
The Foreigner/ Starstruck


“You didn’t give me a nickname at all,” Kai pouted, his hands resting on the grass as he leaned back, basking under the sun.

Clarissa watched him, still in awe of the man-boy in front of her—her beautiful man-boy.

“I didn’t, huh?”

“I guess you were too lost in my eyes to remember much of anything else.” He smirked, a cocky confidence taking over her normal Jongin.

So you want to play this game? Fine. I can play. Clarissa suddenly closed the distance between them, disregarding the picnic basket separating them. Her face was only inches from his, and all she could see was his chocolate eyes widen in surprise, his cheeks bloom pink, and that confident smirk die off his lips. “Are you sure it wasn’t the other way around?” She teased, her breath tickling his face.

Kai’s breath hitched on his throat as all thought flew from his mind. Satisfied, Clarissa gave him a peck on his lips before sitting back to her original position. “I just couldn’t think of anything fitting,” she continued the conversation as if nothing happened.

She watched as his thoughts slowly and visibly went back down to the ground. She couldn’t help but laugh at how quickly he switched from y and confident to cute and loveable in a matter of seconds.

“No?” Kai was trying his best to act normal.

“No,” she tried to swallow the giggle threatening to erupt.

“Are you laughing at me?” Kai looked mildly offended.

“What? No, not at all.” A giggle bubbled out, and like an avalanche, the rest came pouring out. “I’m sorry… I just…” she couldn’t stop. “I can’t help it.” She clutched her stomach, feeling it start to hurt.

Kai felt himself start to chuckle at her utter happiness. “That’s so mean.”

“I’m sorry,” she held out her hand as a sign of truce. When he refused to take it, she grabbed his hand. “Hey. It’s just that you’re so cute when you’re surprised and sulky like this.” She smiled at him.

Kai sulked some more, but for a different reason.

“Okay, you cutie pie, time’s up.” She laughed and slapped his hand away.

Kai laughed along with her. He didn’t want the day to end.

“So. Nicknames,” Kai got back on track.

“Ugh. Do we have to?” It was Clarissa’s turn to pout.

“Why not? You’re Clumsy, so I need to be a counterpart.”

“Here’s my reasoning—Kai is the guy I see on stage, the man who winks and makes the ladies swoon. He’s the performer and the star who makes fangirls chase him through the streets of Myeongdong. But Jongin—Jongin,” she smiled appreciatively. “He’s the guy sitting in front of me, not sparkly, not fancy. He’s just a guy navigating his way through his first relationship, he’s the guy who blushes when I get close, and he’s the guy I want to hold hands with as I walk around the empty park.”

Kai was blushing, a wonderfully shy smile gracing his lips. “So I want to call him Jongin, the guy only I have the privilege to see.” She crawled to sit beside him, mimicking his position.

They stayed silent for a while, greasy smiles on their faces.

“You know, that’s the closest thing to a confession I got from you,” Kai suddenly spoke.

It was Clarissa’s turn to blush. She didn’t even realize what she was doing.

He bumped her shoulder. “I’m glad you’re the one who gets to see me like this. I can’t imagine it being anyone else.”

Clarissa felt her cheeks burn, her stomach tingling from his sweet sincerity. “Stop being so cheesy, Jongin.” There it was again, the smile she can’t wipe off her face.

“I can’t help it,” he said. “Wait!” He turned to her, a light bulb switching on. “Cheesy!”

“What?” She looked confused.

“You can be my Clumsy and I’ll be your Cheesy. It’s perfect!”

She liked the sound of it. She nodded at him, ruffling his hair. Now that she thought about it, Ryan didn’t even think of doing anything like this. It was just Clarissa and Ryan—there wasn’t any intimacy at all. She erased the thought in her head, grateful to be in the now, to be sitting next to her cheesy Jongin. He leaned into her hand, smiling contentedly as she his hair. Before Clarissa could react, Kai repositioned himself so his head was on her lap. He closed his eyes, the smile never leaving his lips.

“I’m sorry I can only bring you to places like these,” Kai suddenly opened his eyes.

“What’s wrong with places like these?” Clarissa continued his hair.

“It’s just that I can’t even take you to proper dates without worrying when the next attack will be.”

“This is a proper date. I don’t know what you’re talking about, so don’t feel sorry for anything, Cheesy,” she smiled despite the seriousness of the conversation, feeling the threads tying her and Jongin tighten more securely together at the mention of his nickname. “Anywhere you are—any time we’re spending with each other—that’s as real as a date could get.” She was surprised at her own words. Man, his cheesiness is rubbing off on me.

Kai sat up, a wide grin conveying how much reassurance her words gave him. He suddenly stood up, holding out his right hand in invitation. “Shall we dance?”

