Her Past

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 The male smirked and straightened up. “Wow. You’ve really grown up, huh?” Seoyeon swallowed as she took a step back.

L frowned feeling Seoyeon trembling.

Seoyeon shook her head, “N-No. Y-You can’t be here. Y-You can’t!”

The male raised a brow, “Oh really? I swear my dad lifted that stupid red flag so that I was able to come back.”

Seoyeon shook her head and pulled her hand from L’s grip. She covered her ears as she took a step back, trembling.

“Seoyeon-ah,” L called gently, but Seoyeon didn’t hear him. She was too concentrating on this guy that was standing in front of them. He frowned seeing that she was scared. Terrified even.

Before he could say anything, a voice spoke up, “Won Jongjin.”

L looked up and saw a flaring Doojoon. “Hyung,” He called. Doojoon shifted his gaze to L, who was confused at the situation. “Take care of Seoyeon. I’ll deal with this.”

Jongjin smirked, “Oh, big brother playing hero now, huh? Is it because you couldn’t protect your little sister two and a half years ago, huh?”

Doojoon glared at the male. “What the hell are you doing here? You know that you’re not welcomed here.” Jongjin chuckled and threw a glance at Seoyeon, who was still staring at him with wide eyes. He shifted his gaze back to Doojoon, who glowered him.

“Well, it seems like Seoyeon can’t forget me.” He pointed out. “Of course she can’t forget you. How the hell could she when you almost ruined her life?” Doojoon growled. Jongjin foreign innocence, “Oh, did I?” “Don’t act like you don’t know!” Doojoon barked.

Before Jongjin could make a remark, Seoyeon’s voice rang, “NO! LET ME GO! DON’T TOUCH ME! LET ME GO!” “Seoyeon-ah, it’s me. It’s Myungsoo oppa. Seoyeon-ah.” L tried comforting her, but she kept pushing him away with all her might.

“DON’T TOUCH ME! STOP FOLLOWING ME! STOP!” Seoyeon shrieked. Doojoon immediately rushed over to Seoyeon and L, who were on the ground.

“Seoyeon-ah, its Doojoon oppa.” Doojoon said gently, crouching down.

Upon hearing ‘Doojoon oppa’, Seoyeon snapped her eyes open. She searched for her brother and when she finally saw him, she threw her arms around him. Seoyeon buried her face in his neck, “Oppa.”

Doojoon wrapped his arms around her body, holding her securely. “It’s okay, oppa’s here. He won’t hurt you.”

All Seoyeon could do was sob in her brother’s embrace.

L felt his heart break. His girl was crying and he couldn’t do anything. He was so lost. Who was that guy? Did he do something to his girl? What was going on?

“Myungsoo,” Doojoon called snapping L out of his thoughts. L turned to Doojoon, who looked utterly broken seeing his sister like this.

“Can you take Seoyeon home?” He asked. Without hesitation, L nodded. Doojoon gave him a faint smile before handing Seoyeon to L, who carried her bridal style.

Doojoon stood up and turned his attention to Jongjin, who was enjoying every bit of the show. L stood up with Seoyeon in his arms. He glared at Jongjin before heading towards his car.

Jongjin watched L walk away with Seoyeon, who was still silently sobbing. The sound of L’s car coming to life was heard. The car drove out of the school gate, leaving Doojoon and Jongjin alone.

“Why are you back?” Doojoon asked making Jongjin turned his attention back to the older male. Jongjin smirked, “Shouldn’t you already know the reason why I’m back? I’m here to take what’s rightfully mines.”

Doojoon scowled, “Seoyeon isn’t yours. She wasn’t ever yours to begin with.” Jongjin chuckled darkly, “Oh really? Because from what I remember, she was mines.” “I don’t know why you would ever think that, but she wasn’t. She didn’t even know that you existed until you decided to stalk her…and ruin her.”

Jongjin frowned hearing that. “I did not ruin her and I wasn’t stalking her. I was trying to get her attention. I was trying to make her notice me.”

Doojoon raised a brow, “Oh, by what? By being a creep? Sending her stupid scary messages daily? Stalking her everywhere she went? Is that by what you wanted her to notice you?” “No, I didn’t know how to approach her!” Jongjin snapped.

“You could have approached her like a normal person would have!” Doojoon barked. Jongjin rolled his eyes, “Yeah right like she would have noticed me if I did that.” “She would have. I know my own sister.” “Then what about her boyfriend? Wasn’t he stalking her too?”

Doojoon’s eyes widened, “H-How…?” Jongjin smirked, “I’ve done my research. I know everything that Seoyeon has been doing for the past two and a half years.”

Doojoon narrowed his eyes at Jongjin, “Stay away from my sister.” Jongjin s

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Remember waiting for an update on this story four years ago and hating yourself then loving life only to hate it again when waiting for the next update? I actually recommended this story to MANY friends, some who literally don't care about the kpop fandom at /all/ but they all enjoyed the story. Sometimes I remember it and my heart swells up out of the blew, and the other day my friend brought it up like "hey remember when you made me read that fanfiction? Myungsoo was so dreamy I was so lucky to have him in my life" and we laughed about for a while, bringing up our whole "No, Myungsoo oppa is mine" with out cringe faces on before halloween. HONESTLY it took a year to realize that the 'suga' in the story was BTS' Yoongi i was literally so daft to the fact until i got into bts around 2014 and put the puzzle pieces together like 'Ohhhhh.....'
I just wanted to stop by and say that this story really left a mark in my life and i'm really glad that i'd read it. Thank you for making it and putting the hard work that you did into it! I hope your life is going splendid, amazing wonderful and the very best for your future okay i'll stop being soft.
Chapter 51: Beautiful erghh i hate jongjin like really i wanna kick him haha btw i like it
jessjejc #3
Chapter 51: this is wonderful! myungsoo is so sweet!
MondayInspiritRM #4
Wah this ;-; nice
pixie_luhan #5
Chapter 51: This is such a wonderful story ;_; please do a sequel
Chapter 51: It's an awesome fanfic author-nim! author-nim jjang
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 51: The best^^

Great job authornim !!!!
Chapter 51: So good story!!! I read it in 4 days. ^^,
Sunggyu_Hyuna #9
Chapter 51: awesome fanfic! you should more of these fanfics, but please write an IU+INFINITE+BTS fanfic! i will wait, author-nim~