Is this?

Falling for a Gangsta


" Do you want to go to the Sick Room?" I offered. 

I secretly wanted to bring her there and take care of her, but my pride wouldn't let me say that.

" Nah, thanks for helping me against Himchan." _____ declined.

I felt my heartbeat accelerate through me when she suddenly held my cut hand for awhile.

My heart beat iregularly, and i stared at her face. Apparently she was oblivious of what she did to me. 

Her eyes just gazed at my cuts like they hurt her too. Her pink tongue poked out as she turned my hand here and there.

I could feel her warm breath on my arm. Why was this... 

I gulped tensing.

I moved nearer, without her noticing and was about to give in to my needs.

" Why'd you punch so hard, mad gangster." _____ suddenly said. Oh thank god you stopped me.

" We have to protect you!" I said, my eyes rolling. If we don't grandfather will kill us. And also because we likeerr-are responsible for her.

Silence ensued for awhile and i tapped my foot. Anyone who saw us outside the toilet like this would think we were fighting.

Finally _____ broke the silence, "You should go to class, i've gotta go too." she said and pointed in the direction of her classroom.

" Okay then, take care of yourself okay?" I smiled involuntarilly. Wow, shocked myself there without the usual smirk.

I became flustered and cleared my throat before messing up her hair. It was really soft.

" YAH! You're messing up my hair!" she whined, pouting playfully. I gulped.

I had better get away before i did something i would regret later so i laughed awkwardly and gave her a wink then ran off.

The school halls were empty indicating all the students had gone for more lessons.

I was going to be late but since Junsu hyung aka Mr Kim was taking our class i wouldn't get into trouble.

Finally i arrived in class and strode in. " Eep it's L.Joe oppa!" some girls squeaked, blushing and fixing their hair and makeup. 

What will that do, unless you were perfect before then it makes sense to prettiy sit there.

If not, I would already have a gross image of you plucking at your hairy brows and sticking on fake lashes. GROSS.

" Hey man, where you been?" Jonghyun asked, his arm around a girl with the classic '' looks.

" I went to help someone." I replied, seating myself on a chair and sighing.

Jonghyun gave me a nod before going back to whisper things in the girls ear, making her giggle.

She now probably knows that i saw her in the hospital.... But looks like she still doesn't care about our feelings. 

Maybe since she's our plaything something will work out.

" Yah L.Joe, what are you dreaming of?" a certain dolphin voice nagged. I focused on Junsu Hyung's face.

He asked me about why i was spacing out. I couldn't tell him right? That it was because of that crazy girl who hits peoples' crotches.

He would laugh and call me crazy. I'm so irritated. What is wrong with me? I started to ignore Junsu hyung's face as he started talking about some irrelevant thing.

I should go drink. There's only a couple more periods left anyway. I shoved the chair i was sitting on backwards and strode out of the classroom lmost just as soon as i had entered. 



This was hurried T^T

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pinkaddict #1
its getting more and more interesting!!1
Dancemach97 #2
I saw shinwoo oppa being carried onto a stretcher in the smoke while water roared,
putting out the gasoline-fueled flames.
That was CNU~
Omg! My bro is CNU?! Sweet! L.joe is drunk?! What the hell happened?!
ShinWoo? Is that the CNU/ShinWoo from B1A4? O.O Wow ~ That's a lot of groups ~

And B.A.P!!! Aww ~ So cuteee and adorableee ~~~ Love them so much XD

Hehe, update soon ~
Keep it up !!!
Fighting ^^
oh it's like a manga :))
i'm new here!! ang this is the first story that i will read!!! and it is so interesting :))))
LastWarning #8
Yahh Chingu! We both just came back from
Vietnam :D hahahaha continue uh!! :) kamsahmnida ^^
Woah?! Who is that Dr.Jung dude?! He seems so creepy!!!
On Chapter 23 is that really Leetuk's Phone number ?