Prince Yoo

Don't Call Me Like That, Jung Daehyun!

Daehyun lay in his comfy queen-size bed, his breath slow and deep but he doesn’t sleep nor sleepy at all. It’s a long time since last time he come in this house, atleast five month. Even he or his parents didn’t come, the maid makes sure the house kept neat and clean. Daehyun take a deep breath and realised that the maid change the deterjent to wash his cover and blanket. It smells like flower than warm cocoa like they used to in past. He made a note in his mind to complain to the maid secretly, since if his parents found out their son didn’t satisfied, the maid instantly would get fired at the moment.

Even he would be stubborn, selfish, and spoiled chaebol sometimes Daehyun didnt want to hurt someone get hurt because a simple things. He already hurt countless person –even he didn’t remember their names– because they cross the line that already set from the first time.

He stared at the ceiling remember how the laughter and smile always fill this place, at least till two years ago. Doesn’t like his friends, he have happy family who everyones dream of. Clever, good looks, and wealthy. His mom is a housewife who give her whole time and attention to Daehyun while his father although he’s busy he makes sure he have time to his son. When Daehyun is grow up, sometimes he would take him to his office and teach Daehyun to be a good heir of the company, even the dark side of business. Daehyun learn how to run the company and wiped out the sadness which haunted their family since he was young. No matter how hard or how dangerous the risk he would do his duties.

That's made Daehyun like this.

Suddenly the knocked in the door drag him back for reality. A maid peek in the door not sure if she must in or not till Daehyun let her in “young master, Madame wait for you in the garden” He hummed in response before the maid slip away and closed the door.

He propped into sitting position before stood up lazily. He want to stay in the bed for whole day, and would loved if Sunyoung accompany him, snuggled in his arms beneath warm cover and maybe he would steal kisses which made her face blushed in embarrassed. Daehyun shook his head to clear his not so innocent mind, Sunyoung would get mad at him if she found out about this.

Daehyun changed to comfortable v-neck shirt before walk to the garden. He almost forgot to take a breath when he captured the image of Sunyoung held Il Hyun while Jinyoung rest his head on her lap as they sat on the blanket in the green field with his mom. He can’t help but imagine she’s his wife and the kid is their son.

“Picnic, hmm?” Daehyun asked as he laid his head in Jinyoung belly which made the young kid giggle, tickling because of his hair and pulled Daehyun from his body.

“I made éclair, tiramisu and cheesecake” Madame Jung said as she offer the the cake to Daehyun. Instantly he sat up in excited like a kid.

Sunyoung chuckled in his action “you’re more childish than Jinyoung” she said as she rocked Il Hyun in her arms, and made Daehyun pouted.

“Let’s go to real picnic tomorrow” His mom exclaimed before added “it’s long time since the last time. invite Junhong too, I miss him”

Sunyoung was excited in that idea, but then he reject his mom “the long holiday almost over, we have to prepared for new semester in two days” Daehyun explained without looking at her.

“Come on, just a day. We don’t have to stay. I’ll makes sure we will home in afternoon” seems like his mother still pursue him.

“I have to fix the things mom” with that suddenly Madame Jung shut up and nodded in response.

‘What are things?’ Sunyoung asked to herself. But suddenly his phone which laid on the blanket buzzed “Dae, your phone...” Sunyoung told him and he asked her to answer for him because his finger covered with melted chocolate, she took a glance, ‘Prince Yoo’ before answer and held the phone in his right ear.

“Hmm… yeah... let’s fix it tonight” She heard Daehyun hummed as he wiped his finger with tissue. As soon as his finger cleans, he took the phone and walk away. It’s strange, he always answer the call beside her and never walk away like this. She can’t help but wondering whose he called with.

Sunyoung surprisingly felt comfortable around his family, her mom told her little things about Daehyun and his younger brother is cute and hyperactive in his age. They sat on the garden with a blanket beneath them. Sunyoung didn’t need to do anything since the maid already arrange everything and didn’t let her whenever she tried to help.

