’s no one opposite with their bussiness in their bussiness.

As Daehyun walk into the restaurant, a couple of eyes turn into him. Maybe because the image of a boy smells of soap in noon with branded clothes walk into the room. He walk into the bar where a cashier with eyes full of excited wait for him.

Daehyun tap his finger on the bar as he wait impatiently for his food. He didn’t like the way cashier girl stare at him. She stare like a starve lion looking for her prey. He leave as soon as the pack of his food come.

As he walk back to his place, he fould few young couples walk in the street. He never walk with Sunyoung since he always bring his car with him. And he realised, they never went to date, never as normally young couple. Usually he would spend his time in her place; playing with Jinyoung or help her mom in the garden. He loved flower because of his mom. When he was younger, his mom always take him to the garden and plant some flower in their backyard.

Even his mom already die years ago, but his dad asked the maid to take care about the flower and never changed the location.

He never go date with Sunyoung, once he take her out is yesterday when they meet his parents. And that can’t count as date. He promised to himself to go date with her before he’s stuck with study since he was already senior year.

When he back to his place, he found a pair of sneakers in door way, kind of shoe which Yongguk always wore. And his guess is guess is right, he found Yongguk in living room while watchs wars movie. all of B.A.P member know his password door key, so they would come into his place everytime they wants.

“I thought you’re not home until night come” Yongguk said as Daehyun step closer.

“no. I just... tired because of last night” Daehyun murmured as he open the plastic wrap and start to eat his late lunch.

“I already told you to wait for us, but you didnt hear me” Yongguk turn his head from the movie to him, but Daehyun didn’t want to face him.

“it’s already done hyung” Daehyun groan with his mouth full of food made Yongguk chuckled at him.

“uhmm. I already set a speeh for tomorrow since i think you would forget about that. I put these on refrige doors” Daehyun nodded and said thanks in response before Yongguk turn off the TV also stood up and added “bring Sunyoung to my cafe sometimes. You never introduce her formally to us” and it’s the last word from him before left.

Daehyun put his chopstick down “yaa!! You’re just arrive and want go home so fast?” there’s many thing he want to share and asked Yongguk advice since Yongguk is the leader and wise person. But seems like Yongguk is busy. His hyung always busy since they were graduated from high school. Yongguk run his family cafe while Himchan study hard for pass the medical study exam, gladly he was pass the test (of course, he was best student in entire school) and start his college life while Bora study in art department.

Daehyun put his meal on the coffee table and lead him to the door. He lost his appetite as he back to living room, so he throw the leftover in trashcan and get his phone in his room. He laid in his back and was to called Sunyoung since she send him few text message since morning asked him if he already get his breakfast. But then his finger accindently click the photo gallery.

Daehyun held his breath when he found a photo of Sunyoung with two child in her lap. He didn’t remember when this photo taken, but it’s exactly in his parents house. A baby in her hands in Il Hyun and Jinyoung. Maybe his mom secretly took away his phone when he was not aware and took this picture. He set the picture as wallpaper and stare at the picture, imagine if he have an happy family with her.

Suddenly, his eyelids become heavier. He always sleepy after his meal.he closed his eyes and start to sleep again and forgot to call her.

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[201013] wow !!! 20chapter, 2200review, 2upvotes, on 20 october >< good number ~


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MaknaePikachu #1
Chapter 22: TBC... dont u want to continue this story? We have been waiting 4 ur upd... UPD soon :))
Hannah93 #2
authornim when will you update??... I am still waiting :)
Chapter 22: Dang it... Prince Yoo.. whewwww~~
Chapter 22: OH MY GAHD! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! XD PLEASE! update soon Author-nim
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 22: omo....daedae go save her...
Chapter 21: please don't separate the sweet couple...they good together..,.,please be positive thinker.....daehyun love sunyoung too much..... <3
Chapter 21: Taeri-yaaa please don't seperate them , but please wake Daehyun and his gang up, please Taeri be with Zelo instead and forgive him TAT *desperate*
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 21: omo...andwae...taeri...wae...please let them together...