The Girl On The Scene

Don't Call Me Like That, Jung Daehyun!

Check out for THIS first!

Daehyun was tired also exhausted. He was stres out with his activity for the past three weeks. Since he was a senior year student’s in high school he heave to study extra hard more than before. The last time his father called was told him to continue his study in Japan or somewhere in Europe, but as stubborn son, he declined what his father offer and said he wants to study in Korea.

Daehyun understand well what his father wants was to learn well about the bussiness life, so Daehyun would take the responsibility of the company soon. But he want to walk in his way.

Daehyun promised to his father that he would study hard, and he didn’t lie at that. He’s study hard everyday.

Not to mention the council who kept Daehyun after school in the coucil room for hours. Daehyun can’t complain. That was what he wants since so long without knew very well about it.

He didn’t know a president council in last year would carry so much responsibility in his hands. He have to read and made a decision from the proposal from the students that it would worked up or not. A president council is a bridge between the teachers and students, which made him to stay wise between the both part.

Gladly, Sunyoung was stay by his side and give his support. She knew when she have to stay away to gave Dehyun time to focus his work, or accompany him. There’s countless time he stole Sunyoung from Taeri to get her accompany him ate their lunch in the cold floor of library’s corner.

Since that misunderstanding in cafeteria, Taeri was getting protective over Sunyoung. She act like she was his mother-in-law-to-be who doesnt blessing the relationship between Sunyoung and him. But for past two weeks, Taeri not show in the school which made Sunyoung left with Zelo and automatically they would have lunch with Daehyun without complain or death glare.

Daehyun was in good mood, before Zelo come up in his place with black attire which means they have to go out for some ‘bussiness’ in late night.

Daehyun take a deep sigh and move his lazy from his comfy couch to the reality life that he has. Lazily he sat on the passanger seat as Zelo take his duty as driver and explain every information that Jongup told him earlier ago.

“An heir from a manufacture company being kidnapped by some low rascal, they just want some money. Her father already paid Kris for exchange the money with that girl, but Suho wants us to back up him since it was strange pact between them.” Zelo explain with his high speed rap, but luckily Daehyun was familiar with his cousin’s habit and listen without pass any words.

“Where?” Daehyun asked shortly

“In warehouse of  old factory in side of city” Zelo replied without loosened his focus in the road “You’ll stay with Baekyun in upstairs, I’ll go behind Kris”

The usual Zelo in daylight is a boy who cheerfully and cute. But when it become night, he was a serious man who risk his life with violence.

“Hmmm” Daehyun nodded and the air rufle from the backside before step out from the car.


As they arrive at the warehouse, it was poor of light and dusty. He slip quietly in the saircase to the opened window. Makes sure he was hidden in the darkness. Daehyun recognized Baehyun in the opposite side of the building wathced his friends beneath them while Zelo hiding in somewhere

Kris already in the centre with a package in his hand while a man held the girl with a knife in her neck. It was lame trick and Daehyun almost rolled his eyes in bored. He was wasted his time to fight with low rascal who used knife as weapon.

As Kris moved to the centre and hand out the package, there was  a glint from the rascal’s eyes as he loosened his grip on the girl which means they tried to cheated. And a second later, he grab the girl’s hand again and moved up his knife...

But before the knife landed in the girl’s skin, the rascal was being death body on the floor.

Daehyun wasn’t sure it was his or Baekhyun shot. But he guess it was Baehyun, since he was late a second and Baekhyun was the best sniper he ever met.

As soon the girl was released, Zelo come in the picture. Being the energic boy, Zelo easily grab the girl hand and took away her from the scene which made her squealed in horror.

Just a mere second another rascal come in the scene like a cockroach, they were many but slow for Daehyun taste. Juat with three of them –Daehyun, Kris, and Baekyun- they finished murder the cockroach in few minutes.


Daehyun stretch his arms boredly, he expect an exciting war tonight but that rascal was made him upset. He descended the stair to the field where Kris inspect the blonde’s death body.

“They were really amateur for sure. Even I never saw his face” Baehyun chuckled bitterly at the pretty thug guy who now already die. Daehyun chuckled too, the boy was wasted his life with turn in this life. The boy was quite good looking and maybe he would being famous as a star if he tried instead die now.

Daehyun yawned for tenth time that night. Baekhyun and Kris walk along with him to Zelo’s car to get the girl before sent her to her father. Daehyun planned to sleep in the way back to home, but seems like something wrong as he saw Zelo stand groggily next to his car. Usually Zelo would stay inside and help the victim to little bit relax after released from the thug they understand the common person would have trauma after being kidnapped, hear sound the shot of the gun and felt the tip of knife in her neck, but not tonight. Zelo stayed outside.

Maybe she was scared of Zelo. Or maybe because Zelo left some of his gun in the backside of his car, so she would think Zelo was a bad man too.

The two of EXO member walk past him to get the victim from Zelo’s car. Daehyun was about to asked Zelo why he stayed outside when Kris held the victim girl out.

And suddenly the blood drained from his vein as he saw an familiar blonde hair. Daehyun didn’t have much friends with blonde hair, but this one was familiar.

A short blonde hair, sounds of her bracelets that rubbed each other, the intimidating eyes under the bangs which he tried to avoid for this past weeks... Park Taeri.

The victim girl was Taeri, and she saw Daehyun in the scene, held his air rifle and murdering the thug.

okay okay... you can shout even yell at me because this late update -_- Suddenly I lost my initial idea of this story, so I tried to makes few chapter while thinking about the idea. So... here we go... the murderer story I've been said in 14th chapter. I also remember about Zico that I show up in very first, and I would made him show up later. kekeke.

I post another story called 'Queenka's Bestfriend', don't worry... I wont left this story and kept updating both of them. so check out for my story ^^ 

I typed this after re-watched ONESHOT MV, both of Korean also Japanesse version. I love both version <3

And Baehyun and Kris from EXO being cameo in this chapter. I don't know why but they kept popping in my head :D

It was almost midnight in my country, and I need to wake up earlier tomorrow if I want to eat some beef (and I want to!!) so I have to go to sleep~ bye~~!!!

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[201013] wow !!! 20chapter, 2200review, 2upvotes, on 20 october >< good number ~


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MaknaePikachu #1
Chapter 22: TBC... dont u want to continue this story? We have been waiting 4 ur upd... UPD soon :))
Hannah93 #2
authornim when will you update??... I am still waiting :)
Chapter 22: Dang it... Prince Yoo.. whewwww~~
Chapter 22: OH MY GAHD! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! XD PLEASE! update soon Author-nim
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 22: omo....daedae go save her...
Chapter 21: please don't separate the sweet couple...they good together..,.,please be positive thinker.....daehyun love sunyoung too much..... <3
Chapter 21: Taeri-yaaa please don't seperate them , but please wake Daehyun and his gang up, please Taeri be with Zelo instead and forgive him TAT *desperate*
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 21: omo...andwae...taeri...wae...please let them together...