BGM- The Last Time

Clarissa laughed at his spontaneity. “I can’t dance, Cheesy. You should know by my nickname.”

He held out his hand, insisting she take it. “It’s okay.” I can be graceful for the both of us. A sense of déjà vu washed over Kai and a smile crept up on his face. Look where we are now.

“We don’t even have music,” Clarissa tried to resist as much as she could.

“You can sing. Or I can sing for you.” He smiled and pulled her up.

“How would you know if I can sing?” Clarissa said as Kai slipped one hand on hers and the other on her waist.

“It’s time we find out, don’t we?” Kai smirked. “Besides, I just have this gut feeling you can sing. You can’t be talentless, you know?”

Clarissa scoffed. “Are you complimenting me or insulting me right now?”

Kai laughed as he gently pulled her closer to him. “I know you can sing. I just do.”

“Alright. Don’t be disappointed, okay?” Clarissa cleared . “What do I sing?” She suddenly felt nervous. This was way out of her box. She doesn’t sing—not in front of others—and she certainly doesn’t dance, with or without an audience.

“Whatever you feel like singing.” Kai was already starting to sway them both, a simple side to side motion, even before she started singing.

A song came to Clarissa, and suddenly, she knew it was just the right song.

The first time we walked under that starry sky,

There was a moment when everything was clear.

I didn’t even need to ask or even wonder why,

Because each question is answered when you’re near.

And I’m wise enough to know when a miracle unfolds,

This is the last time I’ll fall in love.

She didn’t realize how fitting the song was until the words were out of her—it was what she’d been wanting to say all along. She was putting all of herself out for him, hoping and praying that he’ll be her last. And maybe she could be his last someday.


Is my writing taking a serious dip or what? Ugh. BTW, ninacchi, the nickname was for you, honey! Haha thanks for the suggestion! ;)

We're down to our last leg of the story, guys. I'm wrapping up soon T.T Wow. Getting the feels and we're not even done yet. hahaha sorry. As you guys probably know by now, I have a for the dramatic. Whatevs. I know y'all will understand me.

BUT! In the meantime, I don't want to let you guys go just yet! Hahaha I love you guys too much to do that. So, I want to tell you guys about my new 'project.' As I've mentioned in a past chapter, I've been toying around with the idea of making stories out of songs. Well, the first request has been released! So, torinicole, Baby Don't Cry! Hahaha please check it out. Even if you're not torinicole, please check it out anyway. I made it for all of you, to show my appreciation for all of your love and support throughout my first journey as a fanfic writer. LOL Why am I so dramatic today? Tsk. Thank you guys! <3

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Chapter 10: aiiyah~ so cute
silentreader22 #2
Chapter 31: i'll definitely miss reading ths one. I love this
silentreader22 #3
Chapter 20: Ohh yes author-nim, I have to agree with you XD aren't there any boys like this for sale anywhere??? Gosh they're so sweet, I'm getting cavities ahahhahha
silentreader22 #4
Chapter 19: OH GOSH KILL ME >.< my stomach is threatening to kill me if I don't feed it but I'm still here giggling like a mad woman in front of my pc XD Kai!! Why are you so freaking sweet and adorable!!
silentreader22 #5
Chapter 15: I can hardly contain my fangirl squeals~~!!! ahahahha. Too much sweetness!!
Mary_EXOtic #6
Chapter 31: Wait... it's over? the fanfic is over?! OMG i loved it so much and i don't want it to end like this
hunhanisreal_ot12 #7
Chapter 31: I. Just. Finished. Reading. It. Huhuhu loved the ending so much so fluffy and all <3 <3 it made e realize sooooo many things about having a relationship and having an idol as a boyfriend. If i could just type non stop, i would've typed "i loved this story <3" nore than a billion times :) i hope you can do a master piece like this again. Till next story?? Lol :D
p.S sorry if i just finished this today. I just didn't know that this was finished already..... :( lol
hunhanisreal_ot12 #8
Chapter 29: Omg this chapter.... THIS IS LOVE <3 <3 <3
Chapter 31: Aw, you lied authornim!! I did LOVE your ending!!! I told you!!! Haha you scared me when you said I might not like the ending. >.<
Chapter 31: i finished this today morning and really it's been a while since i've read such a well-written, creative, and cute story!
thank you for making it realistic! the flow of the events was great and the characters struggle was shown in great language. i loved the way you described everything and made the secondary characters get into the story without ruining it.
i actually felt every moment! i giggled and blushed at the funny moments and i couldn't help but scream at the characters as if i were living it in reality!
i'll be anticipating more from you!
thank you for writing this <3