Apology II

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And here goes L's apology~ ^^

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“How about we go get some ice cream, hmm?” Suga suggested. Seoyeon nodded with a smile. Suga beamed and the two of them made their way back to the Suga’s family car that was waiting for them.

“Ahjusshi, take us to the closest Cold Stone.” Suga instructed. “Yes young master.” The chauffeur bowed and drove off.

Seoyeon turned to Suga. “I hope you know that you’re paying.” Suga chuckled and nodded, “I know.” Seoyeon grinned, “Good because I’m going to get the whole store.” Suga scoffed, “Yeah right.” “Just watch and see.”


“Yeah, buying the whole store huh?” Suga snickered. Seoyeon shrugged, “I thought about all the money you were going to spend so I decided not to.” “Whatever.” “I’m serious. I would have gotten the whole store, but I was reminded that it wasn’t your money you’re spending. It’s your father’s, so I just couldn’t spend your father’s money like that.”

Suga rolled his eyes but smiled, “You’re so thoughtful, Seoyeon.” Seoyeon beamed, “I know, you don’t have to thank me.” “I wasn’t going to thank you.” “Whatever, you’re just jealous that I’m smarter than you.” “Yes, yes that is the reason why.”

Seoyeon made a face at Suga’s sarcasm causing him to laugh. “Keep on eating your ice cream before it melts.” Suga pushed Seoyeon’s bowl of ice cream towards . “Don’t worry, I will.” Seoyeon scooped her ice cream and ate it.

She hummed in pleasure. “Cold Stone’s ice creams are the best.” Suga chuckled and nodded in agreement.

The two of them continued to eat their ice cream. They talked and laughed at memories that they brought up when they were still children.

“Remember that time when you wet your pants because we were watching a horror movie.” Seoyeon guffawed. Suga frowned, “No, that wasn’t me. It was Jin.” “Yeah right, deny all you want but you know it was you. Or maybe it was you who farted that one time at the cabin.” “Okay, that was an accident and I had diarrhea that night.”

Seoyeon stared at Suga for a moment before bursting into laughter. She covered to muffle her laughter. “Oh my- you just- I can’t believe- so it was you!” Seoyeon laughed.

Suga let out a dry laugh, “Ha. Yeah, laugh all you want.” Seoyeon continued to laugh for good two minutes. When she finally calmed down, she was out of breath.

“Are you done now?” Suga arched a brow. Seoyeon nodded, chortling. “Good because I need to go.” Seoyeon looked at him, “We’re leaving?”

Suga shook his head, “No, I’m leaving while you’re staying.” Seoyeon frowned, “Why do I have to stay?” “You just have to, okay?” “Oppa, you know that I don’t like surprises. Why do I have to stay when I have no reason to stay?” “You just have to, Seoyeon.”

Seoyeon shook her head, standing up, “I’m not staying. I’m leaving with or without you.” She grabbed her backpack and was about to leave when Suga caught her wrist. “Fine, I’ll tell you why.” Seoyeon stepped back and arched a brow, “Tell me.”

“Myungsoo’s coming here, so you need to wait for him.” Suga revealed. Seoyeon furrowed her eyebrows, “Why would he come here?” Suga shrugged, “I don’t know, but you have to wait for him here.” “Alone?” “I’m afraid so.”

Seoyeon nodded, “Okay. You can go.” “If anything happens before Myungsoo gets here, call me and I’ll come as soon as I can, okay?” Suga said sternly. “I will.” “Okay, just sit and wait here. I’m sure Myungsoo is on his way here.” Seoyeon nodded.

Suga pulled Seoyeon into a hug and gave her a squeeze. “Bye. See you tomorrow.” “Mm.” Seoyeon hugged him back. They pulled away and Suga patted Seoyeon’s head. Wi

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Remember waiting for an update on this story four years ago and hating yourself then loving life only to hate it again when waiting for the next update? I actually recommended this story to MANY friends, some who literally don't care about the kpop fandom at /all/ but they all enjoyed the story. Sometimes I remember it and my heart swells up out of the blew, and the other day my friend brought it up like "hey remember when you made me read that fanfiction? Myungsoo was so dreamy I was so lucky to have him in my life" and we laughed about for a while, bringing up our whole "No, Myungsoo oppa is mine" with out cringe faces on before halloween. HONESTLY it took a year to realize that the 'suga' in the story was BTS' Yoongi i was literally so daft to the fact until i got into bts around 2014 and put the puzzle pieces together like 'Ohhhhh.....'
I just wanted to stop by and say that this story really left a mark in my life and i'm really glad that i'd read it. Thank you for making it and putting the hard work that you did into it! I hope your life is going splendid, amazing wonderful and the very best for your future okay i'll stop being soft.
Chapter 51: Beautiful erghh i hate jongjin like really i wanna kick him haha btw i like it
jessjejc #3
Chapter 51: this is wonderful! myungsoo is so sweet!
MondayInspiritRM #4
Wah this ;-; nice
pixie_luhan #5
Chapter 51: This is such a wonderful story ;_; please do a sequel
Chapter 51: It's an awesome fanfic author-nim! author-nim jjang
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 51: The best^^

Great job authornim !!!!
Chapter 51: So good story!!! I read it in 4 days. ^^,
Sunggyu_Hyuna #9
Chapter 51: awesome fanfic! you should more of these fanfics, but please write an IU+INFINITE+BTS fanfic! i will wait, author-nim~