“Daehyun is very stubborn since the first time I saw him.” Madame Jung smile as she talks about him “I meet him when he’s still in primary school. He never take no as answer, and sometimes he would threatening someone till they say yes” Sunyoung chuckled; he’s still stubborn and threatened people now.

“But he always calms and composed” His mom added “I never saw him lose control, even when his mom death six years ago, he didn’t do immature things like cried although it’s match for his age that time, but he have his pride as the only heir of the company. He didn’t cry, but I can see the sadness in his eyes. But in spite of his stubbornness and rudeness, he’s care the other people around him. I know he didn’t really like me, but still agree when his father asked his agreement to marry me”

“But seems like he like you now”

“I already become his mother for three years now, I learned it’s just his self defense. He’s….”

“What you’re talking about?” Daehyun voice startled them from their conversation, Sunyoung smile awkwardly while Madame Jung takes the last piece of éclair calmly. “I have to go somewhere, if you want to stay longer I’ll ask the chauffeur to ride you home later.” He has to go soon, but he catch the change expression in her face turn into disappointed “or... I could drive you home now”

His heart beating crazily as her eyes sparkling and give him sweet smile before nodded her head and said “yes”

Sunyoung loved the way Daehyun drive, it’s safe and leisurely. He would hum the song instead play the music or turn on the radio. He would patiently lean his back while in the traffic light and sometimes intertwined their finger senseless.

Not like Zelo who drive like a crazy man. Zelo ride him a few times when Daehyun is hospitalized, he would skip through the traffic while turn on the hip hop music in the car. Younjae ride her once, but she didn’t remember how it feels since she’s too busy to hate the driver. He always cold and stare strangely at her. Meanwhile Himchan would ride slower than Zelo, but enough fast for her sense because she use to with Daehyun.

Sunyoung didn’t aware that they already arrive at her home till Daehyun open the passenger door to carry Jinyoung who sleep in her lap. He place Jinyoung softly in his bed, so careful, afraid of he would wake the kid up. Sunyoung pulled her brother shoe off and covered him with blanket.

Sunyoung froze as she felt Daehyun sat close before him. Daehyun who sat in her back can’t help but amazed how Sunyoung would care about the child, especially to Jinyoung and Il Hyun.

“Seems like you really love children” he whispered in her ear but she just nod in response since she’s too embarrassed. Sunyoung felt Daehyun finger caress the length of her arm up and down as her heart beat quickened.

“I’ll be glad if my future children have an awesome mother like you”

Hello, i typed this while liasten to B1A4’a Only One, INFINITE’s With.., JYP’s If and B.A.P’s What My Heart Tells Me To Do. You can tried that song too ^^

I post this chapter last night, but its show without space and it looks horrible. my laptop just repaired yesterday, but seems like there's still somthing wrong. I can change the color and put the image. huh :/ i type this in five hours to learn about formula to makes it looks better -_- ah, i didn't even sleep at all. it's 10AM on my country and i have to take a nap now. bye~

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[201013] wow !!! 20chapter, 2200review, 2upvotes, on 20 october >< good number ~


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MaknaePikachu #1
Chapter 22: TBC... dont u want to continue this story? We have been waiting 4 ur upd... UPD soon :))
Hannah93 #2
authornim when will you update??... I am still waiting :)
Chapter 22: Dang it... Prince Yoo.. whewwww~~
Chapter 22: OH MY GAHD! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! XD PLEASE! update soon Author-nim
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 22: omo....daedae go save her...
Chapter 21: please don't separate the sweet couple...they good together..,.,please be positive thinker.....daehyun love sunyoung too much..... <3
Chapter 21: Taeri-yaaa please don't seperate them , but please wake Daehyun and his gang up, please Taeri be with Zelo instead and forgive him TAT *desperate*
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 21: omo...andwae...taeri...wae...please let them together...